
Extraction Chronicles: The Rise of Alucard

Guess i have to clarify, THIS IS NOT THE BLOOD SPILLING, BLACK AIR FORCE ENERGY FILLED, MISTER YOU CANT FUCK WITH ME, DEMONIC SMILING, VAMPIRIC MOTHER FUCKER Alucard awakens in a world where anything is possible. He sets out on a journey of self-discovery, determined to uncover the secrets of the universe. Follow Alucard as he explores the DCEU, witnessing the wonders of this dying universe while unaware of the hunt that is going on. Note: English is not my first language, and I still have something to learn, but power stones will help.

Rala_Beast · Phim ảnh
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44 Chs

Using-The-Infinity-Gauntlet (chapter 39)

As the alucard walked towards the purple alien he extracted the gauntlet, which caused a surprised expression to appear, "well I will be damned" alucard said as he put on the gauntlet, feeling the power of all six infinity stones, the space stones, the time stone, the mind stone, the power stones, the soul stone, and the reality stone, alucard breathed in as multi-colored energy light cursed through his veins.

As he felt the power, the purple alien, decided to use this opportunity to deliver his strike he got up and punched alucard who as you might be expected, did not move an inch, "now that is just a low blow, cant you wait until I power up like usual villains do?" he said as he smiled, "but please," he said as he opened his arm, the purple alien seeing that this strange man won't even take a single step after he punched let alone damage him, decided to signal to his army as he said "rain fire", causing the large floating ship above, turned its gun towards alucard specifically.

The large ship immediately opened fire, most of the contrasting on alucard who looked up as a smirk appeared on his face, "let me try this" he said to himself as he started to growl, muscles appearing on his well-defined body, his cloth, unfortunately not stretching were shredded but he had that covered as he only exposed the top part of his body.

"Is anybody else seeing that'' sam wilson said over the coms as he flew while taking out some gorilla chivari, "yeah, Scott, a friend of yours?" Tony asked as he and Pepper flew in synch while also firing their blisters, "no, never met him and is he wearing the gauntlet?" Scott the ant man said as they watched alucard grab the giant ship like a toy before crashing into a big pile of scraps.

"Yeah, definitely not a friend of mine," Scott said as they watched alucard shrink down as his suit or a new suit appeared. Once shrunk back to normal, alucard then looked around as an idea suddenly popped into his head, his eyes glowing white as a couple of aliens fired their weapons at him, "what is he doing now" a humanoid raccoon said as alucard eyes returned to normal.

"Huh, so that is how the fight the fight ends," alucard said to himself as he noticed a golden figure flying through the strange planet's atmosphere, "I will extract you later but now" he muttered as he brought his hand together, that is when a green figure, also known as the hulk, iron man, captain america and the scarlet witch appeared near him.

"Is this how you do it?" he jokingly asked the team as he snapped his finger, "NO" Hulk tried to stop but alucard had already snapped his finger, a moment of silence passed as the Chitauri army turned to dust, and their weapons, armor, ships, everything, "you shouldn't have done that" captain America said as alucard looked at his hand.

"It's fine, look," alucard said as he removed the gauntlet and showed his hand to the team as more people showed up, "how?" the Hulk asked as alucard continued to extract every single one of them, "guess I am just different," he said with a smile as he threw the gauntlet to captain America, "I am sorry, who are you?" iron masked as they all looked at him, expecting an answer.

"Me, just a traveler," alucard answered as he smiled at the team, "weird, you don't seem to be a travel," said the golden figure who was a blond woman with short hair and a weird costume, which of course alucard extracted, 'the only thing worth keeping from her is the cosmic energy manipulation skill' though alucard as he finished extracting everything he can from everybody present.

To be honest, most of their abilities were some he had already had and some he didn't want, which earned a hefty amount of essence, which he is saving for that one ground-shaking ability.

"Well, it's nice meeting you I guess," alucard said as he opened a portal with his bare hands, "wait," the captain said as alucard stopped before turning towards him, "Your name, what is your name?" he asked as alucard smiled, "alucard, just alucard" alucard introduced himself as he turned towards the portal before stopping, that is when something appeared on his hand.

He threw it towards the captain who caught it, "an early wedding gift" the alucard said to the captain and the rest seemed confused as the alucard disappeared into the portal.


[ ENERGY: 65,900/65,900 ]

[ Essence: 23,030 ]


[ healing: 500B] [paralyzing poison: 12 B ] [ cyanide poison: 534M] [ mustard poison: 10,000 ] [ money: 750B ]

[ heavenly brain: the heavenly is an amalgamation of many metal skills such as solar radiation absorption( A: 0/500), wish-granting (F: 0/5,000), invisibility (D: 0/150), telaportaion(B: 0/450), telekinesis (B: 0/450), telepathy (B: 0/450), Dimensional-travel (B: 0/450), time-travel (A: 0/500) precognition(D: 0/150), Reincarnation: (S: 0/4,000), Power-Of-Axis(S: 0/4,000), Power-Of-Chaos(S: 0/4,000) chronokinesis(S: 0/4,000), golemmancy: (D: 0/150), necromancy: B: (0/450), cosmic-energy-manipulation: (A: 0/500) ( active/passive: off)]

[ heavenly body: the heavenly is an amalgamation of many physical skills such as true-duplication (E: 0/2,000), superhuman-condition (A: 0/500), self-repair (B: 0/450), regenerative-evolution, (S: 0/4,000), Envy: F: (0/10), Shazam: B(0/450), Shazam: B(0/450), Titan-Physiology: A(0/500), Immortality: A(0/500), ghost-physiology: (C: 0/400), Demon-Physiology: B(0/450) ( active/passive: off)]

[ elemental shard: elemental shard is a collection of different types of elemental skills such as illusion casting (D: 0/150), weather manipulation(C: 0/400), pyrokinesis (B: 0/450), electric manipulation(A: 0/500), electric-healing: (D: 0/150), wind manipulation (C: 0/400), Hydrokinesis (D: 0/150), thermokinesis (C: 0/400), energy-transference (A: 0/500), Sonic-Scream: F: (0/10), Sonic-immunity:(B: 0/450), Power-Of-Elements (S: 0/4,000)

( active/passive: off)]]


I am beginning to lean on just sacrificing all of his skill besides immortality to you know NERF HIM). since I think he is becoming too overpowered at this even i am getting writing his abilities. but what do you thing?

is a good idea?

or a bad one?