
Even God Failed Will I?

Drifting for millions of years as a disembodied soul.... This Is a gigantic new world our M.C. gets thrown into. No cheat's... Well, He will make his own cheats. A world where a flesh and blood God Walked and lost his life, betrayed while protecting it from doom. So big, that a normal human can't ever hope to travel a quarter in their life, let alone around it. The possibilities seem endless! Read ahead my rough works on pat/eon SamYsekai ***I'm not into martyr stories and dislike bad emotions like; fear, Anxiety, Rage... you will feel; thrill, love, laugh... of course a story need a plot, but even in these moments, just know that I will turn it in positive emotions.**** ****Any sex scenes are *over "18" in earth time span*. So do expect Loli and crazy stuff in my special chapters, as I like to keep the story going straight.**** ****I do not own any of the outside Characters that could appear not often... He's reincarnated after all. His knowledge contain a load of earth mangas and animes***

Samuel_Demers · Kỳ huyễn
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47 Chs

E.G.F.W.I? Chapter 13 -Mental problems?-

-Barb P.O.V.-

One week gone by, still no news of either Sam or Gary. The tribe left two week's ago already. We were supposed to leave a day later than the group.

No more energy enters the egg. I went to touch it even, and no problem occurred. For him not to come out, he has to be missing something.

I search the anime.. cough memories he left behind. This is a huge mess. I just put it out of sight in my Mindscape so, after checking for a few hour's, I found many law's I have never seen due to technology.

The only way I can think of is complex, but it will work. I isolate all his memories, instead of searching for what's missing one by one. I concentrate it in a Ball of energy. It won't contain much of the law's, but traces are all he needs. It will be like DNA.

I throw the ball at the egg.

-Sam P.O.V.-

I wake up in my bed, in the house of my Mindscape. The bamboo clinking in the soft wind.

(Man that was the best sleep in year's)

Gary sing on a branch.

(Nice Wait!)

"Gary how did you come here!"

He flap his wing and come land on my shoulder, chippers like in the morning.

(Still no talk hein?)

He leave my shoulder in a hurry and I feel a presence outside.

(W.T.F. Is this my mindscape or a convenience store...)

I get up and conjure a Deadric sword. This is my mindscape after all. I check out and see a giant snake.

(Ok. Now I'm scared. Why the hell my mind have this shit. It never happened to Barabas. sigh... No choice but to clean up I guess.)

(I should take thing's slow. This is my mind so this could be like a mind disease or poison. An' invasion of my mind.)

(Then this weapon and my battle potential is the amount of processing I can deal with.)

I conjure simple iron chest, arm, boot, and helm. Then I use wind chakra style on my blade and body. I launch at the snake and slash his head off before he can move.

Outside there is a bunch of different snakes all sizes.

(Thank you all the games were you can get poison resistance objects.)

I conjure a ring of poison immunity and slice my way in the bamboo forest. Lucky, the body's disappears, and the damage too after a while.

I can feel my mind growing stronger as it absorbs their energy. I find a less venomous snake and try to poison myself. Since I wore the poison aiming ring, my tolerance did no up.

(This is between reality and illusion. I heard training in your mind (weight training) affect your body. This must be the same.)

I summon a antidote potion and gulp it.

(This should do.)

I even remove the armor and keep cleaning up the place taking an antidote every once a while. Until the boss shows up.


The dam boss is a certain snakeman. We will call him Pedomaru.

-AAARRRRRR- His throat signature sound an tongue wiggling-

He spew a toxic gas.

"Sorry Pedomaru it's my first time, be gentle. hahaha"

I breath a good shot with the antidote already in my mouth.

It works, but I'm still slow thanks to the poisoned air. I ignored already all equipment. My processing is still fast enough to fight him, but we are on equal foot.

(What is with me? The first boss is one of the legendary Sannin. He's already like a cockroach without his clones.)

