
Fairy Tail: Another Dragon Slayer

I'm just writing for fun. Anyway same old cliche reincarnation. Guy dies gets reincarnated to Fairy Tail with no cheats or system just a blessing. Mc is an idiot from time to time. Slow pace for a couple of chapters so please be patient. Since I'm writing for fun probably gonna follow the cannon with some changes here and there. Any comments and suggestions are highly appreciated.

_Daemon_ · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 8

Ur brought Gray and Lyon to a safe place and ran back to Dino as fast as she could.

When she came back she saw a bleeding Dino firing off bladed projectiles from his claws made from his own blood directly to Deliora who only recieves light scratches who waves its arm, smashing Dino to a wall turning it to rubbles.

"Dino!" Ur yelled while running to his side, but.


"Graaaahh!" The transformed Dino roars like a beast and jumps straight to Deliora attacking it again not minding his increasing wounds.

Deliora seeing the 'insect' infront of it standing up again enraged him even more, and fired off an energy beam towards Dino.

"No! Ice-make: Shield!" Ur immediately created a shield in a shape of a flower infront of Dino, shielding him from the beam and stopping him from trying to kill himself.


The beam hits the ice shield and explodes, throwing Dino to the air and crashing to a destroyed building.

Dino tries to stand up but immediately falls down due to fatigue and injures begins to crawl towards Deliora.

"Stop! Dino, that's enough!" Ur couldn't take it anymore turns Dino to an ice block preventing him from moving.

"He could break that ice easily if not for his injuries. You've done enough Dino leave the rest to me, take this you monster! Ice-make: Rose Garden!"

The attack hit Deliora but did nothing. "It didn't even flinch, how about this!"

"Ice-make: Rose Krone!"

"Ice-make: Ice Geyser!"

"Ice-make: Ice Volcano!"

Ur kept shooting her magic towards Deliora, while it just uses it's energy beam destroying Ur's attacks.


"Haaa~ Haaa~ Damn monster didn't even break a sweat." Ur said tiredly but still casted magic towards Deliora.

"Ice-make: Avalanche!"

Deliora getting anoyed at the 'insect' that kept bugging it took the attack and charged an even stronger energy beam.


Ur crashed to a wall while Deliora raises its claws to shred her apart.

Ur closed her eye waiting for the attack but heared a loud booming sound. She opens her eyes and saw Deliora thrown backwards before crashing on the ground.

"Hmm, looks like I'm late." Said a voice behind Ur making her turn around.

'Shit! First a demon now a giant dragon!?' She tought as she was staring at the giant white western dragon covered in blood and missing one of its limbs.

"Atleast its injured, I just hope whatever did that to it doesn't come here." She said while preparing her magic.

"Are you the one who turned Dino to an ice cube human?" asked the dragon.

"Huh? You know Dino? Wait! You're that Kurnugi guy he was talking about? I thought that fragon thing was metaphorical, didn't dragons go extinct 400 years ago?" Ur was shocked and kept asking questions.

"Yes, I'm Kurnugi. I don't have much time, the 'eaters' are coming. Give this to Dino." He said while passing a box to Ur.

Then a white flame covered with seals goes out of Kurnugi's body into Dino's. "This is the last gift I can give you. It will unseal on its own when you are strong enough. I'll leave the rest to you human woman." He says and fires a dragon breath towards Deliora and flies away.

"What just happened!?" Ur couldn't react to the sudden change or events. She almost died then a dragon came and told her he was the parent of Dino, blasted Deliora and flew away.


A load roar woke her up from her confusion and saw Deliora standing up again. She saw that Deliora was injured, missing its upper right side of the body.

(A/N: Think of igneel when Acnologia killed him)

Deliora was enraged and started wildly firing energy beams everywhere.

"Its still alive!?" Ur was surprised but started attacking the injured Deliora after leaving the box beside Dino.

*Boom! Boom! Boom!*

Ur kept attacking the demon but it still does nothing to it. "Shit! How come its still this strong with those injuries!? Looks like I really have to use that." She said and prepared her final attack.

"Ur!" Suddenly she hears a voice behind her, she looks back and sees that it is Gray.

"Why'd you come back!? Didn't I tell you to stay where you were!? Nevermind, I won't let you get closer to my pupils monster! 'Iced Shell'!"

Magic power flowed out of her body turning her to snow covering Deliora who is slowly being encased into Ice.

"H-Her body!?"

"This spell ruins the casters body, it's a spell that turns the casters body into ice. For all eternity. Gray... I have a favor to ask. Tell Lyon and Dino I died. I bet they will try to turn my body back for his whole life if he knew. I want Dino and Lyon to discover the world. Gray you too of course. And tell Dino I refuse his proposal, he's ten years to early. Also give him the box beside him its from his dad." She said.

"Ur! Stop! Please, I'll listen to whatever you tell me, just please don't leave us!" Seeing that Ur is slowly disappearing, Gray begged Ur to stop.

"You don't have to be sad Gray. I'm alive. I'm eternally alive as ice. Keep moving foward towards the future." Ur said.



*Crack! Crack! Break!*

The ice encasing Dino broke and released him.

"Huh? Is it morning already?" Dino said confused but a scream woke him up from his confusing and saw Lyon grabbing Gray's collar

"Bastard! What will happen to my dream! What will happen to my dream of surpassing Ur!!? Shiit! Shit!!!! It's all your fault, if only you didn't challenged Deliora..!! You killed Ur!!" Yelled Lyon.

Dino pulled away Lyon from Gray and asked, "Hey, stop. What's happening? What do you mean Ur died?"

"Ur used 'Iced shell' to freeze Deliora and died." Gray said while crying.

"And that bastard is the reason why she used it!" Lyon said pointing to Gray.

"Ur..." Dino said and stared at the now frozen Deliora.

After a while Lyon left while the two were silently looking at the horizon.

"Ur said that she's alive as the ice. She also told me to give you this, she said it's from your dad." Gray said and gave the box to Dino.

'Dad? Kurnugi! But why didn't he just gave it to me, and why didn't he help fight Deliora? That's not important right now. I need to find a way to bring Ur back.' Thought Dino and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Gray said.

"I don't know, I'm going to search for Kurnugi. Maybe he has a way to bring Ur back. Don't follow me Gray, the you right now is too weak. Don't worry about it to much, just think of the future." Dino said and left going to god knows where.

A couple of minutes go by and Gray made up his mind.

"Dino... He's right, I'm too weak. I need to get stronger if I want to save Ur. Let's go to the west." Gray looked at Deliora one last time and clenched his hands into a fist.

The three pupils of Ur went to different directions. Gray and Lyon went to the west from different paths while Dino.

"Hmm, where am I again?"


I came back earlier since something happened.

Sorry for the chapter. I was drunk when writing and I couldn't bother to rewrite it. Not the best chapter, but I want to follow the canon so my thoughts were 'Hey, what if the dragon eaters were hunting Kurnugi during this time so he comes late; then he injures Deliora before Ur uses iced shell so the chance to bring her back is higher, since she needs to keep on fighting Deliora inside the ice.' or something like that.

I couldn't write more since the work's pretty heavy. Although I'm half done with the next one, maybe finish it tomorrow or the next day. Sorry.

Anyways, I regret nothing.

Stay safe chiao~~  (*・ω・)ノ