
Evil Dragon and The Dragon Princess

In a kingdom riven by rivalry, Princess Lucia, defeated in her bid for the throne, fled her vengeful sister's coup. Before her escape, a dark mage cursed her, transforming Lucia into a dragon. Hunted by her sister's griffon-riding minions, she was captured by Lance, a formidable evil dragon with mysterious intentions. Initially fearing for her life, Lucia discovered that Lance's intentions might be more personal than predatory. As they grew closer, Lucia discovered he looked at weirdly. As she noted in her diary with trembling hand that Lance began to regard her not just as a protégé but as something more intimate, perhaps even as his wife. Meanwhile, Lance harbored his own peculiar obsession. He had recently rescued a young dragon, whom he intended to raise with a paternal affection. However, this dragon, none other than Lucia herself, who harbored grand ambitions of her own, dreaming of ascending to power once more. Despite her dreams, all Lance desired was to hear a single word from her: "Dad." #EVILDRAGON #PRINCESS #FUNNY #CAPTIVE #DRAGON

GothChick · Kỳ huyễn
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80 Chs

Promise Ring?

The breakfast meticulously crafted by the evil dragon Lance was surprisingly delectable.

"His culinary skills are nothing short of exceptional," Lucia mused, marveling at the flavors.

After swiftly devouring ten hearty meat balls, her stomach swelled noticeably. Yet, she felt she could happily manage one or two more.

Lance, the fearsome dragon, hadn't eaten anything yet. Lucia worried, "If I gobble up everything, what's left for Lance? Surely, we can't expect him to subsist on mere porridge!"

Considering his massive size, a simple bowl of porridge would hardly be satisfying. Determined, Lucia decided to save the remaining five meat balls for Lance. Just then, Marley, the sneaky little pup, snatched another ball from the bowl while Lucia's back was turned.

"No! Those are for Lance; he hasn't eaten yet," she scolded.

"Woof, woof," responded one of the hellhounds, its head bobbing in agreement, even as the other guiltily munched on the stolen meatballs.

Even the dog, having seen Lucia's example, knew to leave some food for Lance. Clearly, Lucia was not just being conscientious; her actions seemed tinged with a subtle rivalry for favor. Just the day before, she had been the one ensuring Lance had his meal, a gesture that now felt competitive against the playful antics of the dogs.

"You can tell at a glance that he's not quite the model of a virtuous dog," Lucia thought. "He may have a conscience, but he certainly knows the art of ingratiation, something that's expected of a loyal dog, not a dragon."

"It's fine, I don't need much," Lance interjected with a chuckle, sipping his porridge. He noticed the young dragon had polished off what was supposed to be his portion as well. "If you're still hungry, go on, eat."

Lance consumed two bowls of porridge quietly, while the young dragon, already stuffed with meatballs, couldn't manage another bite.

"I'm absolutely full," the young dragon declared, her belly taut. She said to herself "If I eat any more, I'll burst! I'll handle the cleanup. After all, there were no such chores back in the imperial capital. There, the head maid took care of everything. But here, with Lance... it's different."

Understanding the importance of diligence in her new environment, she thought, "Being lazy isn't an option here; Lance wouldn't appreciate it. Better to stay busy. Washing dishes here should be as simple as washing glasses was back at the palace."

"Woof woof woof," Marley exclaimed triumphantly after taking off the last meatball.

"Marley, refrain from making such uncouth remarks," chided Lance with a frown.

Lucia, puzzled, wondered what on earth Ergouzi could have said to provoke such a response. "Can Lance actually understand what dogs say?" she thought aloud, her curiosity piqued.

"Lance, what did Marley say?" she asked, looking between the dog and the dragon.

Lance sighed, "Marley just offered to clean the dishes by licking the pots and bowls until they gleam, claiming it would only take minutes."

At this, Marley lifted its heads proudly, as if basking in the acknowledgment of its helpful, if unconventional, cleaning methods. Not only was Marley skilled at making kitchenware sparkle with its tongue, but it also boasted the ability to use hellfire to sterilize them thoroughly, a trick it often employed on its own food bowl.

"Indeed, that's resourceful, but let's keep such suggestions to ourselves, shall we?" Lance advised, eyeing the enthusiastic pup.

Marley, uninterested in debating hygiene standards with Lucia, trotted off to the fields. There, it decided to pluck two fresh cabbages to feed the turtle, knowing well that the turtle preferred veggies over meat, a preference once confirmed when it slapped Marley for offering a bone instead.

Meanwhile, Lance found a smooth boulder atop the mountain, perfect for soaking in the sun's warmth, with Lucia settling nearby on another rock.