Right now all I'm doing is dodging, slashing, drinking potion's. My mind slowly regains its usual speed. Enough to search for a technique to finish him.

He does not bring out the reanimation. Lucky for me this seems to be him in the third war... so only five element's and snake stuff.

I finally find the technique to deal with him. Well, since I can't cast a spell, I summon a barrel of liquid nitrogen in the ground and small explosive.

I do this as we fight here and there. I shoot him whit a revolver. Of course I tried earlier, but he's too fast. And using something I'm not use to won't make a difference in this fight. I just need him on top of a barrel and poof an' ice sculpture. I put a bullet in him and he shatters.

I explore the rest of my mindscape, well I stop at the border of the four seasons. There is different beast's in all of them.

(For now my home is clear. I need to train a bit before I continue.)

In this battle no matter how many animes and books I read before, once Pedomaru used his ninjutsu I could only dodge. I could not come up with a dam spell since nothing made sense. The poison was blurring his mind a bit too, but even without it, I believe it would be the same. Even the shadow clone jutsu is to much on the fly.

So, I passed a day training whatever I could.

After that it went easier. With only blink and air walk, which ar more skills than spells, I can take care of the other four bosses. Fought a phenix in the desert, a xianxia ice queen in the Iceland, Thor in the storm. In the spring forest, I "fought" the first hokage... I used disintegration immediately. Pretty anticlimactic. Since summoning is natural in here, it was the simplest most op spell in the list. There is no way I will mess with this guy. So, I killed him before he even open his mouth. spells seem to follow the equation math/will X power = spell output.

Anyway once I clean up everything excepted what's in the door's, The last boss appear.

(Ok. This chapter is so cliché.)

This time it's me.

More precisely my alter ego.

(Waterfall of truth much.)

-"Yes this is your shitty mind after all"-

I ignore I conjure a chair, sit and observe "him".

"So that's my "darkest" self... Tell me about you. I think a accept myself pretty well. So, tell me something about myself"

-"You're a pervert"-

"WHaaaa. Well maybe a little bit but Not really right?"

-"Don't say you don't want to fuck Tenka? Or the other's. Man! you could fuck them all at that point!"-

"Well that's just my ego, in fact, it's you I should say. I know I want to fuck them. But that doesn't mean I will. I don't say my will is unbreakable. I'm no hero, but I'm not a devil either."

-"You're will right. What about your addiction's Hein?"-

"Weak... This world saved me from this. Thing's like, not having salt, sugar, soap and such made me free."

-"And Pot"-

"And Pot thank you"

-"You're welcome ! hahaha ! That's why you smoked every plant's you could find hahaha."-

"yes. yes. I suck..."

(My other self actually feel's sympathy for me. How low. It's good no hero shit right?)

Black mist escape from my other self.

I grab his hand.

" I'm not letting you go. Stay and help me."

I try to make him as real as he can be.

(Bad him?... No he's me and I'm grey, neither white or black.)

My power drain a bit and I gain a connection to him.

"Hey Brain!!"

-"Sup Body"-


"Welcome home"

-"Yeah but we thought to get out, we had to beat the bosses. Now I see it's not the case."-

"Shit! If I have to clear all these room's were doomed"

-"Yeah! For real Man you're a fuck up man! All that shit can kill us!"-

"Stop being a jerk! You know, I didn't know this would happen."

We bicker for a while until the world shake.

We look at each other...

The ground shake more and more.

All the room's make some noise resulting in a cacophonies, then a door bang trying to open.

The sound make my mind go blank for a sec.

"You know why I made this wall right"

-"Yes it's a pseudo mental barrier"-

"Thank you. I haven't thought of a name yet Nice!"

Thumbs up!

-"Fuck your motivation shit! You know I don't need that"-

"Did I split myself in white and black or what?"

-"More like your inner mind was always realist and gloomy while your outside self was artistic and cheerful. The king of fake smiles (Fucked up!)"-

"Yeah that's why I hid.. cough... Stayed alone."
