
Level up!!

I sit there and watch as my friend eats a rabbit barely smaller than she is Guts, flesh, bone and all... I wish I didn't. After she wiped most of the blood from her face using the fallen leaves around us she turned to look me in the eye.

"Why didn't you attack?" she said while looking perplexed "Excuse me? oh you looked like you were enjoying yourself so I didn't want to interrupt your meal." I think I confused her, She didn't reply and just started looking around again.

Before I could activate my 'search' skill she Skreee'd! again and jumped on a giant rat this time. As I sat there and watched her I noticed that even though she has claws, a tail, the ability to make a fist, and opposable thumbs to grip weapons she always attacks using her teeth.

After she killed and ate the rat Sha Na laid down and belched as she sunned herself. After a moment she rolled to look at me "You should go hunt.. watching me eat won't fill your belly."

So here I am ten minutes later stalking through the tall grass looking for some poor defenceless woodland creature to devour like the bad guy from a Disney story. After a few fruitless moments of searching something finally catches my eye.

About 12 foot away from me there is a giant brown rabbit that's almost my size eating what looks like blueberries off of a bush. "Appraise"


Name: N/A

Race: Thumper jumper

sex: Male


age: 2 days

------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Well that didn't give me much to go by.. and seriously? Thumper jumper? who named this thing a 3 year old?" well after I let my innermost thoughts out about this creatures horrible name I decided to kill it.

Well here goes nothing... "Skree!" Ding! Active skill 'Fear' has reached level 1. After listening to 'the Fairest of them all' give me a skill update I noticed that Mr. thumper looks like he's seen a ghost, his eyes look like they may pop right out of his head..

"Hehe looks like I'm having wabbit stew tonight." I said with what I'm assuming is a truly horrifying grin. Before the 'Wabbit' snapped out of it's daze I latched onto it's throat with my teeth and start trying to rip it open like a bloody piñata. Ding! Active skill 'Chomp' as reached level 1. Thank you once again nice lady in my head.. "Chomp!"

The impending chomping doom seems to have woken my new fuzzy acquaintance from their stupor. The furry B*st*rd kicked the sh*t out of me.. Blood was spilled yet luckily I was able to put an arm between his foot and my chest he must have tied razor blades to his toes.

Ding! Active skill 'Block' has reached level 1. "mrkay ra ge at" yeah shouldn't talk with my mouth full, but I was saying ok I get it.. seems like every single thing I do asides from walking and breathing gives me a skill. "I may have to experiment with this."

A few moments of bloody struggle and man... umm lizard man thing has triumphed over the beast. After I killed the fuzzy wuzzy bunny Wabbit I felt the strangest sensation, like my entire being was carbonated, thousands of little bubbles tickling my soul.

"Ooooh mmmm that's niiiiice." As I lay down to let my body adjust to the bubbles they slowly fade away. Before I could sit back up Sha Na pokes her head from a tuft of grass "Did you kill something yet?" She asks, I would think she was being a smart *ss but I don't even know if what ever we are understands sarcasm.

"Yeah just killed my first." "Then eat it! your food is gonna get snatched if you don't hurry." And poof she's gone just like that "Well she eats it raw.." I say to no one in particular before using one of my claws to try and skin my prey.

Ding! Active skill 'Scratch' has reached level 1 Crafting skill 'Skinning' has reached level 1.

"Ooh I got a twofer.." After removing the meat from the flesh, organs, and bones, I sliced them into smaller pieces so I could hopefully swallow them fast enough to not think about the flavor OR the texture while I nourish myself.

A couple of minutes later and I'm on the hunt again. "Search" Ding! Active skill search has reached level 2. The only difference I could feel was that 'Maybe' I could sense things from further away.. I.. I didn't exactly mark out how many feet I could search before.

"oh looky it's a big, fat, rat.. I hate rats!!" Skreee! "ouch! You F*ck*ng Bit me!" apparently Mr whiskers here doesn't think I'm scary enough, I'll have to change that.

A few minutes of chomping, scratching, and some random flailing of my limbs and I got my second kill.. "hmm 'Appraise' Ooooh"


Name: N/A

Race: Field rat

Sex: Female

Level: 2

Age: 1 week


As my body slowly fizzes back to normal I noticed two shocking things "He was a she!" ahem.. and that she was level 2. Oh well now she's lizard food.

As I set about dissecting my catch Sha Na pops in once again.. "Level up yet?" she speaks quickly while darting her eyes through the brush "No not ye.." and she's already gone. "This is gonna get old quick"

I continued stalking through the grass leaving no blade unturned until I come across a new creature. hmm the best way to describe it would be Goo.. living trembling slimey green ball of goo. "Ick! 'Appraise'." Ding! Active skill 'appraisal' has reached level 2.



Race: Slime (Normal)


Level: 2

Age: 6 months

H.P. 15/15

M.P. N/A


"I know it felt like a strange coma dream based on a game earlier but adding H.P. and M.P. doesn't exactly make me feel better.." After studying the 'Slime' for a moment I realized something horrible! "I'm gonna have to bite it aren't I?.."

Taking what happened last time with the rat I decided maybe screaming skree and giving my position away would be a bad idea. I decided to circle the slime to see if I could find a weak point.

"This thing is almost transparent, no inner organs or eyes as far as I can tell, just a wiggly mass of gooey flesh bleurgh I'm getting sick just thinking about it.. it's just jello just tell yourself it is moving lime jello and take a 'Chomp'!" I coiled up and launched at the slime like a spring I twisted and thrashed and bit at random when..

Ding! Congratulations on reaching level 2 you have been given 5 attribute points would you like to assign them personally? Follow your predetermined growth rate? or save them for your next level up? Warning saved point may not be allocated until you level up again.

As the voice dumps information on me and asks me questions I can't hear or concentrate on anything she has to say. "I feel like I'm melting in a hot tub full of champagne" and this time I passed out due to sheet pleasure.

Hi hate here I hope you enjoy this wacky journey that I'm having in my head, if so leave a message about what you like

Sum12hatecreators' thoughts