
experiment S-23

angeldust_fightme · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Before It All Began

Before I was taken away from my home in the blackness of light I was a happy girl. I had alot of friends, parents who love me, good grades, and was popular. But a few years before I was born there was a a war between my town and a few others vs. are government. We were fighting for are freedom from are leader ,who was a cruel man who used others, and if we were to win we would have freedom from them and there would be no government to control who we are and the choices we make. The war lasted many years and many lives were lost including my grandfather Miguel Lockhart, my parents say grandpa was very brave and was fearless, all things I am not. When the war end on December 20, 2007 and my parents found out that they would have to raise me their first child in a city still under the cruel governments rule they broke and lost all hope, they thought I would be a sad and lonely child, and when I was born on December 25 they said when I stopped crying when I was in their arms it was the happiest thing to happen to them in a long time. Many years pasted and I was 10, my parent were surprisingly happy and I was to we had no worries and never seemed to stop smiling. It was a week before my birthday and I was excited beyond belief I could not wait to get all those gifts and get to see all of my family together smiling and celebrating me. But that night when I went to bed smiling like usual until I was taken from my warm bed, taken away from my family and my life, it felt like it was all a bad dream. The men who took me always say that they did it for me and said that I was meant for more than what I had with my family. I never knew what they meant until today