
Extraction Chronicles: The Rise of Alucard

Guess i have to clarify, THIS IS NOT THE BLOOD SPILLING, BLACK AIR FORCE ENERGY FILLED, MISTER YOU CANT FUCK WITH ME, DEMONIC SMILING, VAMPIRIC MOTHER FUCKER Alucard awakens in a world where anything is possible. He sets out on a journey of self-discovery, determined to uncover the secrets of the universe. Follow Alucard as he explores the DCEU, witnessing the wonders of this dying universe while unaware of the hunt that is going on. Note: English is not my first language, and I still have something to learn, but power stones will help.

Rala_Beast · Phim ảnh
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44 Chs

Journey into alternate dimension (chapter 36)

Alucard slowly lifted himself out of bed, careful not to wake the still-sleeping Diana. He grabbed a black suit and matching tie from the wardrobe and slipped into it with ease, his movements fluid and effortless. He checked himself in the mirror, making sure every crease was perfect and ran his fingers through his hair.

As he left the bedroom, the floorboards creaked beneath his feet. He navigated through the mansion with familiarity, passing by the ornate decorations and marble pillars. He arrived at the edge of the private island, the warm sun beating down on his face.

He looked out at the vast ocean, the horizon stretching out infinitely before him. His heart raced as he thought about what lay ahead. He took a deep breath, steadying himself before raising his hand.

With a snap of his fingers, every fabric of reality collapsed, creating a gaping hole in space. He stepped forward, plunging into the abyss.

The journey through the dimensions was unlike anything he had ever experienced. It was a blur of colours and shapes, a kaleidoscope of chaos. He felt his body stretch and contort as he moved through the different planes of existence.

But then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the journey was over. Alucard stepped out of the portal, his feet landing on solid ground. He looked around, taking in his new surroundings.

He had arrived in a bustling city, the air thick with the sounds of traffic and the smell of pollution. The buildings towered above him, casting long shadows on the street. But Alucard was interested in the sights and sounds of the city.

Suddenly, the horn of a car could be heard as alucard looked back, just in time to see a brown car, running over people while honking, "what in the" alucard muttered as he stretched out his hand, stopping the car in place, "alright, let's see" he said as he approached the driver of the car as he saw a purple mist surrounding the woman's head, who was the driver by the way.

"Illusion casting" he muttered as he stretched his hand towards the woman, before absorbing the mist, "there, you should be fine," he said as the woman held her head, "demons, there are dem-" she stopped speaking as she looked around, "that was an illusion, you shouldn't have any more problem with that any more," he said as he smiled at the man, "neat trick" a voice suddenly sounded behind him as he looked back before a smile appeared on his face.

"Hello, Diana, nice change of cloth, black suits you" he said to the wonder woman of this new dimension, "do i know you?" she asked as she floated down, "wait, you don't know me?" alucard asked as she looked at him, "am i supposed to know you?" she replied as he pondered, 'maybe I don't exist in this dimension' he thought as he stretched his hand "you could say that, I am alucard," he said as she looked at his hand, "Diana of themyscira, but you already knew that," she said as they shook hands.

-scene change-

Gotham, square garden, 10s and thousands of people gathered as they watched a woman dressed in fishnet, the top part of a suit and tie as she wielded a cane and a hat, people watched in awe as smoke burst and the next second elephant where performing on the stage, while the woman who whose name was Zatanna performed, her eyes couldn't move away from a man among the crowds, his simple yet elegant suit, his blood red hair spilling from the buns he tied as, he watched with a smile as she performed, captivating her.

However, contrary to her belief, the man or alucard wasn't smiling at her, no he was smiling at the number of skills he extracted from her, sacrificing some straight away while keeping the ones he deemed useful, 'chronokinesis' one of her skills caught his eyes as he kept that one before sacrificing the rest.


[ ENERGY: 60,500/60,500 ]

[ Essence: 4,930 ]


[ healing: 100B] [ paralysing poison: 10 B ] [ cyanide poison: 534M] [ mustard poison: 10,000 ] [ money: 750B ]

[ heavenly brain: the heavenly is an amalgamation of many metal skills such as solar radiation absorption( A: 0/500), wish-granting (F: 0/5,000), invisibility (D: 0/150), telaportaion(B: 0/450), telekinesis (B: 0/450), telepathy (B: 0/450), Dimensional-travel (B: 0/450), time-travel (A: 0/500) precognition(D: 0/150), Reincarnation: (S: 0/4,000), Power-Of-Axis(S: 0/4,000), Power-Of-Chaos(S: 0/4,000) chronokinesis(S: 0/4,000) ( active/passive: off)]

[ heavenly body: the heavenly is an amalgamation of many physical skills such as true-duplication (E: 0/2,000), superhuman-condition (A: 0/500), self-repair (B: 0/450), regenerative-evolution, (S: 0/4,000), Envy: F: (0/10), Shazam: B(0/450), Shazam: B(0/450), Titan-Physiology: A(0/500), Immortality: A(0/500) ] ( active/passive: off)]

[ elemental shard: elemental shard is a collection of different types of elemental skills such as illusion casting (D: 0/150), weather manipulation(C: 0/400), pyrokinesis (B: 0/450), electric manipulation(A: 0/500), electric-healing: (D: 0/150), wind manipulation (C: 0/400), Hydrokinesis (D: 0/150), thermokinesis (C: 0/400), energy-transference (A: 0/500), Sonic-Scream: F: (0/10), Sonic-immunity:(B: 0/450), Power-Of-Elements (S: 0/4,000)

( active/passive: off)]]

As Zatanna performed her finally, alucard didn't rudely get up and walked away as she spoke backwards, causing the elephants to float, 'huh, it isn't particularly a special skill, just a way of her utilising her skills' he thought as he was amazed by the way she activated her powers, which was just her speaking backwards.

As the elephants floated above the crowds, they busted into a bunch of strings and papers as the crowd burst into applauds, {that was a nice show} alucard said to her telepathically which caused her to look up at him as she was bowing to say goodbye to the crowd, after her initial surprise, {well, I am glad you enjoyed it} she said as it was the first time someone used abilities like telepathy, the only reason she was surprised is that he was able to speak to her directly into her mind without alerting her, making sure that she knew how powerful he was.


sorry about the late updates, i had personal stuff come up. otherwise, enjoy Alucard journey through the multiverses, and i mean multiverses.