
Evil Dragon and The Dragon Princess

In a kingdom riven by rivalry, Princess Lucia, defeated in her bid for the throne, fled her vengeful sister's coup. Before her escape, a dark mage cursed her, transforming Lucia into a dragon. Hunted by her sister's griffon-riding minions, she was captured by Lance, a formidable evil dragon with mysterious intentions. Initially fearing for her life, Lucia discovered that Lance's intentions might be more personal than predatory. As they grew closer, Lucia discovered he looked at weirdly. As she noted in her diary with trembling hand that Lance began to regard her not just as a protégé but as something more intimate, perhaps even as his wife. Meanwhile, Lance harbored his own peculiar obsession. He had recently rescued a young dragon, whom he intended to raise with a paternal affection. However, this dragon, none other than Lucia herself, who harbored grand ambitions of her own, dreaming of ascending to power once more. Despite her dreams, all Lance desired was to hear a single word from her: "Dad." #EVILDRAGON #PRINCESS #FUNNY #CAPTIVE #DRAGON

GothChick · Kỳ huyễn
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80 Chs

Stinky dragon!

Turtle was feeling rather downcast.

It seemed increasingly likely that the sinister dragon, Lance, was concocting a new potion. However, the young dragon, adamantly refused to partake in the trials, leaving Turtle as the sole candidate for testing. Lance, entrenched in his old ways, would undoubtedly consider Turtle a safe option.

"The potion," Lance would muse, "Turtle has imbibed it since his hatchling days. It won't kill him. At worst, he'll sprout a few oddities, all of which are treatable."

"In the future, whether it's under Lucia's reign or still Lance's, this new concoction should be your trial," they decided.

Turtle remained silent, a testament to the shallow bonds of their friendship.

Lucia couldn't help but suppress a chuckle, knowing Turtle was merely playing the guinea pig.

"If Lance concocts another potion in the future, I'll never let you test it on my behalf," she reassured Turtle, her earlier statement merely a jest to stir his fears.

"Don't fret," Lucia added brightly, "Tonight, I'll catch either a vole or a mouse. We'll nurture them well. Then, no more will you be the tester; we'll let our new little friends handle that role."

"Why hasn't Lance thought of this simple solution?" Turtle pondered aloud.

"He probably doesn't want to deal with a mouse as large as you," Lucia teased with a laugh.

Turtle nodded, accepting the logic. "And a mouse could never match the endearing charm of a silly turtle like me."

"Your shell's gotten a bit grimy. Shall I clean it for you tomorrow?" Lucia offered.

"Young dragon, you're far more delightful than that mangy dog Marley," Turtle replied with a smile.

"Thanks for the compliment," Lucia beamed, then paused. "Wait, are you comparing me to a dog? That's rather bold! How could you equate the future empress of the Faloran Empire to a dog? I suppose a dragon would be more apt."

"Whenever you're ready to clean my shell, just let me know. I'll swim out to sea, you can perch on my back, and we can make a day of it."

Lucia smiled warmly. From this point forward, she resolved to not only care for the formidable dragon Lance until his demise but also to support her loyal friend Turtle.

Thus, the millennia-old dragon and the venerable Turtle, who boasted eighty-thousand years to his name, could continue their unique friendship, sharing adventures and facing the timeless tales ahead.

"Have you ever been tended to by Lance for turtle shells before?" Lucia queried with genuine curiosity.

Turtle, reminiscing about past caretaking duties, responded, "Yes, he once regularly polished turtle shells."

"Then, I'll have Lance give you a thorough brushing tomorrow before I take over cleaning your shell," Lucia planned out loud.

"Yeah," Turtle agreed, comforted by the familiarity of the routine.

Lance was a dragon of his word. Lucia knew that as her strength grew, even if she were to accidentally harm Turtle during their play, Turtle wouldn't hold a grudge. She envisioned their bond deepening significantly in the times to come.

"Imagine this, my first friend outside the empire was a giant turtle. Can you believe it?" Lucia shared, her voice tinged with wonder.

"If only we could send letters from this island," she sighed, "they'd be astonished by my tales."

At that moment, Lucia sought out Lance. She found him reclining on a sun-warmed boulder, a goblet of red wine in one claw and a plate of snacks in the other, appreciating the breathtaking sunset.

Lance seemed almost poetic in his enjoyment. "Such vistas could inspire bards to compose verses that would make maidens swoon," he mused aloud.

