
276: A Plague of Phantoms: Dueling Competence VI


15 minutes ago

"Please don't go overboard Starlight." Grandpa Seamus said. I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck.

"That'll depend on Viola. She's really powerful so I might not have a choice." I replied. Grandpa Seamus sighed and shook his head.

I was back on the King's glaive which was parked on the bluffs of the crescent moon island. A short ride over to the arena that the duel between Viola and I was supposed to take place. We were standing in the engine car beside the open door out towards the open ocean. Jane, Iris, The Gents, Sin, Indy, Jade, Nate, Bo, Astrid, Damon, and Alberto were in the stands of the arena with Turak'Kahn.

"Be careful still. There's a lot of Americans in those stands, they've had centuries to forget what ya splicers can do. They might not take this reminder kindly." Grandpa Seamus warned. I nodded in agreement and understanding.

"I know, but I'm hoping it'll cool down some of the tempers that were flared up because of that execution earlier." I replied.

"Just be safe and don't actually lose Starlight. I like having Jane around. Her and Iris seem ta calm ya a wee bit." Grandpa Seamus said. I rolled my eyes at him meaning to be a little coy but my smirk betrayed me.

"You sure you don't want to go watch from the stands?" I asked. Grandpa Seamus shook his head and waved me off.

"Nah! I think I'll stay here, someone's got ta stay here and watch those new lads ya picked up." Grandpa replied, referring to Anders and Reagan.

I wanted to remind him that Chad was still here as well as Madilyn but I sensed there was something more to his wanting to stay on the King's glaive. He was almost eighty knowing his early to bed, early to rise routine it was past his bedtime. So I left him be and just nodded.

"Master Kingston!" Hideyoshi's familiar voice called out to me from the open door.

I looked out the door and saw Hideyoshi riding on the back of a sky skimmer, dressed in his naval captain's uniform. Beside him stood Viola, dressed in a odd looking bodysuit. It took me a second to realize it was one that was used in fencing practice. I'd seen Jane use one a few times over the past few months at Andromeda.

"Hideyoshi. Didn't think you'd be the one to come collect me." I said. Hideyoshi brought the sky skimmer parallel to the King's glaive then shrugged.

"I was ordered to by my lord Shogun to come collect you and Queen Viola for your duel." Hideyoshi replied. It took every ounce of strength to not arch a eyebrow at that statement knowing full well that Hideyoshi was the Shogun. Somehow I managed.

"Interesting choice of attire, Chase." Viola said motioning to the outfit I had on.

They were the robes that I was given on Tolapo village when my original ones ended up shredded and burned. I took them back to the clothing store where we bought the company uniforms and my dashiki's from and had them repaired and dyed my new signature colors of burgundy and gold. For some reason it felt right to wear them for the duel, probably because I had my Dia Caos strapped in its holster on my thigh.

"Something my great-aunt gave me. Nothing special." I said casually. Grandpa Seamus snapped his fingers and exclaimed happily.

"Aye! That's where I've seen that style 'afore! Yer Gran used ta wear robes like that all the time when I was courting her!" Grandpa said with a beaming smile. I couldn't help but smile a bit at that, the unbridled joy on Grandpa's face for that memory.

"Remind me to take you to her old Village once we get Back to Andromeda. It wouldn't take too long with Alpa'nagia's help." I said. Grandpa Seamus looked shocked at that then smiled softly, though there was a sadness to his smile.

"Go on now, Starlight. Can't keep everyone waiting." Grandpa Seamus said then shooed me. I jumped down onto the sky skimmer and huffed.

"I'm going, I'm going!" I exclaimed.

Hideyoshi urged the Sky skimmer to turn around and started swimming towards the arena, keeping close to the coast of the island. I waved to Grandpa Seamus until he faded from view around the coast of the island then turned to look at Viola.

Apart from the fencing outfit she was also wearing the eye of Ammunset, why Grandpa Seamus or Hideyoshi didn't say anything about the fact she was wearing the necklace with the hulking gemstone in the middle of it was a mystery to me but I also put me on edge a little. The fact she was wearing that meant she had access to the Crystal Genesis spell. Something incredibly dangerous for a splicer with her unique talents.

