
Eye of Aragos: The Darkness comes

[ ... In a momentous evening, Christopher Salvatore, a compassionate person who often feels manipulated by others, experiences a profound change when he encounters a mysterious woman. In a twist of fate, this unexpected meeting grants Christopher supernatural abilities as a vampire, forever altering the trajectory of his life. Not knowing what powers he owns, he later discovers that there is an individual residing within his very soul. The individual is known as Ardelean, a servant of The Darkness, the embodiment of Evil, who possesses an intense thirst for revenge upon his previous love partner, The Light. After Christopher is chosen by Ardelean to become his host, The Darkness is determined to possess Christopher's body and unleash its vengeance upon the Universe. If such an event occurs, his life will be lost. However... Is that truly going to happen? Or Christopher breaks free from his puppet strings and emerges as an indomitable Vampire, striking fear into the hearts of all in the Universe ... ] ________________________ ! Warning: Narcissism, Manipulation, and other Toxic behaviors are present in the later development of this book together with R-18 Chapters ! ! Reader is advised ! ________________________ [ Cover is mine. All covers are made by myself or at least edited if they are done by someone else. If an Author wants, I'll change it but only if you have proof the cover is yours :) ] ________________________ [ This story is fiction and any connection to the RW is mere coincidence... ]

Patrik_Crown · Kỳ huyễn
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88 Chs

The Problems of Credia 3

[A/N: Sup guys, my new book called "The Darkness System" has the first chapter out so if you're interested, go and find out what is the book hiding...]

[ Also, I decided that I will pause the book (Lonely Wolf) I wanted to present on WSA24 because of too much work for you guys as well as me. ]

[ Maybe in the future, I'll release a few chaps as a demo of the interactive element so you can test out the composition but, for now, My Darkness system will be the one presented on WSA2024. ]

[ So if you want, you can go, check it out, and vote for me if you like it.]

[ Thank y'all for support :) ]


Appearing behind the shadowy being, Christopher grabbed him by his neck.

"Hmm, who do we have here? A prey trying to hunt a hunter?~" Christopher asked as he smiled widely, making the shadowy being shudder in fear.

Seeing Christopher holding him, the being tried to sneakily inform his companion about the cover being blown up, but before he could do anything with the orb that appeared in his hand, Christopher's face distorted, changing into that of a big dark dragon.

In the face of such a monstrosity, the being started crying as Christopher bit the being's entire head off and swallowed.


Then the arms... *BITE,

Legs... *CHOP *CHOP *CHOP,

And chest *GULP,

As the entire being became part of Christopher's shadowy zombie army.

"Ugh, not that it was bad, but blood is better though~," he said and burped, letting a yellow orb fly from his mouth.

"Hmm, what is this? " He said.

Changing his face back to normal while corrupting the orb with his darkness, a set of conversations and memories flew to his mind, when suddenly two shots were heard.


Smiling widely when he saw from where the shots came, the time around Christopher slowed down as his body began to be covered in blood-red lightning.

Running across the forest as fast as he could, he suddenly appeared in front of the Credia Goddess.

Facing the nearby hill, he assumed the pose of Jesus on a cross as each of his hands got pierced by a bullet.

But what was interesting was that nothing flew past his hands, the bullets were just consumed by his body through the holes in his hands.

"Christopher?! " the Goddess opened her eyes wide in surprise and concern when she saw Christopher's bleeding hands but when her gaze shifted to his expression, relief formed in her heart.

*Fuu, she sighed.

'He is fine...' she then thought as her gaze fixed on the spot from where the two projectiles came.

Seeing a man with a weapon, her gaze narrowed but when her eyes shifted back to Christopher, she understood she was safe.

Seeing his wide smile and eyes dark as the abyss, she smiled too, a gesture followed by her relaxed position on her throne.

"Should I intervene? " she asked with a loving smile.

"No need..." Christopher replied, his eyes fixed on the nearby hill.

"He is mine~"



"What in the... HOW?! " the Captain of the duo that came to kill those two Lords shouted from behind a large sniper-looking rifle.

Seeing the man sitting on the throne while also standing in front of himself and the Credia Goddess, he couldn't comprehend what was happening.

Everything started to make sense when the man sitting on the throne suddenly crumbled apart and only the standing one remained.

"A fake image?! " the man shouted as he started firing more and more bullets.

But every attempt and each bullet was neutralized by Christopher and his blood-red lightning.

Each time the Captain's bullet reached Christopher's lightning area which was around five meters wide, the bullet was literally evaporated from existence.

Nothing passed Christopher's lightning area that could hurt the woman behind him or himself.

