
Evolution begins with an ant colony

Akun, along with his classmates, was summoned as heroes by a goddess to save the world from the demon king. Akun, doubting he has what it takes to save the world, asks the goddess to send him back. Little did he know that this request infuriated the goddess. "How dare a mere mortal go against my will," she thought to herself while maintaining her facade. She opens a portal for him to go back. Little did he know, the goddess had something else in store for him. As he passed through the portal, his soul was separated from his body, and he fell through the sky and earth until he landed in the body of an ant in the godforsaken forest. Left there to die by the hands of the goddess, Akun awakens the "Endless Evolution System." [Ding!! The Endless Evolution System has been activated!! Grind to gain evolution points and evolve yourself and your comrades!!] "Endless Evolution System? Evolution points?" "Does this mean there's more to my transformation? Can I evolve even as an ant?" [Ding!! Unique skill detected!! Skill: Super Gamer Shop!! Evolution points can also be used on this skill to buy items!!] Follow Akun on his new epic adventure, and find out exactly what awaits him, maybe some conquest and retribution. Tags: Evolution, Dragon, Magic, Action, Fantasy, System, Reincarnation, Weak To Strong, Demons, Supernatural

Zurbluris · Kỳ huyễn
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385 Chs

An armored maiden

A few hours ago, in the throne room, as Akun's hand slapped Keleora's cheek, the throne room fell into a hushed silence. The audacity of his action left everyone stunned, and some even gasped in shock. The orc queen, taken back by the sudden turn of events, looked between Akun and Keleora with a mix of surprise and concern.

"Shut up! You're so annoying," Akun stated boldly, not backing down despite the tense atmosphere.

Keleora, who had been slapped, seemed momentarily stunned before breaking into laughter. The sound of her amused chuckles echoed through the room. She looked at Akun with a smirk, her eyes glinting with amusement. "Well, well, who do we have here?" she said, addressing the orc queen. "An honored guest, you say?"

The orc queen nodded, her expression composed but wary. "Yes, this is Akun, a guest we hold in high regard."

Keleora's lips curved into a sly smile as she focused her attention back on Akun. "Do you even realize what you've done?" she asked, her voice carrying a hint of danger.

"I shut the mouth of a foul woman," Akun retorted, his gaze unwavering.

Keleora's laughter intensified, making the room feel even more tense. She leaned forward, her eyes gleaming with amusement and something more sinister. "You must have been living under a rock, boy. Let me educate you. A few thousand years ago, we, the kingins invaded the orc tribe. We could have easily turned them all into our slaves. But their wise queen proposed an agreement. The orc tribe would offer 60% of the gold they mined each year, and in return, we would spare them from enslavement."

She paused, letting her words sink in. "And here you are, slapping a member of kingin royalty. Do you realize the consequences of your actions?"

Akun's expression remained resolute, undaunted by Keleora's threat. "I did what was necessary. you needed to be reminded that respect is earned, not demanded."

Keleora's smirk widened. "Well, it seems you've gotten yourself into quite the predicament. If you wish to settle this matter, it can only be done through a dark pact battle."

"A dark pact battle?" Akun repeated, not entirely familiar with the concept.

"Yes," Keleora explained. "It's a battle in which the winner can make a demand of the loser."

Akun's eyes narrowed, his mind racing with possibilities. He knew he had to be cautious, for this was not just a simple contest. The stakes were high, and the consequences could be dire.

Keleora's gaze roamed over Akun's face with a hint of intrigue. "And seeing as you're a handsome one," she said, almost teasingly, "I'll grant you the privilege of making your own demand if you win."

Now in the present, as the intense battle with Keleora raged on, Akun realized that he needed to find a way to gain an advantage over her. Drawing upon the knowledge he had accumulated from countless games and battles, he remembered a skill that might just turn the tide in his favor. But he knew he needed time to access it.

Time seemed to slow as Akun's mind raced, knowing that he had to act swiftly to gain the upper hand against Keleora and her formidable dark magic. His thoughts were a whirlwind of strategy and determination, searching his memory for the key to turn the tide in his favor.

"I can't possibly use the silver rail gun, it'll cause way too much damage and everyone in the Colosseum could get seriously wounded.'

"I need to buy some time," he concluded with resolve, aware that every second counted in this high-stakes battle.

Reacting swiftly, he drew upon his innate power, a surge of silver energy converging into a grand display of mastery. In an instant, a formidable dome shaped shield materialized before him, made of pure silver.

Seeking protection from the onslaught of Keleora's dark magic. The silver barrier served as his sanctuary, shielding him from her attacks while he called forth the Endless Evolution System.

