
Eye of Aragos: The Darkness comes

[ ... In a momentous evening, Christopher Salvatore, a compassionate person who often feels manipulated by others, experiences a profound change when he encounters a mysterious woman. In a twist of fate, this unexpected meeting grants Christopher supernatural abilities as a vampire, forever altering the trajectory of his life. Not knowing what powers he owns, he later discovers that there is an individual residing within his very soul. The individual is known as Ardelean, a servant of The Darkness, the embodiment of Evil, who possesses an intense thirst for revenge upon his previous love partner, The Light. After Christopher is chosen by Ardelean to become his host, The Darkness is determined to possess Christopher's body and unleash its vengeance upon the Universe. If such an event occurs, his life will be lost. However... Is that truly going to happen? Or Christopher breaks free from his puppet strings and emerges as an indomitable Vampire, striking fear into the hearts of all in the Universe ... ] ________________________ ! Warning: Narcissism, Manipulation, and other Toxic behaviors are present in the later development of this book together with R-18 Chapters ! ! Reader is advised ! ________________________ [ Cover is mine. All covers are made by myself or at least edited if they are done by someone else. If an Author wants, I'll change it but only if you have proof the cover is yours :) ] ________________________ [ This story is fiction and any connection to the RW is mere coincidence... ]

Patrik_Crown · Kỳ huyễn
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88 Chs

Our Revenge is almost here

Walking through the halls of the Báthory residence, Christopher was slowly explaining to his wives what happened when they left.

Vicki and Rose were waiting for Claudia near the main door as a backup, but nothing happened, so they joined them when she, Christopher, and Yua arrived from the main gate.

"Well, that's interesting. So Yamasako is Ardelean's wife and now, she's the opposite of Ardelean?" asked Rose, wearing a professional expression, while she fixed her red, angular glasses.

Christopher's eyes glowed gold, "You should wear the glasses more Rose. You look beautiful!"

Somehow, he has an obsession with girls who wear glasses. If he could, he would make all his girls wear them.

Rose blushed at his comment but pointed at Yua with an intense gaze, who just walked behind Christopher all the time in silence.

"And who is she?"

"She's my new personal maid" replied Christopher while walking on a big red carpet that was placed on the ground.

On the walls were hanging a few portraits and on the ceiling were chandeliers that were littering the halls.

Looking around, Christopher's gaze fell on Vicki, who almost choked when she heard what he said.

"D-d-darling! But you should ask us. We would give you a maid."

Christopher laughed, "I know, I didn't plan this, but something happened so I helped her."

"What do you mean?" asked Claudia as she eyed Yua's body from head to toe.

Yua is 190cm tall with long black hair and an almost perfect, hourglass-shaped body.

Her ass was a little smaller tho, but for compensation, she have G-Cup boobs and smooth long legs which is enough to ignore the imperfect hourglass shape.

The bruises that were previously on her body were already healed thanks to Christopher's blood she had in that alley, and now, she was wearing a fully black, french maid uniform with gold laces on her wrists and neckline, that pretty much matched Christopher's black and gold suit that he was wearing now.

"By the way, nice uniform," said Claudia after looking at Yua's body for some time.

Yua smiled and bowed, "Thank you. My name is Yua Tanaka and this uniform was a gift from my Master" as a blush appeared on her cheeks.

*Ahm!* the wives pretended to cough and looked at Christopher.

Their eyes turned lifeless as they asked the same thing at the same time.


Christopher looked at them with a wide smile, "C'mon girls, you don't want me to walk with a maid, whose destroyed uniform was showing parts of her body that must be hidden, right?"

His eyes turned lifeless too as he started thinking about the possibility of some male seeing Yua almost naked, while in her most vulnerable state like the four werewolves saw her.

The wives opened their eyes wide, while Claudia replayed, "Ohhh, now we understand. Sorry darling."

Christopher woke up from his stupor, nodded, and this time, Vicki continued with the question, "But, how did you help her?"

Yua shuddered and Christopher placed his left hand on her head, giving her head pats.

She smiled, "Master? May I?" to which Christopher responded, "If you are ready, you can. But if you need time, they'll understand."

The wives looked at each other while Yua smiled at him and started explaining what happened to her.

In the middle of her explaining, they arrived at a living room.

It was a dark room with a fireplace, table, two couches, and other furniture, while the windows were hidden behind the red curtains.

Looking around, the girls stopped in the doorway, while Christopher walked in and covered his right hand with Lilith's flames, wanting to light up the fireplace and candles, but when he used his power, his heart started hurting.

'Fuck, I forgot!' at which Ardelean replayed ["It's just a temporary issue. Using your abilities is slowing the healing process and the venom then starts spreading from your heart through your body."]

