
Extra Extra

In his reborned life, he was a Demon King, but now he wants a fresh start as an ordinary person in a new world. However, things go awry, and he ends up in a novel world where the author himself is part of the story. Trying to recall his past lives, he only remembers one where he was an ordinary person on Earth. This novel's main character doesn't have grand goals like becoming the strongest or saving humanity. Instead, he decides to mess around and cause chaos in this new world. While some parts might seem similar to other novels, this story is original and inspired by "The Author's POV." The similarities with other "Extra" novels are coincidental, and the main theme here is completely different. ( I promise my work is original, I don't like copying other's ideas. But still, this novel is greatly inspired by "The Author's POV." And most of the "Extra" novels are the same. So maybe a parallel thinking worked here. I realized the the similarities after reading some other novels after writing my own.)

Ko_psy · Kỳ huyễn
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87 Chs

Chapter - 13

The training hall was a sight to behold, a testament to the investment poured into it. Its vastness was overwhelming, dwarfing even the size of entire schools from my previous life.

Inside, an array of equipment awaited, catering to every conceivable exercise. Among them, a dumbbell weighing a staggering ton caught my eye. In my former life, such a sight would have been met with laughter.

Amidst the bustling newcomers exploring the sophisticated machinery, I sought out a quieter spot. Venturing to an open area, I discovered a sprawling racetrack, stretching a minimum of 400 meters.

Excited by the discovery, I decided to tackle my daily mission by hitting the track. With each step, I marveled at the superior capabilities of my new body. Despite initially underestimating the task, I pushed myself to complete the 10km run. It took me a grueling 45 minutes, reminiscent of a determined canine, a feat I never imagined achieving in my previous life.

Now that i thought about it what fascinating about this body is not the speed but even after running for so long my body can still hold on. So this is the body of a superhuman.

I continued doing the rest of the saitama training as well.

[Daily Quest : Pushups 100/100 ]

[Daily Quest : Sit ups 100/100 ]

[Daily Quest : Squats 100/100 ]

'The system is quite useful. I don't need to count, I don't need an alarm.'

[ Daily Quest complete ]

[You have recived - Attribute increase card - Low rank × 1 ]

[Name : Attributes increase card

Rank : Low

Description : Use this card on any basic Attributes to increase them.]

'System, what does the rank do in this card?'

[The higher the rank the more stats it increase. At your current level Low rank increases stats by about 1 point in level up system. Medium rank increases it by 10 and High rank increases it by 100.]


Its been already five hours since I started the second mission. As I got closer to finish the second mission it got even harder. I was barely able to finish the second mission.

[Daily Quest : Running 20/20KM ]

[Daily Quest : Pushups 300/300 ]

[Daily Quest : Sit ups 300/300 ]

[Daily Quest : Squats 300/300 ]

[ Daily Quest complete ]

[You have recived - Attributes increase card - Low rank × 2.]

Oh, I suppose this is the limit of what this superhuman body can handle. I barely have enough energy to move. The time is currently 9.30 p.m. And I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.

Next, I'd want to go to the dining hall. They serve delicious meals. The only issue is the big line I need to enter. Kinda funny if use points to buy food then i can get it right away. Given the length of the lines, even the shortest line will take at least 20 minutes. We have approximately 5,000 newcomers, excluding seniors. And I can already see around a thousand in front of me.

Because it is dinnertime, it is natural for everyone to arrive at this time.

Well, I have worked hard today so I should treat myself a good meal.


After filling my tray with meals, I sat on a rather empty spot. The first item is grilled lamb steaks, which I purchased for a single point. The following item is beef strew, cost 1 point. For 2 points, I brought a veggie salad and a carrot cake for dessert.

But now when I'm about to consume it, I've run into a major difficulty. My hands aren't moving the way I want them to. 400 pushups were too much for even this superhuman body. My hand will barely come halfway to my mouth, and I will need to put my mouth close to the food in order to eat it.

With how hungry I am, it normally takes me 10 minutes to complete the dinner. But by the time I finished, it was 10 p.m. The curfew was actually 11 p.m. So I just have about an hour until I have to stay in my room. I also need to take a shower. I sweat a lot during training.

