
Ethereal Life

An old half-assed programmer, taken out by the wind, falling into a black hole and resurrecting back to his young man self in a pond. Journey new life in this new world filled with various fantasy colors and strange powers lurking around on scene. Being alone in the grassland, with various supernatural unknowns. The primitive life will teach him to work hard amidst his lazy personality to achieve his ideals and lifetime goals! He will built tall walls, grand castles, take in wives and concubines, as well as have countless descendants to govern his ideal country. Trust is an issue while adaptibility is a way! He who desire longevity and worry free life all his life. Would he sacrifice power for life or is it the other way around. If you can't survive three chapters of prologue, why bother to continue? Just skip it to chapter 4! 1 Chapters everyday. Maybe more if I'm in the mood, and vice versa. For faster updates, please vote for me thanks. Or if you have some change their please support me in my GCASH: 09455977813

I_DontWantToDie · Kỳ huyễn
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73 Chs

Ethereal Life Chapter 9: Uniqueness 3

The way of the world has always been the survival of the fittest. No matter the place and time. Even in modern society, it is always the smart ones who use their intelligence as their weapon to make the weak submit to them.

It was always the intelligent ones that made use of those stupid ones to work for them while earning the results of everyone's hard work along the way.

That is true. Naturally, the intelligent ones only acknowledge those of the same mind as them. It's in their bones to look down on or distance themselves from those who can't match them. They had this fear—the fear of getting their intelligence infected by others stupidity.

That's just how it works. The instinct to survive has always been with us. The weak rely on the strong, while the strong continue to make use of the weak as they feed them just enough to survive.


The young man equipped himself with his tools as he took all the meat inside the mud house before walking away from the pond.


His destination was the place he saw the wild chickens last time. He was somewhat surprised back then when he found there were chickens nearby after wandering around. He had been planning to hunt one of them or capture a few of them as livestock.


It had been many days by then, and he was only doing this for now. "How many should I hunt? I don't have anything to bind them. The ropes I made aren't tough enough to withstand those chickens beaks peaking."


In the end, he can only hunt them and search for eggs while at it. There's no way he could make a pen for them when he had nothing to bind them.


Seven hundred meters or so away, he passed by many mini-fruit trees, which he planned to harvest after he came back. He plucks one and puts it in his mouth as he relives its juicy sweetness.




He looked around him as he carefully tread the grassy path, very cautious as he thought something would suddenly jump and bite him somewhere.


While walking around, he actually realized something about him had changed somewhat. Although he isn't clear about it, the dream he had a while ago has actually changed his personality.


The dream he had is somewhat blurry now, but he can still remember the feeling he felt back then. At first, it was fear, then hopelessness, despair, and anger.


When he tried to re-enact those feelings just now, he failed. It was as though he was in semi-sage mode, where emotions were barred from entry. He can't laugh or find something funny to smile at.


His heart felt hollow for some reason. What replaced those lost emotions were the highest rationality he was not having. "I was too naive back then."


He turned around and gazed at his faraway dot-like shelter. He knew that he couldn't stay at this place with that house anymore. He needs a place where he can truly do the things he needs. "I remember that I seem to be saying I want to die in my dream. Though I don't want to."


He started crawling around as he moved forward with a determined gaze. Dying would be painful, so he would delay it until he couldn't move anymore. That is because "I hate pain after all."


Pain is the start of all sin. It was what drove people to take revenge. You hurt me? Then feel the pain you inflicted on me!


He shook his head and focused on the not-so-far front. I found it: eleven wild chickens and six nests full of eggs. Lucky.


Even if he goes home now with no wild chicken game, he can still bring those eggs home today to enjoy and last him a week or so.


The eggs were even bigger than those on earth; well, that's to be expected when even the wild chickens here were much larger than the ones on earth.


Would he be peck to death if he suddenly appeared and stole their eggs? Judging from their size and quantity There's a chance that they can kill him if he fights back.


But that's it. He isn't afraid anymore. Even the emotion called fear left him; what could this big bird give him now?


Ten meters away.




Ten consecutive knives were drawn and thrown murderously towards the wild chickens. Its sole purpose was to take life and benefit its owner's survival.


Two wild chickens were hit and seriously injured. Their brown tinged with green-colored feathers were tainted by blood. The remaining knives thrown hit nothing as they pierced through the soil.


This caused the wild chickens to suddenly jump up with a flap of shock. They thought a predator was preying on them as they panicked and flew far away.


They didn't even bother looking back on their eggs as the young man swiftly moved to harvest all the eggs. He put them on his upper suit-like jacket that was turned into a temporary basket.


The two seriously injured wild chickens were still alive, struggling around like they wanted to fly away but still failing. He grabbed their feet before taking their lives with his knives.


After that, he followed what he had done on the first one to the second. Blood dripped from their wounds as they started shaking like crazy. Even his hands were almost numb from the vibrations he was feeling.


He did not stay much longer, as he ran away carefully. The wild chickens would soon return if nothing happened. This area will become his source for eggs from now on until he decides to leave this place.


When he returned home, he cleaned up his games. He boiled some water in a bowl like stones using the broken glass of his helmet. An hour later, the water started boiling. He didn't even praise himself as a genius any more for coming up with that idea.


The feathers were soon plucked clean, the head was cut, and the chicken meat was skewered to be roasted.


After putting some cut fruits inside the chicken meat, he picked up the dry branches and grass he had dried not far away to start a fire.


Then he put the skewered chicken's meat on its side to be roasted. After doing that, he didn't forget the four chicken eggs he had boiled too.


He was hungry. The boiled eggs were hot, so he threw them in the lake to cool down. When they were not hot enough for his hand. He took them away and peeled their shells. The white, tender-looking egg white appeared on his sight.


He gulped down inward subconsciously. Knowing that his appetite had been aroused, he immediately took a bite and felt the yummy taste of a boiled egg.


Tears flew from his eyes subconsciously. The tears slid down and reached his mouth. The taste was added with a salty feel to it. Making him realize that he had just cried subconsciously. "Why did I cry?"


He felt strange; he had just eaten a boiled egg, and he cried without knowing why. He guessed that his body might have missed the taste of this, so it was reacting strongly.


As for whether it was real or not, The meaning has no importance to him. He just wants to eat right now.


Four boiled eggs were finished in just a few minutes. The nutrition contained seems to be much larger than he had thought for him to burp and be full after eating four. He decided not to eat the still-roasting skewered chicken meat for now.


I'll eat it this afternoon or tonight. He thought. Then he rested, relaxing his mind from all the chaotic thoughts he was having. His back was facing the land, and his face was in the sky. He closed his eyes, feeling the cool breeze pass by.


By the time he realized it, he had already fallen asleep for an hour. The fragrance of roasted chicken meat reached his nose and woke him up from his nap. "I fell asleep, huh?"


He immediately checked his roasted meat. "It's just the right color." The golden brown, red-colored skin and tainted, oozing oil on the meat looked really appetizing to the eye. He bit into some pieces and suddenly felt flavors erupting in his mouth.


"Hmm! Delicious..." His dim, dull eyes widened in amazement. He suddenly felt hungry once again. It was as though the food he had an hour ago had already been digested, not leaving an aftertaste in the stomach.


Naturally, he followed his stomach. He took a big bite and didn't care about the heat. It was so delicious that he was breathing out hot smoke from his mouth and nose.


He can only eat more. "I can't stop anymore." At some point, he noticed his body heating up. smoke coming out of his pores.


Then he noticed something hanging from his neck. "This is? A dog tag? Since when have I been wearing one?" It somehow looked familiar as thought he had seen this before.