Somehow, even when he wasn't interested in her, his overprotective side instinctively kicked in.

After a few seconds of trying to shoot the monster, the Captain looked inside the magazine of his gun.

Looking at the amount of bullets remaining, the Captain's eyes widened.

There was only one single bullet...

"God... wish me luck and good aim," he said and fired the bullet.

After the Captain fired his last bullet aimed at Christopher's head, the projectile slowly spun as it flew through the air.

Seeing reaching its target, Christopher smiled widely as a trace of darkness slowly left Christopher's body and when it crashed with the bullet, a few centimeters away from Christopher's head, the darkness consumed it which made the Captain narrow his eyes in anger.

Seeing no other attempts to kill him, Christopher asked him:

"Are you done? "

"Eh? " the Captain's expression couldn't react to Christopher's words because right after the question was asked, Christopher disappeared in traces of blood-red lightning and appeared behind the Captain.

"Wait, wait, wait-" the Captain begged, but his words weren't heard.

Instead, Christopher just let his tentacles bite him like snakes over and over again and then consume him while he gained another orb.

The process same as before happened again as this time, he gained more intel.

With wide eyes, Christopher whispered.


Suddenly, a pillar of black energy with a blood-red aura flew from him toward the Credia Empire sky, marking it with a blood-red color while earthquakes began to shake the entire continent of Aragos.

"When I get my hands on that fucker, he will be done! " he shouted as a blast of Lilith's flames mixed with his aura hit the sky, exploding right after.

Everything within the radius of five meters turned to pure ash as if an ultra-dimensional gate had opened and hit the ground.

"Hah," the Goddess sighed.

"Nothing will ever grow from that place again..." she added, pointing out at the burned place as Christopher appeared next to her.

Handing the two orbs to the Goddess, she took them and examined them.

With wide eyes, she slammed them against the ground as pure rage filled her soul, painting her eyes with darkness.

"Excuse me, Lord of Sangruil, I have an important matter that needs to be taken care of," the Goddess suddenly proclaimed as she turned ready to leave.

At that moment, Christopher swiftly touched her hand, spun her body, and grabbed her by her sides.

"I can't let you leave~," he said right after.

"Uh? But I need to take care of those fuckers! " she shouted.

"But if I let you go now, you'll alert the individuals who want to steal your throne, which we don't want to do... right?~"

"How we can catch them then if you give them a warning echo? " Christopher spoke with a 'gentle' smile and a 'cute' glow in his eyes.

Well, the smile wasn't exactly gentle, more like a possessive one that was bathed in madness.

And the glow in his eyes, you ask?

Well, his eyes looked like those of a happy child who just found a Christmas present.

The only difference is that the child is completely crazy, locked in the mental hospital and the present is a chainsaw!

"I... I... I lose everything..." The Goddess lost her words again while looking deeply into Christopher's hypnotizing eyes which were fixed tightly to the eyes of the Milf Goddess.

Her eyes were dark as if two black holes were born in them, her touch was gentle and her face was expressionless like she was a robot.

She wielded her hand and placed it on Christopher's cheek while letting her desires finally control her.

"Will you help me get rid of them? I'll be yours right after if you want to, I held back my desires for too long."

"But, back to the subject, I heard about your capabilities from my spies and I think you are the only Lord who can help me. You even subdued Frederic, your rival."

Christopher flashed a small gentle smile as his eyes turned like the Goddess', just with a blood-red glow and not emerald-green.

"You mean these? " he said as his shadow started to grow, forming an appearance of countless dead individuals the Goddess knew very well.

"I see," she smiled.

"But, back to our previous topic," Christopher said as those appearances made from his shadow crumbled:

"This war is yours and not mine. Why should I meddle in someone else's war if I don't have anything to lose in the first place~" Christopher spoke with a seductive but at the same time cold and honest tone.

The Goddess looked at him with a somewhat possessive gaze which formed a wide smile on Christopher's face.

Then, she spoke.

"You can lose me~"

"But I don't own you... How can I lose something that's not fully mine~" Christopher smiled.

"But I am and you know it! I became yours the first second I set foot into the den of sin you formed and built in Sangruil." the Goddess pouted.

"The first second I saw your mesmerizing smile, felt your touch, and smell your scent, I knew I'm yours~" The Goddess spoke with a seductive and sweet tone of a professional milf.

"But I don't want you woman... I was just polite and wanted to help you a little so the same fate wouldn't happen to me. You're not the type I like, so... I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry."

"You... You just rejected me? Me? A beautiful Goddess? " The Goddess's smile widened as her expression cracked.

"Yes," Christopher's answer was instant and cold.

