
experiment S-23

angeldust_fightme · Fantasy
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3 Chs

chapter 2: what they meant

They lead me to a small hospital like room that smells like bleach. Once they leave I decide to look around, there are a many different tubes and vials of what looks like blood. The room is very bright and it makes my eyes burn to look around. I want to go back to the room I have here it's darker and this room makes me uneasy. After a few more minutes the doctors come in, he's a tall man with dark brown hair, he wears a white lab coat, under the coat is a black shirt and he wears black jeans. "I am dr. friday,"he looks at his clip board"nice to meet you subject S-23,"The doctor says. Oh yes that name when I was taken away from my home they started to call me that, when ever I ask them why they don't call me by my real name they always say I wouldn't understand. But when they have me take these IQ tests they say I am smarted then most people older than me. "please sit down and I'll explain some things,"he says as he points to a chair a few steps away from me. I freeze....does this guy really want me to trust him he's a stranger and works for the people who kidnapped me from my home! After I a minute I sit down realizing it's my only option then sigh. "okay now tell me what's going on," I say. The guy seemed surprised which was understandable when I was with the people here I didn't talk much and I especially didn't talk to people I just met. "well of course you much be very curious about why your here.... well you and a few other people are here because you hold a special gene that if we can change a few things it can turn you into a strong super human machine that will be unstoppable,"The doctor says like it's a normal thing to say. Wait is this guy crazy me be powerful I can barely throw a baseball and these pyscho's kidnapped more people!