"Endless Evolution System, open the super gamer shop!" Akun declared.

Inside the protective cocoon of the silver shaped shield, Akun's heart pounded with urgency. Time seemed to both slow and hasten as he delved into the depths of the Endless Evolution System. His mind called out to the boundless repository of skills and knowledge, seeking the elusive Holy Light skill that held the power to counter Keleora's darkness.

"Come on, where is it?" he muttered under his breath, his fingers swiftly navigating through the interface. The interface shimmered with an array of choices, each skill representing a possibility for victory. But among them all, the Holy Light skill would guarantee his victory.

As he searched, Keleora's mocking laughter and relentless attacks echoed beyond the silver shield. Her dark magic pounded against the shimmering barrier, testing its resilience as she taunted Akun from the outside.

"Still hiding, Akun? I thought you were supposed to be a formidable opponent," she jeered, her voice carrying an air of smug satisfaction.

Akun's disappointment was palpable as he realized the elusive Holy Light skill remained out of his financial grasp, because of his lack of sufficient evolution points.

"Not enough evolution points? and at a time like this." Akun said, with a tone of disappointment.

Yet, his sharp eyes caught sight of an item from a familiar card game, prompting a subtle smile to grace his lips. "this could work," he murmured to himself, a glimmer of hope rekindled.

Emerging from his dome-shaped shield, Akun summoned large silver swords and spun them around his form in a mesmerizing display. With a focused intensity, he unleashed a torrent of silver projectiles at Keleora. But to his chagrin, she dodged them with ease, mocking his efforts with disdain.

Keleora's laughter echoed through the Colosseum as Akun's silver swords failed to breach her defenses. With a look of arrogant amusement, she taunted him with disdain. "Is this the best you can do, Akun? Firing spears, now rotating swords? How amusing! But it won't save you from your inevitable defeat."

"The might of your silver manipulation is nothing compared to my prowess, little insect," she sneered, her voice dripping with scorn. "Your futile attempts are but a nuisance, hardly worth my time."

Unaware to Keleora, everything was going according to Akun's plan. With a mischievous grin, Akun knew the time was right to set his plan in motion. His heart raced with excitement as he prepared to execute the strategy that would turn the tide of the battle in his favor. "Now is the perfect time to set my plan in motion."

"Is that all you've got, Keleora?" Akun taunted, a smirk playing on his lips. "To be honest, I expected more from someone as powerful as you! but ever since we started our battle, I couldn't help but feel, disappointed!"

As Akun's taunts hit Keleora's ears, a mix of anger and determination surged through her veins. She refused to be belittled by him any futher. In a swift motion, she clenched her fists, and the swirling purple aura surrounding her body condensed into an impenetrable black and purple armor.

The transformation was awe-inspiring, as if the very essence of her power had taken physical form. The armor glowed with an ominous energy, crackling with power and intent. Keleora's eyes blazed with an intensity that matched the fiery aura surrounding her.

"You think you can mock me and get away with it?" Keleora's voice was fierce, her every word dripping with fury. "Pray you make it out of this alive, because from now on, I'll hold nothing back."

As Keleora closed in on Akun with startling speed, he instinctively conjured a thick silver shield, desperately trying to block her powerful strike. However, to his shock and horror, the force of her punch shattered the shield as if it were made of glass, and he was sent hurtling through the air, crashing hard into the unforgiving stone wall of the Colosseum.

Pain ripped through Akun's body as he coughed out blood, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. The impact had been brutal, and he could feel his organs protesting from the internal injuries caused by the blow. Despite the agony, he tried to regain his composure, struggling to get back on his feet.

Ember and Ivy watched from the sidelines, their hearts heavy with worry for their boss. Seeing Akun in pain and struggling against Keleora's overwhelming strength, they couldn't bear to stand idly by.

"Come on, we have to help him!" Ivy cried out, her voice filled with concern.

Ember nodded, his eyes fixed on Akun's battered form. "You're right. We can't just stand here and do nothing."

However, as they moved to join the battle, one of the orc guards stepped forward, blocking their path. "This is a sacred match," the guard said firmly. "If you truly respect him, you will let him fight with honor."

Ember and Ivy exchanged worried glances, torn between their desire to help their friend and their respect for the orc tribe's traditions.

Akun's mind raced with a mixture of pain and determination. He had underestimated the power of Keleora's attacks; each blow she landed felt like a hammer striking him. Struggling to remain conscious, he gritted his teeth, refusing to yield.

"I didn't expect her attacks to be this painful," Akun thought to himself, feeling the weight of his body as it screamed in protest. "But I can't stop now. For my plan to work, I have to endure far more damage than I already have."

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