"Why... What do your girls have that I don't?! " the Credia Empress turned completely crazy.

"A-Am I not beautiful enough? " she touched her beautiful face like a famous pink-haired girl from an anime and continued:

"Or... Or am I not... not smart enough?! " she suddenly formed black, angular glasses on her face and looked at Christopher like a hot milf professor that was crazy in love with him while still holding her face like the famous Yandere character.

"Or is my body not... not developed enough? "

The Goddess suddenly stood up and slapped her ass while touching, with her other hand, her big chest.

"This is not every man can have! " she said and asked again:

"Or am I not sexy enough? " her dress started changing and now those little decent leather dress she previously wore looked like a thin, short, black cocktail dress of a thot.

Then, forming a throne behind Christopher, she pushed him down as she took a pose while he landed on his ass with a smile.

Christopher was amused by her mental breakdown and her attempts to change herself so she could be more like his girls but she still lacked something precious to him.

Standing up from the throne that immediately disappeared, he grabbed the Goddess by her sides, making the Goddess moan while he sprinted forward with his incredible Vampire speed, leaving the ice trails behind him again.

A sign he still lacked some control over his powers.

The next second, they landed gently on the field near the hill where Christopher had his "breakdown".

There Christopher, while leaning over her, leaned closer to the Goddess and whispered:

"You have everything every man could dream of but I'm not like everyone as you may already know."

Leaning slowly closer, he spoke: "To catch my attention, you would need one thing all of my women have but you lack it."

"Then what is it? " the Goddess leaned desperately and so close that their lips were almost touching.

"You are not crazy enough~," Christopher said and got up from the ground as one of the nails of the Credia Goddess holding his cheek scratched his face.

A drop of Christopher's blood then fell on the ground and instantly got consumed by it.

'Weird...' Christopher thought but ignored it right after.

"It was a pleasure to finally meet you Goddess of Credia." He suddenly spoke up as he ruffled his hair a little and adjusted his suit, forming an image of an even more mesmerizingly-looking man.

"We will see each other at the meeting." He said and turned, walking from the field with small, satisfied steps back into his territory which starts at the same spot where he previously sat and relaxed the last hour with the Goddess.

The woman was looking at Christopher's back with a piercing narrowed gaze while thinking about his last words...

Of course, interpreted them in her own, twisted way.

'HE LOVES ME !!!!! ' the Goddess thought.

'He gave me an opinion to change myself... To be with him! BUT HE LOVES ME ! ' and again...

'I just need to change. BUT HE LOVES ME! HE LOVES ME! ' and again...

'CHRISTOPHER LOVES ME! ME! ME! ' and again...


'HE IS MINE! ' she was repeating the same phrase over and over again like a broken record.

The Goddess was lost in her own world while watching Christopher disappear in the Saigia forest.

Lying on the ground of her territory where Christopher left her, she was letting her sinful body, dressed in a tight black cocktail dress be bathed in the blood-red moonlight of nearby Sangruil's moon.

All while letting her mind and heart fall deeper and deeper into a never-ending cycle of slowly building obsession called Christopher.

Her eyes had the shape of pink hearts as she started craving his name into her arm with her nails.

She was repeating the process over and over again because each time, her arms healed and the pain was gone.

"You want me crazy? Hehehe~," she said while craving the words of his name now into her left thigh.

Covered in blood from the previous cravings, her gaze started glowing red and the craving in her thigh stopped healing, letting the blood flow.

With a satisfied smile, the Goddess started craving his name into her other thigh as well, decorating it with hearts and other love signs.

"You want me to be crazy for you my Lord~? "

Seeing the name on her thighs covered in blood, she did the same process to her arms and wrists but this time, preventing the healing process from starting too.

When she was done, she let the blood flow while kneeling and placing her hands on her cheeks again like a truly crazy and obsessive yandere.

Covering her entire face and decolletage with her own blood while licking her wounds sensually, she smiled.

"Okay Darling~... I'll be crazy for you! " she said with a wide smile and glowing eyes as she disappeared in golden light, letting the blood on the ground be consumed by the grass and dirt of the empty field.

On the same spot, just a few seconds later, slowly grew a big tree with blood-red leaves and golden fruit.

The tree stood right in the middle of the border of Christopher's and the Goddess' territories, uniting these two places of Supernatural purgatory forever with their blood.

While Sangruil started being empowered by an unknown divine force coming from the Credia, Credia began to be empowered by the Darkness of Sangruil.

But, as the tree rose, a prophecy from Heaven written a long time ago started to be fulfilled.

A Prophecy about the demise of this old planet as well as her sister, Earth, but...

Will it truly happen?


... ... ... ... ...

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