
Evolution System in High School of The Dead

Because of an error in the Matrix, Takashi Komuro ceased existing. The Gods that keep balance in the multiverse needed someone to act as the protagonist for that that world, so they selected a promising young man who had no attachments to his life. Ryo Hashimoto woke up in the presence of six figures. They presented themselves as the deities that ruled the multiverse and offered him a chance to make something of his life. "Why not... I don't have anything left here anyway" -------------------- We have a D*i*s*c*o*r*d! https://discord.gg/6a3PqqGUtC This story IS a Harem, but it will be slowly built. If you like girl collecting stories this isn't for you. The Romance tag is there for a reason.

LastInkBender · Tranh châm biếm
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64 Chs

Rescuing Teachers - Surviving Fujimi High II

As they left the faculty office, the group heard screaming and sounds of fighting not too far from the room. At first they were going to ignore the, since the sound indicated an excessive amount of undead, but Ryo identified one of the voices.

"Help! Please help us!" said a voice that he had heard during the morning. It was Hiratsuka Shizuka, his homeroom teacher. Without caring about the possible danger that it presented, he turned around and gave a simple order. Not a petition, but an order. "We're going to help"

No one complained or said anything against it. Saeko aside, they all understood that their best shot at survival was sticking to Hashimoto Ryo. It only took them a couple of minutes to spot where the screaming came from. Once there, he found what looked like a uniform mass of undead. He assumed there were at least a few dozens of them in that corridor alone, cramping in front of the door to Class 2B.

Everyone was about to turn around and give up, but Ryo did the unthinkable. He asked Rei to give him her weapon and, dual wielding them, began doing the craziest thing possible. Attacking the mini-horde. They thought he was crazy, but two people thought differently. One was Saeko, who found it attractive. The second was Ryo. Why? Well...

[Host may kill all of the undead and rescue Hiratsuka Shizuka and Hayashi Kyoko.

Rewards: Strength +2 - Intelligence +2 - Agility +1 - Charisma +1]

With rewards as big as those, how could he not save them? As such, he began piercing through every zombie's head, not caring about the drops of bloods that fell on his clothes at all. After all, he would replace them later on anyways. As an ex-model, Ryo wouldn't allow himself to walk around in a school uniform, even if it was during the zombie apocalypse.

Two, six, twelve. One after the other, zombies fell to the floor, now completely dead. When they finally noticed Ryo, they turned towards him, stepping on each other to reach him first. With his left hand he swiped at their heads, taking advantage of the flat end to slash them. Since the first row fell down suddenly, the rest began tripping. Fourteen, twenty, twenty five.

There seemed to be no end to the zombies. Ryo felt his arms getting tired from the repeaded thrusting and pulling movement. Thirty zombies had fallen and at least a dozen more remained. Ryo quickly, swiped at their feet, making them fall down. They were strong but clumsy in their movements, so doing something like that was easy. With his free hand, he pierced the head of those on the floor, all the time keeping the rest at bay with the other weapon. With a little push from his will, Hashimoto Ryo killed the remaining zombies.

*huff* *huff* *huff*

That was the moment were everyone had the same thought. It was a simple thing they accepted as reality as soon as the last zombie fell to the floor. Hashimoto Ryo, the man that had saved them, was a beast. Unluckily or not, Rei was to the side, vomiting her breakfast and lunch. She really was too kind for that world.

"Ugh... my gakuran is soaked in blood" he said before taking it off, revealing his tie-less shirt and the rosary hanging from his neck. What surprised most was how the gakuran managed to hide Ryo's body. Since his shirt was tight, it showed how each and every one of his muscles was build to be compact and strong. The first one to react was Saeko. "My... what a man"

Her comment was followed by the nods of every girl in the group. Hirano couldn't help but lose even more of his already low confidence, but nobody seemed to care, bar Saya who still hadn't thanked him for defending her in the art and crafts room. Ryo had already approached the door and knocked on it.

"Shizuka-sensei? It's Hashimoto Ryo, the transfer stu..." Ryo wasn't able to finish his words because, as soon as the door opened, he was jumped on by two people. He almost attacked them with his improvised weapons, but stopped just on time. Kyoko and Shizuka were tightly hugging him, as if their life depended on it. He couldn't help himself, he wanted to tease them "Geez... what are us students supposed to if the teachers act like that..."

[Strength +2 - Intelligence +2 - Agility +1 - Charisma +1]

Only then did the two adult ladies let go of him, with a clearly pronounced blush and bashful attitudes. When they looked around, they saw the massacre left behind by Ryo. Taking a note from Rei's book, they turned to the other side and vomited. Once they calmed down, ignoring the disgusting acid aftertaste, they asked what anyone sane would do.

"Did... did you guys do this?" as those words left Shizuka's mouth, she realized everyone was looking at someone else. When she followed their eyes, she found Hashimoto Ryo, the student that had transferred that same day. Kyoko, realizing what it all meant, looked at him in disbelief. Unluckily for them -or extremely luckily, since he was their savior- it was the reality. Rei was the one who confirmed their guess. "It was all Ryo. He looked almost desperate to save you"

Somewhere deep in their subconscious, a seed had been planted in some of the girls present. If they where in such a situation, would Ryo do the same to save them? They didn't know it, but they were entranced by the bloody dance he had performed. And the most affected by it was the purple-haired beauty. Ryo noticed this, but decided not to comment about it. Perhaps if he got to know them better lately -as a person, not as characters- he would say something. At the moment, surviving was his biggest priority.

"Ok, we'll head for the bus now. Take this back, Rei" he said as he passed the weapon back to the brunette. He was in a good mood because of the growth in his stats. He was sure he was now around the level of a professional boxer in stats alone. He decided to check his full status later, since he now had no time to do so. "Come one, we can't waste any time"

The group began walking silently. They had been informed by Saya that they responded to sound, so they did their best to remain silent. They reached the ground floor without any problems, but the first thing they saw there were two girls running from a group of zombies. The one running in the back was about to be caught by them, but luckily I was there. Grabbing Rei's weapon quickly, I threw it like I had done earlier to save Kyoko.

One could clearly hear how it cut through the air and pierced the zombie that had grabbed the girl straight in the head. The girls friend hadn't even for one second stopped to look at her friend, probably taking her for dead, so I simply approached her quickly and killed the groupof undead that were about to catch her. Now free, they approached our group with hurry. I stayed behind to kill the rest of the zombies.

Once I was done with the remains, I walked back to the group. giving Rei her weapon back, I simply cracked my neck, a bit stiff from all the movement I had been doing throughout the day. I redirected my attention to the two newcomers. I recognized them as the two girls that would've died by now. I remembered that one of them was supposed to abandon the other only to die seconds later. But none of that happened so I didn't care. So long as she didn't betray us later, everything would be fine. If she did, she would be food for the undead.

Once the girls managed to catch their breath, I looked at them more attentively. The one that introduced herself as Toshimi Niki had brown hair tied in a pig-tail and green eyes. The other one introduced herself as Misuzu Ichijou, and she had black hair tied in a bun with two bangs framing her face's sides and her eyes were brown. Once everyone else had introduced themselves to them, with kouta being ignored, we began heading towards the school's entrance once again.

"Ok, that is the entrance! We can now run to the bus!" Saya exclaimed with happiness as soon as we could see it. And she was right. Now we only had to go through the biggest ordeal of all.

The horde outside the building.