
Eye of Aragos: The Darkness comes

[ ... In a momentous evening, Christopher Salvatore, a compassionate person who often feels manipulated by others, experiences a profound change when he encounters a mysterious woman. In a twist of fate, this unexpected meeting grants Christopher supernatural abilities as a vampire, forever altering the trajectory of his life. Not knowing what powers he owns, he later discovers that there is an individual residing within his very soul. The individual is known as Ardelean, a servant of The Darkness, the embodiment of Evil, who possesses an intense thirst for revenge upon his previous love partner, The Light. After Christopher is chosen by Ardelean to become his host, The Darkness is determined to possess Christopher's body and unleash its vengeance upon the Universe. If such an event occurs, his life will be lost. However... Is that truly going to happen? Or Christopher breaks free from his puppet strings and emerges as an indomitable Vampire, striking fear into the hearts of all in the Universe ... ] ________________________ ! Warning: Narcissism, Manipulation, and other Toxic behaviors are present in the later development of this book together with R-18 Chapters ! ! Reader is advised ! ________________________ [ Cover is mine. All covers are made by myself or at least edited if they are done by someone else. If an Author wants, I'll change it but only if you have proof the cover is yours :) ] ________________________ [ This story is fiction and any connection to the RW is mere coincidence... ]

Patrik_Crown · Kỳ huyễn
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88 Chs

Rose Báthory

["WAKE UP YOU STUPID PUPPET! Open your eyes host~ "] I heard then opening my eyes I felt two big and soft pillows pressing against my chest.

My gaze dropped down from the unfamiliar ceiling as I saw a red-haired beauty sniffing my T-shirt with a drooling smile and blushed cheeks.

She was sleeping naked on my body and it was the same girl I had seen before I fell unconscious.

'Ugh, what happened? A-a-and wh-who is this girl? I don't know her... but I don't mind hehe... yet'

I smiled but suddenly she started talking from her dream "Hehehe Darling~ don't run away... hehe you need to be punished for that... no no no don't touch me there~... yeah like that, don't stop uhnnnn~ uhhh~ yes, uhhh~ you are a good boy~"

A jolt of electricity shot through my body when I heard that and she immediately tightened her grip on my T-shirt when she felt my body movement.

"E-e-e you have a job here Darling~ YOU. ARE. NOT going anywhere~... Uhnnnn~ mmmm~ YES UH-HUH~ yes your tongue mmmmm~ like that, don't stop!" she started again but now I felt something wet, sticky, and hot dripping on my crotch.

She slowly started rubbing herself against my body more, making me a little ahm... excited ~ but then three loud knocks were heard.


I stayed quiet, looking at the door but after a few seconds, the knocks were heard again.


The girl on me opened her blood-red eyes filled with anger, saying "What do you want? I said DO NOT disturb US!" I heard a female voice answering "Lady Rose, please dress appropriately, we have a visitor"

"Ugh," she frowned.

'Hmm, so her name is... Rose? Well, she is beautiful like a rose' Then, changing my vision I saw that she has a red aura too 'And she is a vampire too. Maybe she knows Vicki?'

Her anger suddenly disappeared as if never existed when she turned and her gaze met mine.

The iris in her eyes were in the shape of hearts and her gaze was felt only love, kindness, and some sadness.

"Aaaahhh Darling~ you are awake! I was so worried about you... You can't leave me like this again! If something happened to you I-I would..." Her gaze changed to a lifeless stare filled with darkness as murdering thoughts ran through her mind.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere yet but do you know Vicki? Vicki Phoenix... She was with me last night-" I wanted to say more but she put her finger on my lips and her gaze changed fully black as her irisis changed to deep red with a dangerous glow.

"That bitches stole you from me, wanting to have you all to themselves! So I stole you back hehe" she said with obvious darkness in her voice but at the end, she laughed like an innocent angel and I gulped.

She was HOT and dangerous!

But I obviously ignored that dangerous part.

*Gulp "Hehe sorry but what? I don't understand what is ha-" but then the doors opened and two maids walked inside.

One held a beautiful short white dress with blood-red stains and the second held a snow-white suit with the same blood stains.

It looked like a decoration.

"Now darling, you just need to know that we are married and I am your wife. ONLY WIFE! And now dear~ come and change."

"That suit there is my gift for you. I needed to wait twelve years for you to become finally mine, hehe, do you like it?" she asked with expectations and I just nodded because of the shock I received.

