
Extraction Chronicles: The Rise of Alucard

Guess i have to clarify, THIS IS NOT THE BLOOD SPILLING, BLACK AIR FORCE ENERGY FILLED, MISTER YOU CANT FUCK WITH ME, DEMONIC SMILING, VAMPIRIC MOTHER FUCKER Alucard awakens in a world where anything is possible. He sets out on a journey of self-discovery, determined to uncover the secrets of the universe. Follow Alucard as he explores the DCEU, witnessing the wonders of this dying universe while unaware of the hunt that is going on. Note: English is not my first language, and I still have something to learn, but power stones will help.

Rala_Beast · Phim ảnh
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44 Chs

WW2 [chapter 6]

[ 1940 ]

In a room filled with men, arguing and yelling about how to win the war and how to make the best and efficient choices, one man stood out. Amidst the chaos, he remained calm and collected. The room fell silent as the politicians turned their attention to him. "Mr. Holdstand, what is your opinion on this matter?" asked one of the politicians. Another added, "Yes, Mr. Holdstand, you have been silent when we need your opinion the most." The man, with white hair and wrinkles on his face, seemed to be in his sixties.

"Well, Simon, you have everything you need to win this war," said Mr. Holdstand, who was respected by everyone in the room and beyond. "You mean the alliance," said another politician. "Mr. Holdstand, you must understand that we can't just trust anybody or form an alliance with anyone at this critical time," voiced some politicians, garnering agreement from others.

"In that case, prepare to lose this war," declared Mr. Holdstand. "Now, I believe my duty here is done. It's time for me to retire," he said, causing disbelief among the politicians. "Mr. Carter, when I first took this job, one of the conditions of my employment was that I would retire after ten years. I don't believe you have a say in this, nor does anyone else," Mr. Holdstand asserted.

"However, I am not so cruel as to leave you all and the country in a time of need like this," said Mr. Holland, as the room let out a collective sigh. "I have outlined possible plans for the foreseeable future, and it won't be any different than if I were present," Mr. Holdstand added.

A few minutes later, Mr. Holdstand could be seen getting into a luxurious car and driving away. As he did, his face visibly aged back, and his hair returned to its bright red colour. Mr. Holdstand was, of course, Alucard, and seeing him in a room full of politicians, one could tell the job he had chosen ten years ago.


[ ENERGY: 10,000/10,000 ]




"Where to, sir?" asked the driver.

"We have to go shopping first," replied Alucard as the car started to move.


In the middle of the ocean, a luxurious boat approached an uninhabited island. Since there was no dock, the boat stopped when the water became too shallow. Alucard emerged from the captain's quarters, dressed in summer attire, purely for aesthetics, after all, the heat didn't affect him. "Alright then, let's get started, shall we?" Alucard said to himself as he flew up. "It's been a while since I last used an ability," he added aloud as most of the times there were eyes on him as he held an important position, he quickly shook his head as he remembered the past years memories before using his telekinesis to deepen the water, creating a dock for the boat and a deck for potential visitors.

After completing the initial preparations on his private island, Alucard moved on to the centre of the island. He cleared the area of trees and rocks and levelled the ground while ensuring the stability of the island was not compromised. Next, he focused on building the foundation of the mansion, including plumbing and water supply.

With the ability to transmute matter using telekinesis, Alucard decided to go for a futuristic design for his mansion. He used white and black marble with hints of gold to create a huge mansion. The mansion featured five bedrooms, five bathrooms, a spacious living room, a large kitchen equipped with the latest utensils, a cinema room, a gym room, a garage, a giant pool, and a backyard garden that was still a work in progress as Alucard intended to grow plants there.

"Finished! It's amazing what you can do with the power of a god," Alucard exclaimed as he floated to inspect his new mansion. "Oh, I almost forgot," he said, suddenly remembering something. He then released an invincible energy that covered the entire island, ensuring no unwanted intruders could enter. Satisfied with the security measures, Alucard entered the mansion.

[ 1945]

inside the familiar island, a beautiful garden was visible, but there was no one there except for Alucard. He remained youthful due to the fact that there was nobody else to suspect him of being immortal so he was free to use any abilities that he wanted.

"It's time to go after a five-year break," Alucard said to the plants, to which he had become attached while taking care of them.

After bidding farewell to his plants, Alucard floated up into the skies, passing through golden clouds and reaching the upper atmosphere. He enjoyed the celestial scene created by the sun rays hitting the clouds before descending after sunset. He intentionally lost his sense of location as he wanted to embark on a new quest. "Now, what job should I pick?" Alucard pondered aloud, when something caught his eye - a man taking a picture of a couple.


Now, offer me stones mortal, for I, the one who walks with might, shall grant you a chapter.