
Hunting for Snakes

They were pretty distraught hearing all this. They are building a massive airborne cavilry ship that can take out millions of life simultaneously.

Luckily they still haven't made a working model yet. They just have to take all of them out before anything happens.

Now Tony was already given everything on his father's files and through that he found the old stark industry expo model. And he now uses the improved badassium element which is much more cleaner and many times more powerful.

Fury had a very serious look on his face and he told them " let's act a month from now. By then captain will be almost fit and we can have all the preparation needed. "

He was suddenly interrupted by Ethan.

" There's something you need to know. There are five super soldiers , but none of them are stable , they can't follow oreders so they just kill whoever is in front of them. They are too much gone. If you find them just kill them , please don't hesitate because they will kill you."

Everyone was very surprised. Fury had a thinking look but he still asked " how do you know. "

"I found out through an AI of mine very advanced but you know it does the job. Anything with internet connected i can find out. Even if it's an offline facility there are still ways i can find out.

Now that doesn't matter. I have one more thing to tell you. There is a sixth super soldier. One who obeys every command once you say a certain

Sequence of words. Now this person, he doesn't know what he is doing. He is someone you all know especially you captain "

Captain looked perplexed and told Ethan " Me , someone i know , but they all are almost dieing or 90 or some years ,how could they be someone i know. "

" Captain ,when Bucky fell out of that train that day he wasn't dead. He lost an arm. But now he is being enhanced with the serum and he is controlled by brainwashing. He doesn't even know his name. He comes in and out of Ice throughout the time you went under Ice. He kills all the important targets for Hydra. He has some trigger words inside his brain which turns him into a killing machine. You need to subdue him fast and let him undergo extensive therapy. Otherwise he is lost. "

Captain was beyond mad angry and sad. He didn't know what to say for a while.

" We will get him back. "

"Captain remember he may not remember you. He has a very advanced robotic arm, so he may even be stronger than you. "

Captain had a determined look on his face.

" It's ok , i know i can get him back. "

Fury and Coulson and almost everyone agreed .

------------------------- Time skip-------------------

Now almost a month since then and everyone was preparing for the the snake hunt.

In that time Tony had already improved his suit by much and it now even has powerful guns for him because of his weapon mastry.

Fury and his select group of agents inside shield like Coulson , Barton , hill were all preparing.

Now Natasha has retired from shield but she will do some important jobs like Avengers and other world ending stuff.

Fury really didn't want to let her go but once Ethan threatened him with some of his political pull he backed off.

Now captain had been training day and night and he is almost caught up with his top form.

Now that the time is here they all gathered up at the headquarters of shield.

They all walked calmly to the monitoring station. Now once they got inside easily because no one was really suspicious of the director and all the people following him.

Some hydra agents were looking rather wierd at their sudden appearance.

Ethan had already gathered all the surface level Hydra agents are almost all the bases they have hidden.

Now Fury had already informed the council secretly of Hydra minutes before the action. They were pissed for not informing them sooner but with Ethans influence they let go.

Now Ethan began to operate the computer and had Emma connected inside.

" Emma project all the hydra agents on the screens all over the building and let the other agents arrest them. Mr .Fury your ship"

" Thank you Ethan ". He went forward turned on the speaker and talked through it.

"Agents of Shield , our organization was created to takle hydra and it's operatives but unfortunately due to our own negligence due to absorbing Hydras scientific talents at the time of World war 2,

We find ourselves almost half infiltrated by hydra agents including secretary Pierce."

Now every agent in the building were either suspicious or going ape shit for revealing their secrets. The hydra began panicking and began looking at their phones for further instructions.

But communication other than the selected agents were completely blocked.

" Now on your screen are the hydra operatives. Arrest them now. They might be your friend or partner before. But now don't hesitate. Arrest and cease them now. "

Now due to Emma showing nearby agents who is really hydra the low level oppertives were almost caught. If they weren't agents like Barton , hill Fury , Ethan and Tony were helping them. All of them knew who hydra was.

Slowly all of them were taken in and even rumlow, Malik and others were also arrested. Now Fury came to Alexander Pierce office and tried to arrest him but he didn't budge and in the end he killed him.

Now Ethan already Erased all the hidden bases and hydra operatives around the world. No one was spared and even all the buildings and equipment all vanished. Even Anim Zola algorithm was erased without knowing who did it. All the unfriendly hydra super soldiers except Bucky Barnes was erased.

Ethan gave back all his memories intact and even grew back his regular arm with [ Supreme Heal ]

Now he knew where he was how he got here and where to go. He had his passport that said Bucky Barnes and Even some money to start his life.

Ethan Erased all the memories of him killing anyone while hypnotized and even erased all the video proofs of him killing. Including the footage of him killing Tony's mom and dad.

He didn't want an unnecessary civil war.

He even killed Baron Zemo who started civil war.

Now before he gave them information of the bases and other super soldiers. But now that he earased them. He also removed their memory and any written information about this.

They only know Bucky is winter soldier and after their attack on Hydra , He escaped and regained his memories. He also is fully intact in their minds

With no more inconsistencies he also erased all of Hive and all his allies on earth. Now no one related to Hydra is alive . All the captured agents had form coming out of their mouths. He manipulated them into doing so with reality modification skill.

Now thier is no more head to cut or grow.

All is now settled and he went back to his house with Natasha in his arms. She now truly loved him.

Ethan now wanted to take in Scarlett Witch and make her his. But now a formula one tournament is being held in Monoco. And he was invited by Tony to go there. Now he agreed and he would go with both Natasha and Em to the racing track.

And with that Ironman 2 begins.