Christopher nodded internally and then formed a small fireball in his hand.

Pretending that he was okay, he threw the ball of black and white fire into the fireplace.

The fireball should just lit up the fireplace but instead, it created a small explosion and sent Christopher a few steps back.

'What happened?' he thought immediately and Ardelean responded again.

["It looks like the venom has some good properties too. It increased the power of your fire abilities. I think it's because you are using cursed flames and not normal. After all, Lilith's flames are connected to almost all negative things or feelings, and the venom is quite a negative thing. Even if it was created from 'Love'."]

'So with that venom in my body, my flames can do more damage, huh' thought Christopher, and Ardelean continued, ["Yeah, I think that venom is responsible for what happened but, you know, you are a walking surprise, so I might be wrong."]

Yua and Christopher's wives just stood at the doorway and stared at Christopher with amused gazes.

While Yua was thinking about how beautiful Christopher's flames were, his wives thought about what else could surprise them.

When their husband was around, every time something interesting happened.

He is a Progenitor of Vampire-Dragon hybrids, Host for an ancient entity called The Darkness, He is blessed by Lilith - (Adam's first wife and a mother of all demons), etc.

Were they sad about that? Of course not, they found a husband who didn't just sit at home, cheat on them, or think about money or power over this world.

He cares for them, no he loves them, and they love him a thousand times more.

Understanding that they were getting lost in their worlds again, they shook internally with their heads and finally walked in.

Christopher extinguished the flames from his hands and sat down in the middle of one of the couches, while Rose sat on his left side, Claudia on his right and Vicki was relaxing on his lap.

Yua's eyes twitched a little when she saw Vicki sniffing Christopher's neck, while Claudia and Rose took his hands, and placed them on their tighs, but immediately shook her head internally.

'BAD Yua! They are his wives!' she thought and started talking again, while Rose pointed to a chair that was nearby.

Yua thanked them and sat down.

Twenty minutes later, Yua ended her story and the girls were just looking at her and their husband with understanding gazes.

"You saved another darling," Vicki said with excitement as she started rubbing herself against Christopher's body.

Rose and Claudia stayed quiet but nodded and started relaxing too.

Suddenly, Rose pulled out her phone and quickly sent a message to a contact named 'Ice Inferno'.

Then, she got up and walked to the doorway.

"What are you doing honey?" asked Christopher with a lifted eyebrow.

Rose looked at him and smiled.

"Just waiting for my mother."

In the next second, Elizabeth, Isobel, and Celeste appeared in the doorway with glowing eyes and waves of dust.

A lovesick expression and crazy smile appeared on their faces when they saw that Christopher was okay, but in the blink of an eye, their expression turned to anger.

"Where were you?" all three spoke in unison and Rose just rolled her eyes.

"Come mother, I need to explain it to you," said Rose and started pushing Elizabeth from the door, while Vicki and Claudia got up too and did the same with their mothers.

Yua started trembling when she saw the gazes of the Countesses on her, but Christopher rose from the couch, walked to her, and started caressing her head again.

"Don't worry my maid, everything is fine now" he said which calmed her down a little, but she was still on guard.

After another twenty minutes, Christopher was still caressing Yua's head in silence when the three countesses and their daughters came back to the living room.

Their gazes were no longer hostile, but the same as their daughter's.

They understood everything and appreciated that Christopher didn't ignore Yua's screams and went to help her.

"Next time, you need to at least inform us," said Elizabeth, who sat on another couch with Celeste and Isobel, while Christopher went back to the same position he and his wives had before their mothers appeared.

Celeste's eyes started glowing red when she saw Claudia placing Christopher's hand on her thigh with a wide smile and erotic sigh.

Sensing her mother's stares, Claudia picked Christopher's hand again and put his index finger into her mouth.

Celeste's mood worsened a hundred times more, while Christopher didn't react to Claudia's sudden affection. He could clearly feel the rivalry between them and decided to just enjoy the attention he was receiving.

He didn't have his wife's touch for a whole year.

Seeing her mother's mood, she winked at Celeste who got up and turned at her daughter, wanting to say something but was interrupted by the sound of knocking on the main door.

Through the opened doorway, Christopher saw Lorie walking to the main entrance.

He sighed in relief when he found out that she was doing well.

Hearing the opening of the main door, Elizabeth's eyes narrowed as she waited for the guest to come in.

After a few seconds, a man in ancient clothes walked to the living room and pulled a scroll from his bag that was hanging on his left shoulder.

The man's eyes suddenly fell on Christopher and seeing the Countesses' daughters in this position, envy and disbelief began to fill his heart.

But, not wanting to die, he stood in front of the countesses and started reading.