Her ability to copy any spell she saw meant that I couldn't really rely on my enchanted items too much or my blood casting as every spell I used was just another spell she could use against me later. Didn't help that she's recognized as being just as strong as Anansi Paragon in terms of combat strength.

"You seem tense Chase." Viola said suddenly. I frowned and looked at the eye of Ammunset.

"Considering I know what spell is enchanted on that necklace worried is the least I should be." I replied. Viola chuckled and shook her head.

"You talk as though you're not sure you can win?" Viola said.

"I'm sure that by the end of tonight I'm going to owe a lot of money in damages." I replied. That earned a light chuckle from Hideyoshi.

"Don't worry about damages Master Kingston, just fight your duel. I'm sure the Shogun can forgive you a little destruction." Hideyoshi said.

"Yes, don't hold back Chase." Viola agreed then looked me square in the eyes. "Fight me with the same determination you showed the night of my anniversary ball."

I didn't respond to Viola's remark. It didn't require one, at least not a verbal reply. She might have challenged me due to Jane's insistence but the sentiment behind the challenge was real, she wanted to see for herself if I was strong enough to protect her daughter and if I passed then I'd use her fame and reputation to further boost my own.

"We're reaching the entrance the lagoon. Won't be long now." Hideyoshi announced.

The entrance to the crescent moon lagoon was to the back of the island through a cave that was illuminated by a utility spell that created lights. The passage through the cave was short and the ride through only took a few minutes. When we came out on the other side we were in the middle of a large circular lagoon that had been altered to allow the construction of a massive three tier stadium along the cliff face of the lagoon. A few tens of thousands of people were seated in the stands and most cheered once our sky skimmer came into view. The ones that didn't were obviously American.

"That's a bigger welcome than I was expecting." I said softly.

In the center of the lagoon was a floating metal platform that was about the size of a football field. Hideyoshi steered the Sky skimmer over to the platform. Once it had came to a stop Viola, Hideyoshi and I all climbed onto the platform and walked to the center. Viola and I turned to face each other while Hideyoshi stood between us then subtly cast a utility spell that enhanced his voice.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! We have gathered here today for two events, the combat demonstration and a noble duel! I am Captain Hideyoshi Ascred of the JDF's navy and I will be acting as mediator for The duel, which will commence shortly." Hideyoshi announced. "This is a duel between Viola Solomon, Queen of Egypt and Chase Kingston, The Revolutionary Paragon of Sho'lajah Artifact Company. The queen has challenged Master Kingston to the duel with the rules being of mixed combat where each splicer will fight along side one evo of their choosing. The condition to win is either surrender or render your opponent incapacitated!"

A wave of applause and screams thundered around us from the stands above and despite our distance it was quite deafening. I drowned out the noise and focused on what I had to do. I had a rough game plan that probably wasn't going to work but I had plenty of back ups.

"Queen Viola summon your evo!" Hideyoshi exclaimed then pointed to Viola. Her farm crystal started to glow as a crystalline structure formed and I saw a sly smile appear on her face.

"HAPI!" She exclaimed and tossed the structure into the air. It shattered in mid-air and the Lunar Liger Shark that she bought from me only hours ago emerged, landing beside her and letting loose a impressive roar. Hideyosh turned and pointed to me.

"Master Kingston Summon you evo!" Hideyoshi commanded. My farm crysglowed and a crystalline structure formed in front of it as I threw my hand up into the air, flinging the crystal with it.

"BONE-LASHER!" I bellowed. His structure shot into the air and shattered. Bone-lasher emerged, letting loose a commanding roar that shockwaves rippling across the waters surface and lightning sparked off his crystal armor. Bone-lasher landed beside me and growled low in his throat. Through our mental connection I could feel his annoyance and unease.

"Both duelist have summoned their evos…!" Hideyoshi exclaimed then stepped back and off the platform and onto the sky skimmer. "…BEGIN!"

