
Evolution System: Rise of the Devourer

In the world of cultivation, where extraordinary abilities are commonplace, Sam Verninne's life takes an extraordinary turn on his eighteenth birthday. Awakening dormant powers on this momentous occasion, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and unparalleled strength. As Sam learns to harness his newfound abilities, he realizes the immense potential he possesses, setting him on a path of becoming an unmatched force. In a universe filled with formidable beings, Sam's rise to power knows no bounds. From battles with various entities to even facing off against gods, he faces countless challenges and emerges victorious. But amidst the wars and cosmic confrontations, Sam discovers the true essence of his purpose. He fights not only for love, family, and himself but also to protect the delicate balance of the universe. As his name resounds through the universe, Sam Verninne becomes a legend in his own right. ... At the beginning of the novel, I must admit that my writing may have seemed awkward and embarrassing. However, I assure you that as the story progresses, it gets better and more captivating. I sincerely hope you'll join me on this journey, and I promise that you won't be disappointed with the unfolding tale. [A/N: Rest assured, the grammar significantly improves after the first 25 chapters.]

Sam_OverPowered · Kỳ huyễn
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53 Chs

Chapter 45: Sam and Serena - 1

<Spell: Windshear Devastation Activated>

His hands retracted, gathering momentum, and the moment of impact arrived. With an electrifying surge, Sam's fist transformed into a beacon of concentrated energy. It shot forth with the fury of a comet, colliding headlong with the onslaught of wind and fire.

The collision sent shockwaves rippling through the arena, a reverberation of power that throbbed in the hearts of all who witnessed it. The winds howled as they writhed and twisted around the impact point, and the flames danced in harmonious disarray.

And then, in a crescendo of power that resonated like a thunderclap, the typhoon succumbed. The tempestuous elements, once a force of destruction, were enveloped by the very force they sought to obliterate.

An explosion of energy radiated outwards, a shockwave that pulsed through the very air. The cyclone dissipated, its inferno and gales tamed by the devastating might of Sam's unique creation.