"Countesses Isobel Phoenix, Elizabeth Báthory, and Celeste Dark, our King is waiting for you in the throne hall. You need to go there immediately." said the man and disappeared in a cloud of grey smoke.

All three countesses rolled their eyes and got up from the couch.

"I can go too if you want company," said Christopher as a blood-thirsty smile appeared on his face.

Meeting a King of Vampires? Hell yeah!

Seeing the blood-thirsty smile plastered on his face, "NO!" the wives and their mothers replayed in unison.

Rose's, Claudia's and Vicki's iris take a dragon-like shape and look at their husband.

"You need to take care of us, darling! We are thirsty~!"

Christopher's smile changed to a kind and loving one, "Yes, you are right. Safe trip Mothers-in-law."

The Countesses smiled, turned, and left without a single word, but Christopher's words were echoing inside their minds for a long time.

Arriving in front of the castle, the Countesses wore pissed-off expressions and the guards that stood in front of the main entrance started trembling when they saw them.

Without asking anything, they just formed a corridor and let the Countesses pass by as all of them heard the Countesses cursing the King... again.

It was normal that every time they came here, their mood was the worst and when they were leaving, wide and happy smiles could be seen on their faces, so it was pretty obvious they didn't like the king and his sudden calls.

The throne hall was lit up with candles that were placed in candlesticks or sconces made from pure gold and were hanging on the walls.

On the ceiling were three big chandeliers and each had at least 120 candels on itself.

It was a beautiful picture, but the Countesses had already seen it too many times, so they just directly walked to the King.

"What do you want Lorcan?" asked Elizabeth as the King looked at her from the shadows of the curtains that were hanging above his throne and on its sides.

"Why are you using this tone Elizabeth? And why are you calling me by my surname again?!" the king asked instead of replaying and if his face had not been hidden behind the curtains of his throne, the Countesses would have seen a few pulsating veins on his forehead.

Elizabeth's eyes glowed "Past few days a big amount of things happened and when I want to finally relax, you call me here! Don't be surprised that I'm pissed off old man!"

The King nodded but froze after hearing the last words, and replied in an ordering tone with a sigh.

"Haaah, Fine then, I'll make it quick. Don't do anything at the ball against the werewolves!"

The invisible aura around the three Countesses became heavy and changed color to white, blue, and orange, while the iris in their eyes was constantly changing shapes between dragon-like and normal which was Vampiric.

"What do you mean?" asked Isobel and the King smiled.

"I still remember what happened nine years ago. I know you three want revenge for your daughters, but it's not going to happen."

"Werewolves are going to be our allies from now on, so don't intervene or you are going to be headless!"

When they heard that, the iris in their eyes finally changed into dragon-like as they said in unison.

"That was a threat?"

[... Báthory Residence ...]

Christopher was walking towards Rose's bedroom after a game they all played together.

Christopher was hunting them down like a big bad wolf and his wives were prey.

Don't ask him how they developed this fetish but he somehow liked it. It was a good relax after his year of non-stop training.

Suddenly, his eyes turned fully black with gold, draconic irises as he felt a threat coming towards someone close to him.

His body began to act on instincts as he flew through the roof like a ghost and began to levitate above the Mansion.

Feeling the threat intensifying, his gaze turned in the direction of the castle.

[... Redwilnet's Castle, Throne room ...]

After the question, the king just looked at the Countesses while waiting for what was going to happen next.

Seeing he was quiet, they turned and started walking towards the door, but in the middle of the hall, ten guards with spears pointed at them appeared.

"You three, turn and show respect to our king!" shouted the guards, while taking a step closer to them.

The Countesses just smiled, lifted their right hands, and snapped with their fingers at the same time, but nothing happened.

The guards looked at each other and started laughing, but a second later, their bodies lit up in orange fire.

"Chickens," said Isobel while looking at the guards who were running around and trying to extinguish each other's bodies.

All of them suddenly stopped moving and were covered in a thick layer of ice, while the fire was still burning under it.

And then, all of them flew on sides as the Countesses looked back at the king, waved, and left.

'They became stronger, huh? But how is that possible?' thought the King as he looked at his soldiers who were covered in flames, ice, and blasts of wind were holding them stuck on the walls of the throne hall.

Feeling someone's intense gaze, the King looked out from one of the windows of the throne room until his eyes met with fully dark, draconic eyes.

King shuddered as images of his massacred body flashed in front of him.

Suddenly, everything disappeared.

'That's... weird' thought the king as he immediately called one of his subordinates.


Leaving the castle, Isobel, Elizabeth, and Celeste looked at each other as Elizabeth said only one sentence.

"We are not going to stop our plan now, revenge is almost here girls. I feel it."

With this, the girls went back home.


... ... ... ... ...

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