
Bad idea

"That was better than X" I moaned as I sat up and brush myself off. "Umm nice lady how do I apply my points?" ... I can literally hear crickets chirping "Should have known that would happen. well since everything else is like a game.. 'Menu'? 'character page'? 'Stats'?" Ding! opening status window.


Name: Intalru (Meaning: Bad idea)

Race: Draconian (Swamp variant)

Sex: Male

Level: 2

Age: 1 day (Whelp)

Class: Druid





Intelligence:15 (+10 past life bonus)=25




"What do you mean my name means 'Bad idea'.. I mean I've had a few sure but not that many" after contemplating about my possible future in this world I add to my stat points. "Hmm says I'm a druid so I think I'll need Int and Wis.. then again my charisma is so low... ugh sh*t fine 4 points to Wis and 1 point to Con... Guess I really did die, otherwise I don't think there would be a 'Past life bonus'.. well at least 6 years at med school gave me some bonus stats."

As Intalru started monologuing again Sha Na snuck up on him "You leveled!! let's go! there's some fish in the river and I need a helping claw." Startled by her sudden reappearance then subsequent disappearance Italru could do nothing but shake his scaley head and follow after her as the Suns start to set..

... As the two Draconian travel through the brush Sha Na remained silent and ever vigilant for more prey. Intalru has grown bored just walking so he decided to try striking up a conversation. "How far till we hit the river?" Sha Na stops in her tracks and turns her head so as to view Intalru.

Only now did he notice that aside from her skinny diamond shaped pupils her eyes are the same pale green as her scales and since the scales around her eyes are rounded and small they help to accentuate the overall anime round eyes look she had going for her.

"Why would we hit the river? doing so won't give experience.." She shook her head while passing her 'words of wisdom' to the 'dumb brother'. "Hsssk.." Intalru released a exasperated hiss almost naturally before correcting himself. "I meant how much longer must we walk until we reach the fish?"

"Oh why didn't you say it like that earlier than? we should be there shortly can't you taste the water in the air?" Sha Na says while letting her tongue slither between her lips rapidly.

"Oh I mean I can taste were near but how much longer?" Intalru forks his tongue back and forth to try and sense anything but to his surprise there was no ding... But he did notice that his tongue picked up a strange taste almost reminiscent of how an old muddy creek would smell.

A slight hint of clay and dirt, A somewhat delicate scent of.. Morning glories? and good ole fashion creek water. As Intalru followed Sha Na further he started Wondering why he didn't get a.. Ding! "Passive skill 'Sense water' comprehension has raised to level 1."

"You're late!" Intalru muttered to himself. But he was still close enough for his companion to hear him. "How can you say I'm late when I'm leading you?" Sha Na huffs as she picks up the pace trying to rush to the river before the 'Bad egg' complains more..

Since Sha Na is slightly smaller she seems to glide through the brush with ease while Intalru dodges more than three quarters of the low hanging branches and vines as he chases her. A few branches still manage to land a sound hit or two on his snout, which as it turns out is a quite sensitive.

Intalru finally managed to catch up to Sha Na just before they reach a clearing opening into a wide grassy plain. A large slow moving river enters their sight before too long and Italru is pleased to see an old tree absolutely covered in a dense mass of little green vines, each vine has an assortment of beautiful white saucer shaped flowers pointing upwards to the massive moons..

Yeah you heard me, I said moons plural and they are freaking massive one looks like a blue Jupiter cloud swirls and all. The second moon looks somewhat like Saturn except the planet is a crazy neon purple and the rings are all over the place making it look like a giant atom.

Anyways enough about the moons the real crazy sh*t is the white flowers. every couple of seconds they release these pale blue bubbles that just float straight up even though there's a breeze they remained unaltered in there arrows flight to the moons.

"Yes the flowers are pretty but they taste horrible.. Come brother let's catch some fish!" Sha Na patted Intalru's shoulder as if she caught him day dreaming about a feast before dragging him to the Rivers edge.

Shlick, Schloop, splat.. As our two hungry Draconian make their way to the water the Soil becomes softer and more clay like with each step. The two came to a stop just six foot shy of the rivers edge. They didn't stop of their own volition though, The muck became so viscous that they were stuck up to their thighs.

"How do we get to the fish?" Intalru asked as Sha Na continued the good fight. "Ungh! If I knew Hmmph! there would be no fish to share." she replied in what would almost be a lackadaisical manner if not for her grunts of effort before she stopped moving all together.

"Ok since you're trying to force your way and going nowhere fast why don't we go back to solid ground and come up with a plan.." Intalru suggested as he eeked his way back. "You say the strangest things brother.. how does one go nowhere fast? nowhere is not a place?"

Intalru pinched the top of his snout just between his eyes for a moment before sighing and explaining himself.

"Ok you know how you couldn't move in the muck?" Sha Na nods before answering "Yes?" "Soo since you couldn't move you were going nowhere right?" another nod. "Ok try to listen carefully this is where it gets tricky... you were going nowhere as long as the mud was there but since you where going nowhere you're already there since you were already there that means you got there fast!, or a different term could be going nowhere no time soon"

Sha Na Stood there for several minutes deep in thought before finally opening her mouth. "Going nowhere no time soon makes much more sense.."

After the late night philosophy lesson Intalru and Sha Na back tracked to the forest hopping to find a large branch or log they could use to make a bridge to get past the muck.

As the two searched the bramble and brush it became obvious that they wouldn't find anything nearly large enough for them to make a bridge. Dejected Sha Na's tail and shoulders go limp as she drags the former behind her while she walks. "I wasn't able to lead my younger sibling to food I only wasted valuable time for growth."

Wow Intalru was surprised at how depressed Sha Na could get over some fish and lost time, and since she's the only one of his sibling he actually knows it caused a slight pang in his heart to see her mope.

"Hold up sister! I think I know a way we can get the fish with out getting to the edge of the water." Sha Na didn't even bother turning around as Intalru chased after her.

"No seriously Sha Na I just had a great idea!" Intalru runs back to the Thorn brambles and begins cutting several of the thinnest and most flexible vines into 12 foot long strips. Ding! "Crafting skill 'Herbal foraging' has reached level 1."

"Perfect.." Intalru chuckled to himself as he remembered the wilderness survival training his 'uncle' used to force him into every summer from 1st grade of elementary school untill he graduated high school.

Ding! Ding! crafting skill 'Carving' has reached level 1. Crafting skill 'Weaving' has reached level 1.

Almost an hour later and Italru returned to where he left Sha Na in her gloomy daze. "Ok sister I have the answer!" Intalru beamed as he shown the fruits of his labor.

"How will these help us?" Sha Na asks excitedly as a spark of curiosity alights in her eyes throwing every shadow of doubt and remorse to oblivion.

"Just watch me.." Intalru grins as he saunters back to the river.

Thank you for taking the time to read this book I've done some minor changes to help the story flow and a little smoother

Sum12hatecreators' thoughts