
Eternal Rebirth: The World Within

"May good luck be with those who read this novel" and when your death come trck kun will lead you to another world "by author" ****************************************** "Eternal Rebirth: The World Within," The tragic person named Ethan, who is black sheep of his family die due to car acciedent on the family trip, But, death is not end of his journey. As, He find that he is, Reincarnated as a powerful being "World Will" itself, He must navigate the challenges of existence from this unprecedented perspective. As he come to terms with his newfound powers, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and exploration, shaping the landscape and inhabitants of their world. However, lurking threats and ancient mysteries emerge, challenging the very essence of his existence. With magic, adventure, and the fate of an entire realm at stake, our protagonist must uncover the truth behind his reincarnation and forst the swirling currents of destiny *********************************************** The above given statement is entirely false so please dont take it to heart "by the same author"

Umesh_Kalantri_5979 · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Worldforge: Ethan's Awakening

Ethan was not a normal planet. The normal low-grade planet had only the instinct of the world to guide it no consioussness, whereas Ethan was a former human equipped with consiousness and intelligence compare to mid grade planet. He had already lived one life.

So how could he just act as a normal planet!

He would do whatever it took to shorten the span of development of the world.

Ethan knew that to elevate his world from a low-grade to a mid-grade, he needed to give birth to life.

This was a daunting task, not just because of the complexity involved but because it required a part of his very essence. Despite the challenge, Ethan felt a profound sense of purpose. This was his chance to shape the destiny of his world.

The process began with Ethan focusing entirely on his consciousness, on the core of his planet.

He could feel the immense power of the world essence, but he also sensed the delicate balance that had to be maintained. Ethan prepared himself for the pain that was about to come. Splitting his soul would not be easy, but it was necessary.

With a deep "Sigh," Ethan gathered his resolve and began the process.

He streched out his world essence in the form of sword and slowly started to cut his soul,

He could feel his soul stretching and tearing, a sensation unlike any he had ever experienced. It was as if his very being was being pulled apart. The pain was excruciating, but Ethan endured it, knowing that it was a crucial step toward bringing life to his world.

As 1/100th part of his soul separated from him, Ethan channeled a single drop of his world essence to envelop the fragment. Yes, only a single drop was required.

Previously, Ethan's world had 10,000 drops of world essence after million's of years of hard work of planet continuosly, processing the void energy into world essence.


After his arrival, half of it was used for healing the planet and containing the law of destruction. Now he only had 5,000 drops of world essence.

This was the reason Ethan felt heartache after looking at his savings.

(Note: Even an emotionless person would feel sad if they found half of their life savings gone in a single second of their life.)

From 5,000 drops of world essence, he was required to give only a single drop to give birth to life.

This world essence was the lifeblood of the planet, the very energy that would nurture the first spark of life. Ethan directed this combined force toward a fertile region on his surface, an area rich with nutrients and potential.

The essence sank into the ground, and the transformation began.


Tiny, single-celled organisms started to form, microscopic yet brimming with potential.

Ethan watched with a mix of fascination and exhaustion as these first life began to form and develop. It was a humble beginning of new life, but this life was the foundation upon which his world would grow.

Ethan could sense the changes taking place on a microscopic level.

But he was in no condition to witness any further changes because of the tearing of his soul.

Even though it was only 1/100th part of his soul, the pain brought by cutting part of his soul was too much to bear.

He knew, according to his world instinct,

he had to go to deep sleep to recover the part of his soul that he had lost for creating life, and this sleep could take a million years before he woke up again.

At last, he felt a deep sense of satisfaction. His world was alive, and it would grow stronger every day. The essence he had used to create life would be returned to him in a different form, as the souls of the creatures that lived and died on his surface would be cycled back to the planet. This constant flow of energy and life would enrich his world, gradually elevating its grade.

Ethan knew that his journey was far from over. The birth of life was just the beginning. There were countless challenges ahead, from nurturing the evolving ecosystems to dealing with the unpredictable forces of nature. But Ethan was ready. He had found a new purpose, a reason to keep moving forward.

Ethan's consciousness spread across his world, observing it.

After looking at the world one last time, Ethan's consciousness went silent, and he would only wake up after his full recovery.

Or so he thought.

In the depths of the world where the first single-cell organism,

the prokaryotic cell, was formed by Ethan's soul and a drop of world essence, the consciousness entered it, and the consciousness was none other than Ethan himself.

As Ethan thought he was going into a deep sleep for recovery, instead of sleeping, his consciousness slipped and entered into the very 1st life he created.

Ethan's consciousness suddenly awoke, and he had only one thought:

"What the heck, did 1 million years pass in 1 second?"

unkown to ethan he had gain his very first avtar which will be used by him in future for doing world, no--universe--no, multiverse shaking things