Viola snapped her fingers and before Bone-lasher or I could even begin to start channeling mana, a tree burst through the bottom of the platform between Viola and I. It's branches reached out and grabbed both Bone-lasher and I and yanked us into the air. The branches scratched and tore at my limbs in an attempt to hold me which only seemed to piss Bone-lasher off. Bone-lasher roared and started tearing through the branches until they finally let him go and he dropped to the platform.

[Get Viola!] I ordered him as I started channeling incinerate attribute mana through my hands. Bone-lasher complied and charged at Viola, tearing through the tree branches that reached down and tried to grab him while I snapped my fingers and let small blue embers jump from my fingers and onto the branches that held me.

Hapi jumped to his mistress defense, lightning jumping arching off his body as he channeled mana and charged at Bone-lasher. He moved so fast all you could see was the trail of lightning. Bone-lasher channeled his own volt attribute mana in response to this and streaked across the platform to meet Hapi head on only to get knocked back by a powerful blow from Hapi.

The embers I threw found purchase in the branches and trunk of my tree prison and set it alight. I quickly broke free of the burning branches before they could burn me or more importantly my robes. I landed flat on my ass on the platform but quickly jumped up and channeled incinerate attribute mana into my hands and fired a torrent of flames that rolled down the length of the platform towards Viola.

She snapped her fingers again and three more trees sprung up from under the platform and blocked my torrent of flames but not before they were utterly incinerated. I clicked my tongue in frustration then switched to channeling volt attribute mana throughout my body and ran towards Viola. To my surprise lightning started sparking off her body before I even made it halfway to her and in one stride she closed the gap between us. I saw her leg shooting up to kick my chin and was moving too fast to think about dodging it. I throw my arm up to block the kick and was knocked back from the force alone, the electrical explosion that rang out made my body feel numb for a second.

I tumbled and skidded across the platform but managed to keep channeling volt attribute mana and and recover before I fell into the water. I dashed forward not really looking to where I was going and nearly crashed into Bone-lasher and Hapi who were tumbling and tialing across the platform, slashing and biting at each other. I manged to jump over them but before I could land I was kicked in the side and sent flying across the platform; again; another electrical explosion even stronger than the first surged through me.

I managed to land on my feet this time and skidded to a near stop when I saw Viola racing towards me, not wanting to get kicked again I ran straight at her and dropped my shoulder to ram her. Viola was fast and nimble, she flipped over me and kicked me in the back propelling me into Bone-lasher who had been launched by Hapi.

As we collided, Bone-lasher turned to catch me and shield me from the impact and even the explosion. Using his armor he absorbed the electrical pulse from Viola's attack. He held me close to his chest as he hit the ground and rolled then slammed a clawed hand down onto the platform to push us up into the air then spun and launched me towards Viola. I wasn't going to hit her, I knew that. It wasn't like that maneuver with Bone-lasher was planned or anything other than pure luck and chance. I knew I could knock her for a loop though.

Viola started to jump backwards to dodge the attack, like I knew she would. Leaving me set to slam head first onto the platform. Or at least that what it would look like to Viola. I channeled shock and blast attribute mana into the palm of my hand and slammed my hand down on the platform just before I cracked my head open on the metal floor. A loud static buzz echoed followed by a enormous electrical explosion that caught both me and Viola, knocked me back several feet before I managed to tumble to my feet and skid to a stop. Bone-lasher rushed to my side and stood slightly in front of my in a protective stance while Hapi did the same with Viola.

The crowd cheered and went crazy as I stopped channeling mana and stared Viola down. She looked smug, to anyone watching that exchange would have looked like a blitz of electrical explosions taking place over a span of seconds where it looked like we were evenly matched. But in reality she was handing me my ass. I was not meant for hand-to-hand or at least not good at it.

I pulled the enchanted rings off my left pinky and index finger then tossed them to Bone-lasher and drew Dia Caos. Bone-lasher caught the rings and held them tightly in his armored claws.

"Switching tactics! Scorched earth!"

HUTEXA_THE_DJINN HERE! As promised, the second chapter to make up for last week! Feeling better now but still recovering. Trying to rest and get my strength back so there will be shorter chapters for a while. Sorry!

Hutexa_The_Djinncreators' thoughts
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