'What? Married? Again? I have two wives?' I said with my inner voice hearing Ardelean laughing in my head ["HAHAHAHAHAHAHA You are interesting host~ HAHAHAHA! I knew it was a good choice to choose you~"]

["Your reactions are priceless!"]

Rose then got up and I saw her beautiful naked body, walking and swinging her hips like a literal goddess of beauty.

She was 185 cm tall with curvy body but her ass was bigger than Vicki's and she had beautiful top-class G-cups.

"Wow," I whispered as she smiled a little at my stunned reaction and walked to the bathroom with her maids.

[... On the first floor: Living room ...]

A man in a black suit was sitting on a leather, vine-red couch as his wives were having a little snack.

He was looking at the ceiling as he thought 'Hmmm weird, why is Rose's bedroom covered in this... this ugly darkness. I can't see through it! Is someone else there with her? Is it a man?!'

His red eyes started glowing bright red and strong pressure left his body as he focused his attention on Rose's room.

[... Rose's bedroom ...]

Christopher was standing in front of the mirror in his white suit when he suddenly felt a strange feeling, something was telling him that he should be careful.

'Hmm, what is this feeling?' I thought as my vision changed to the black and white world and looking around I saw only Rose changing and two maids helping her.

"We are on the second floor so then..." I said, lowering my gaze as the floor disappeared revealing a first floor with dozens of rooms.

In one of them was a man sitting on a couch with two girls standing behind him and two sitting on each side of the couch.

Another four women were walking and looking around the room.

All of them had red auras around their bodies and the four around the couch were drinking the man's blood.

Two from his neck and the other two from his wrists.

'Interesting' I thought as I remembered a session I had with Vicki and suddenly I felt extremely strong pressure pulling me towards the ground, making my bones crack.

"What the hell?" I said with some difficulty and looked back at the man who was now looking directly at me.

The pressure doubled and the ground around me started cracking together with my entire bone structure.

"Ughhh what is this?" I said in a trembling voice as I fell on my knees but suddenly after a few seconds, the pressure disappeared.

"Huh? That was weird..." I said hearing steps coming from the bathroom as my body started healing at an incredible pace, Around ten seconds, my body was like new.

["We need to talk host~"] said Ardelean as Rose came from the bathroom, in her white dress with her two maids.

'Later' I said internally when I heard Rose say "Leave" as the maids bowed, turned, and left without saying anything.

["It's a serious host!"] Ardelean demanded.

'I said later!' I replied.

[... Living room ...]

The man who was previously sitting on the couch with a cool and cold expression was now shaking violently with a horrified look as drops of sweat were falling from his forehead and his mind was occupied with only one thought 'What the hell was that thing... I felt like it wanted to devour me alive!'

His wives were just staring at him looking quite surprised at his sudden change.

"What happened husband? I never saw you that scared" one of them asked but he just stared on the ground, shaking and sweating.

[... Rose's bedroom ...]

Rose was now standing in front of Christopher, looking at him with a loving gaze.

"So now when we are alone can you explain this mess to me, please? Vicki said she was my wife when I met her and now I'm standing in this expensive suit inside some mansion not knowing what happened yesterday after I blacked out and you are saying now that you are my wife too" I said looking at her with expectations.

Her gaze suddenly darkened when she heard Vicki's name but then her expression changed to a little sad.

She sighed as she sat on her bed tapping a spot next to her with her left hand.

I remembered another memory from my past, quite similar to this image so I smiled at her a little and sat down.

["Forget that girls already host~. She's lost forever!"] Ardelean said making me think about my past more but then Rose started and I stopped diving into my memories.

"In the past when me, Vicki, and our friend named Claudia were just little girls, we ran away from our houses wanting to play outside. Our parents were talking every day about how dangerous the world is to our kind but one day, mine, Vicki's, and Claudia's parents left for a meeting and we ignored what they were saying."

"We wanted to be free and live a life fully so we ran to the forest and played there. Suddenly after a few hours, some werewolves found us and started chasing us. After a tiring chase, they caught and dragged us to their Village, locking us in wooden and metal cages underground."

"We were imprisoned for almost three months with one little cup of blood every week, being beaten every day. They used us as slaves while waiting for someone to buy us..."

My eyes darkened when I heard what Rose said as I put my hand on hers.

Her sad eyes looked at me as a beautiful smile formed on her face when she saw my lifeless gaze staring at her.

'Even when I don't know her, something in me wants to kill those who did this' I thought.