I brought a cold coffee as the final course of today's a meal, which cost me 1 point. 5 points for a meal that I truly enjoyed. I should treat myself like this atleast once every week.Total spend 5P ,so I now have 95P left.

I was on my way to the bathroom. The bathroom hall was located near the training hall. It has hundreds of restrooms. Every structure here is fairly large. The training hall, dining hall, bathroom hall. They're also quite separated and far from one another.

As I made my way down the corridor towards the restroom hall, clutching my coffee tightly, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease.

Suddenly, my path was blocked by a group of six boys, their presence immediately setting me on edge.

"Hey there, buddy," one of them said, eyeing me up with a predatory glint. "You seem to be carrying quite the stash of points there."

I tried to maintain a casual demeanor, despite the flutter of anxiety in my chest. "Do I know you guys?" I asked, hoping to deflect their attention.

But their intentions were clear. "We're kinda in a bind after that test," the same boy continued, his tone laced with a thinly veiled threat. "Why don't you do us a solid and share some of those points? You've got more than enough to spare, right? We promise we'll put them to good use."

Though I tried to keep my composure, the fear gnawed at me from within. I knew I couldn't show any sign of weakness—not here, not now. So I squared my shoulders and met their gaze with as much resolve as I could muster, silently steeling myself for whatever might come next.

Now I know what's going on. I made a stupid error. I bought food with points and drew their attention. No one will use points to buy food unless they have enough of it. I'm not sure how many people have already targeted me.

A lot of people had negative outcomes from tests, and the easiest method to repair it is to steal it from others.

"Brother, if you don't willingly give us your points, we'll have to do it the hard way."

But I wasn't too worried. You see, the Academy had this 30-day grace period, kind of like a safety net. It meant that within the academy grounds, nobody could just pick a fight with a newcomer or do anything to hurt them. It was like an unspoken rule, meant to give us newcomers a chance to settle in without having to constantly watch our backs.

I remembered reading about it in the orientation pamphlet they gave us on the first day. It was supposed to be a time for us to adjust to this new environment, get used to the rules, and focus on our studies. So, even though these guys were trying to intimidate me, I knew they couldn't actually hurt me—at least not within the confines of the Academy.

"Aren't you worried about breaking the rules by doing this?" I inquired.

"Hahaha, the Academy forbids the students from harming the newcomer. However, they never stated that newcomers are not permitted to hurt one another. We are not breaking the rules because we are also newcomers. Now, hand over your points. I know you have a lot."

Ok, there was a dent in my knowledge.

The Academy deliberately left gaps in the rules. We were barred from using any weapons, abilities, skills, or spells. But we weren't barred from fighting. I overlooked this. Todays lesson learned, "f*ck the rules". I was a fool to trust the rules of a hero academy.

At this moment of desperation a green screen appeared before me.

-----------[ Green System - Free Style Path ]-----------

Title: Desperate Encounter

Description: You find yourself surrounded by six menacing figures in a desolate environment. Your options are limited, and you must choose wisely to survive this encounter.


1. Strike Back: Engage in combat with your assailants.

2. Surrender: Relinquish your possessions and hope for mercy.

3. Intimidate: Use your presence and demeanor to intimidate your attackers, making them think twice about their actions.

4. Retreat: Fall back to a defensible position, regrouping and reassessing your options before deciding your next move.

5. Call for Aid: Attempt to attract the attention of nearby allies or authority figures to intervene and assist you.

Choose your action carefully, as the outcome of this encounter will shape your journey ahead.


Fo number 1, fighting back might feel tough, but I'm outnumbered. I could end up getting hurt even more.

2, Giving up my stuff sucks, but it might keep me safe for now. I'll just have to earn it all back later.

3, Maybe if I look tough, they'll back off. But what if they call my bluff and things get worse?

4, Backing off for now could give me time to figure things out. I'll find a safer spot to think.

5, If I yell for help, maybe someone will come to my rescue. But there's no guarantee anyone's nearby to hear me.

But, the answer was already too obvious.

Guy, it might be shameless to say but I am rewriting my novel for the 4th time. Alots of info were removed, many info were added. And there are also mix of different information form different rework thats not supposed to stay together. I might miss some of it, posting it without realising. So this is my request that if you find any loopholes, errors or mistake please bring it to my notice.

Ko_psycreators' thoughts