Lucia remembered the bards from the imperial capital. "I've met quite a few," she shared. "Each had a certain charm, though they were somewhat older."

"Do you enjoy the sunset's afterglow?" Lance asked, noticing her approach.

Lying down on a nearby boulder, Lance took in the serene scene. "I do. It purifies the soul and aids in mental strength."

Lucia looked puzzled. "Mental strength? Isn't that a bit much?"

"Not at all," Lance explained. "Warriors, mages, and energy card makers in the human realm often focus on this to clear away daily distractions and alleviate their anxieties, fostering a state of mind that's calm and collected."

In this peaceful moment, both dragons appreciated the simplicity and depth of their surroundings, allowing the natural beauty to inspire tranquility and philosophical reflections.

"Why does Lance strengthen his state of mind?" Lucia pondered aloud. "Perhaps to cleanse the day's glitz and glamour."

Lance, a dragon adorned with a multitude of accolades, overheard her musings. "Indeed, if a bard from the human world were to depict the afterglow of the setting sun, the portrayal would be utterly captivating," he remarked, his gaze shifting towards Lucia.

Lance couldn't help but notice Lucia's keen interest in the human world and its inhabitants. "It seems you have a liking for the talented and artistic among humans."

"Do you favor humans?" he inquired, his tone lightly probing.

Startled, Lucia replied, "Ah? Oh, yes. I suppose one must appreciate humans to some degree to rule them effectively."

She mused on her own sentiments. "I can't claim a deep affection, but there is certainly a mild fondness. Didn't you mention your visits to the human world just yesterday, Lance? Perhaps even you hold a soft spot for them."

Curious, Lucia asked, "Lance, do you detest humans, or do you hold them in regard?"

Lance responded thoughtfully, "I admire the virtuous and despise the malevolent."

The conversation dipped into a brief silence as Lucia considered the complexity of human nature. She reflected on a human she knew, Eva, a kind-hearted dark wizard who faced persecution unjustly. "Even the kindest souls can be misunderstood and maligned," she thought.

Lucia had little interaction outside the imperial bounds, even within the capital, and thus seldom encountered truly vile individuals. Her sister, the princess, though irritating, wasn't evil. "Annoying, yes, but not malevolent. If she were, she wouldn't have the support of ministers, nobles, and knights in her bid for the throne."

"I too despise the wicked," Lucia confessed.

"Then, you must learn to outwit them," Lance advised. "Being more cunning and shrewd than those with ill intentions will shield you from harm."

"But considering your potential," Lance continued, his voice imbued with a hint of pride, "I believe in a more direct approach for you [Destroying all laws with one force]. With sufficient strength, no schemer or malefactor can withstand a direct confrontation. Overpower them, and no trickery or malice will prevail against you."

"If you are so strong, a lower IQ wouldn't really matter," Lance teased lightly.

"Is that so?" Lucia raised an eyebrow, pondering his words.

As she considered his statement, a nagging thought surfaced. "By being more cunning than the villains, am I not becoming one of them? Do I turn into someone even worse?"

Fighting evil with evil?

Somehow, that seemed to work in her head. If she were powerful enough, even if not the brightest, the wicked couldn't touch her. The logic was strangely flawless.

Lance had seen something in her, a potential for strength. "Did he really think I'm cut out to be this formidable force?" Lucia mused, a smile creeping onto her face. She admired Lance's knack for understanding one's essence.

Suddenly, a thought struck her. Was Lance implying she had a low IQ by suggesting brute strength was her path?

The implication stung. "To say I should embrace strength, is it because he thinks I can't match wits with the malicious?"

Feeling both insulted and misunderstood, Lucia's eyes shimmered with hurt. "You insulted me," she stated flatly, her voice tinged with hurt.

Lance exhaled a deep, fiery breath, attempting to clarify, "Relax, Lucia. Your reaction, albeit slow, proves you're sharper than you think. No ordinary villain can fool you."

Her frustration only deepened. "That praise sounds more like an insult. It's upsetting."

Lance, trying to lighten the mood, teased, "You, you, you seem to have bad breath."

"Don't be absurd, I haven't even had a romance to have bad breath from! That must be coming from you. Go freshen up in the sea, and don't forget to clean this area afterward."

Lucia, dubious, sniffed herself and immediately recoiled, gagging. "How could I possibly smell that bad?!" Her disbelief echoed around them, adding a humorous yet tense undertone to their exchange.