

Alex suddenly wakes up in the midst of cheering and jeering just a moment after his death, with memories of the incident being a blur. He tries to understand his situation. He soon finds out that, he had appeared in a totally different world, a one that he knew very well but didn't completely understand. And him not being Human had put him in a precarious situation as he was aware of the tragedy that awaits the future. with all this, he chose to Grow stronger in order to survive and change Fate it self. This Novel is a participant of the Web Novel spirity awards Spring 2020, so your votes and the like would be very helpful!!. The Cover art was gotten from DefiantArt and isn't mine...If anyone would want to help with one, you can chat me up on discord with Daoist XuYi#2777 Thank you! PS: I hereby declare that this story is purely fictitious and has nothing to do with specific characters, institutions, groups, or cases. Any similarities are purely coincidental.

Daoist_Xuyi · Kỳ huyễn
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155 Chs

Chapter 63: It's time...

[A/N: so this morning I was listening to-> Ain't no devil by Andrea Wasse at the beginning of this chapter and it went so well with it, you could try it hue hue hue]

Black Moon village,

It was a very dark night, about three hours before midnight, Alex solemnly stepped out of the Lord's Manor. He was struck by the strange, deserted feeling of the town's atmosphere. Taking a few steps, He surveyed his surrounding before walking towards the town's square and still found nothing but silence. He turned towards the west, yet he found nothing but silence till he noticed before him, at the foot of the temple's statue, the villagers stood silently for the first time, Dabok stood at the fore front with a torch: a long torch with naked flames. The villagers were in a bowing position, Dabok with the torch was bending forward too. It was a dark, weird group, Alex lingered on his feet, watching.