["Haah, don't worry host~ you are going to have an opportunity~."] I heard as I touched and carried Rose's right cheek saying ''Honey continue please'' still looking at her with my lifeless gaze.

This marriage thing was still a whole new level for me but I tried my best and adapt to a loving husband.

Rose blushed under my touch and words and then threw herself into my arms as she started crying.

Unconsciously, murdering pressure mixed with darkness exploded from my body affecting everything around me except for Rose.

The mansion started cracking under my pressure making the maids and that man with his wives on the first floor think about what was happening.

"It's all right, I'm here, you don't need to worry anymore," I said caressing her hair when I suddenly heard ["You stupid puppet, control your power! Don't make your emotions take control! You are destroying everything!"]

I didn't understand at first so I asked: 'What do you mean?'

["Don't you see?! You're releasing big amounts of energy because of your emotions! Control yourself or you'll expose your origin to everyone!"]

Only then did I realise what I was doing so I took a few deep breaths and gained control again, making the pressure disappear.

Rose then nodded and continued with her story but she stayed in my embrace, enjoying that comfort.

*Sob *Sniff "Hehe uhhh~ thank you, darling, ahh, so as I said before (*sniff) they were using us as slaves but we were not alone. When we came to the village, there were already another three vampire girls."

"After some time, they told us their names, Alice, Sophia, and Evie."

"We became friends (*Sniff) and thanks to their help, I managed to escape looking for help."

"And then, I found you, wandering around, lost in that big forest."

"I asked you for help and you went with me. I thought that you were going to run away from me because of my look but you just smiled, hugged me, and said I'm cute and that you want to help. Thanks to you, we all managed to escape that day."

"You were running around the village, taking the werewolf's attention, even attacking them like a hero, while I was helping my friends and when we left, you disappeared and were nowhere to be found which upset us a little."

"As I revealed to them who I met when I escaped, they were skeptical at first but understood after I showed them my memories through a friend of my mother"

"That day, we silently fell in love with you..."

"Later we came home and found out that you were okay so we started watching you, later fell in love with you more than before, and now married you hehe. And then-" She wanted to say more but three loud knocks were heard again.

*KNOCK *KNOCK *KNOCK "Lady Rose, I'm sorry to disturb you but Lord Lazarus is getting impatient"

"Ugh fine we are coming!" she said as she looked at me with desire in her eyes.

I kissed her passionately and the sweet taste of strawberries was presented to my tongue.

War between our tongues lasted a few minutes and as we separated a bridge of saliva was made, connecting our lips for the last second.

"Later we'll continue but now, uhhhh~ come with me darling. I need to take care of something"

'Hmmmm he knows what I need, like always... sadly I needed to make you forget everything every time we met.' thought Rose as she was being drowned in Christopher's eyes.

We stood up and walked away accompanied by a maid who was staring at us all the time.

I looked at her and when our gaze met she blushed as a small heart formed in her eyes.

'Hmmm weird' I thought as we walked downstairs towards the Living room letting the maid walk behind us.

As they walked, the maid took a photo from her pocket.

It was a picture of a man who was looking like Christopher.

The only difference was their hair (Christopher's was shorter) but everything else was the same.

'Hehehe I found you again, my dear Alex' she thought looking at Christopher from behind with a perverted face 'But I'm not going to let you die again, my love~. NOT AGAIN! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You are not going to escape again, darling~' she laughed internally, her laughter holding a hysteric and manic tone as her eyes shaped into black holes that were glued at Christopher's back all the time.

The only one who saw it was Ardelean who was hidden in Christopher, smiling and thinking ['This is going to be interesting hehehe~.']

[... The front of a nightclub named Atlas in New York ...]

'Ahhhh, don't worry darling, I'm coming' thought a beautiful vampire lady with white hair tied in a ponytail, dressed in a red tight dress ending just above her knees, with red ornaments, looking from a window of a limousine.

In front of her sat another beauty with long black hair, pale skin, beautiful D-cups, and a rounded ass, a little smaller than Vicki's but with her charm.

She was dressed in a black shirt with two buttons unbuttoned showing her left shoulder and a small skirt that showed her long beautiful legs making every man who looked at them drowning in lust.

"Lady Victoria, where are we going?" asked a driver still looking straight.

"I'm going to visit an old friend of mine. Go to the Báthory residence" Vicki answered, still looking at the beautiful blue sky through her black window.

The next girl just smiled and thought 'Hmm, We are going to finally meet again husband... and this time, I'll make sure you are going to remember it!'

Then the limousine moved towards their destination.


... ... ... ... ...

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