"Being a dragon has its moments of sheer contentment," Lucia mused, admiring Lance's serene lifestyle. "After dinner, basking here under the sun feels divine. Imagine if we had some music now, it would be perfect."

Lance, slowly blinking in the sunlight, responded, "Music does add a touch of magic. You know, mermaids in the sea sometimes sing into conches, capturing their melodious tunes. This afternoon, let's go to the sea. I'll introduce you to a singing mermaid who can share her enchanted conch with us."

Transformed into a dragon, Lucia no longer worried about the mundane concerns like tanning; instead, she reveled in the fantastical new elements of her life.

"No, no, no, just musing aloud, Lance. Don't take it to heart," Lucia quickly interjected with a nervous laugh. The idea of venturing into the sea to meet a mermaid suddenly seemed fraught with peril. "Realistically, I can only hold my breath in water for a few minutes. If I can't resurface in time in the deep sea, it could be dangerous. Perhaps it's wiser to just stay on the island."

Changing the subject, she remembered something that mattered deeply to her. "Lance, could you possibly make a small hole in the lucky gold coin you gave me? And maybe find a piece of red string? I'd like to wear it as a necklace," Lucia requested, her eyes lighting up with the thought of her first gift from the dragon. She planned to treasure it and even flaunt it to her friend Eva back at the imperial capital.

The coin itself was no ordinary currency. "This lucky gold coin is only minted in the sacred Temple of the Goddess of Luck. I've heard of them, but I never imagined I'd see one, let alone own one," she mused, flipping the coin between her fingers.

The coins were said to bring fortune to their holder. "Am I lucky then, to be given such a gift? Or is it merely fortune's irony that I, who was captured by a dragon, received it?" she pondered with a smile. "Yet, if legends spoke true of fearsome dragons, then meeting Lance, who's nothing like them, must surely be a stroke of luck."

In a whimsical thought, she added, "Oh, Goddess of Luck, if you're listening, bless my ambitions to someday rule over the Faloran Empire!"

Lance, amused by her mix of concern and dreams, responded, "You wish to wear the gold coin as a necklace?"

"Yes," Lucia affirmed eagerly.

"Very well," Lance said, his tone warm.

He took the coin gently from Lucia's palm. With the precision that only a dragon could muster, he used a claw to delicately create a smooth, round hole at the top of the coin. Considering the importance and the delicate nature of the task, he decided against ordinary string which might fray or break.

With a mystical gesture, Lance conjured a strand of colorful silk, shimmering under the sunlight. He threaded it through the coin, and with a touch of dragonfire, fused the ends together, creating a strong, elegant necklace.

"There, perfect for a future empress," Lance said, presenting the necklace to Lucia with a flourish.


"It's so beautiful," Lucia exclaimed as she took the lucky gold coin from Lance's massive claw and delicately placed it around her neck. She admired the craftsmanship, thinking, 'Only a dragon who once nurtured a princess could craft something so exquisite.'

"I'll gift you a space ring next," Lance offered nonchalantly.

"Ah? A space ring? Oh, no, no, I don't like rings," Lucia stammered, waving her hands frantically in refusal. The thought of accepting such an intimate gift from a dragon, possibly laden with implications like a promise ring, was too daunting.

"You don't like rings?" Lance asked, his voice tinged with surprise.

"Yes, yes," Lucia nodded vigorously, her face a picture of earnestness.

Lance's gaze, highlighted by his golden-red vertical pupils, lingered on the necklace. "If rings are not to your liking, perhaps I could enhance this lucky gold coin instead. Transforming it into a storage space would be a simple task for me," he suggested, his voice calm and reassuring.

"Ah? Is that really possible?" Lucia's eyes widened in amazement.


With a tentative hand, Lucia removed the necklace and handed the coin back to Lance. About thirty minutes later, he returned it to her, now imbued with magical properties.

"Is this suitable? There's no need for any rituals like blood identification," Lance explained. "Simply hold it, and you'll be able to sense and access the space inside. Think of what you want to retrieve or store, it's that simple."

As Lucia marveled at the newly enchanted coin, Lance took out a pristine notebook from his own dimensional storage, a diamond circle.

"I'm giving you this notebook," he said, presenting it to her. "You can jot down anything that moves you, joyful experiences, intriguing encounters, or even the sorrows that touch your heart. Should you face strong foes you cannot best, record them here. Perhaps one day, when they are old and frail, you might find your victory."

Lucia blinked, taken aback by his whimsical suggestion. The playful side of the formidable dragon was fully on display, revealing a mischievous charm she hadn't fully appreciated before. Her initial doubts about his intentions gave way to a light-hearted realization that Lance, for all his might and mystique, enjoyed a bit of fun as much as anyone else.