
Eternal Rebirth: The World Within

"May good luck be with those who read this novel" and when your death come trck kun will lead you to another world "by author" ****************************************** Ethan, the overlooked member of a family of geniuses, feels perpetually outshined by his Einstein-level relatives. Life seems monotonous until a family trip turns tragic, and Ethan meets an untimely death. Just as his life flickers out, his soul gets trapped in a golden meteor, catapulting him into an unknown universe. In this strange new realm, Ethan's consciousness becomes "World Will," a god-like entity with the power to shape a nascent world. His first task? Creating an avatar to navigate this bizarre reality. But in a twist of cosmic irony, he ends up stuck inside his own creation. Imagine a god getting a taste of his own medicine! Ethan's next project is even more ambitious: creating the first life form, whom he names Luca. But parenting isn't easy, especially when your offspring evolves into something far from what you expected. As Ethan grapples with his new powers and responsibilities, he can't shake the feeling that this wild adventure is just the beginning. With every twist and turn, from unexpected crises to comedic mishaps, Ethan's journey is a blend of cosmic wonder, heartfelt moments, and a dash of divine comedy. What's next for Ethan in this fantastical universe? Only time-and a few million years of evolution-will tell *********************************************** The above given statement is entirely false so please dont take it to heart "by the same author"

Diablo2004 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

"Origins of Life: The First Prokaryotic Cells"

In depth of ocean unseen to anyone where the first single-cell organism,

the prokaryotic cell, was formed by Ethan's soul and a drop of world essence, the ethan consioussness enter it

As Ethan thought he was going into a deep sleep for recovery, instead of sleeping, his consciousness slipped and entered into the very 1st life he created.

Ethan's consciousness suddenly awoke, and he had only one thought:

"What the heck, did 1 million years pass in 1 second?"

his, thaught were in mess "what is this situation" 

as, to put halt to his thaught process information came running down in his soul, it was information about his current situation

and, information came from inheritance of the world knowledge he gained from universe because his world has develop the conciessness because of him

The inherited knowledge was not like the knowledge we think of. It was like a book stored inside his soul, and whenever a situation required, he would gain the necessary knowledge.

his very first thaught after reciving the knowledge from inheritance was

"Seriously, do I really have to live a million years without interacting with any intelligent life?"

he was seriously desiring to say some curse toward his fate but refrain from doing it ,as he thaught he was morally right person 

if any other worlds experince this situation they will feel nothing because from start they have no one to interact with, its same as

( if person has not tasted choclate ; how would he know if it is really tasty )

but ethan was former human and was previously social creature how could he take this situation liying down 

previously when he was gaining information he thaught about comitting sucide after giving birth to another prokaryotic cell, but information which came next halted him from taking this step,

because of some unspeakeble law of universe,

if a proginetor of the very first speices born in the world die's before speices could evolve into new species, then all the organism of the species of the proginetor will also die with him.

and if he still somehow manage to die he will have to once again repeat the process of cutting his soul which will be extremly painful, and he will once again have to stand on same path as he was standing now,

He started to curse in his mind, "What kind of bullshit law is this?" He really wanted to give a piece of his mind to the person or whoever created this law.

He started to calm down after giving hundreds and thousands of curses to the person who created the "bullshit law" and thought, "Let's look at the positive aspects."

1) He was now immortal, which meant that he would never age (though he could still die if he didn't eat food or was caught in some accident). And this ,Immortality was granted to him by the world essence.

2) He was now the first prokaryotic cell, which meant his DNA was not defined. This allowed him to code his DNA however he desired. He didn't require an ancestor to help him code DNA because he was the ancestor himself.

3) He could now evolve in whichever direction he wanted, and he could even take multiple directions for his evolution.

after, looking at positive asepect, ethan calm down and, started look in his suronding since, his soul was very strong it can percive the outside world 

he noticed his body was very very very tiny, and he had round shape he also have outer wall on his body and with a flexible inner membrane with jelly-like interior. The DNA inside his body was floating freely, and something like a tail was attached to his back and he gussed it was for his movement 

after looking over his body he started to percive his surrounding, he notice he was inside a water with several nutrient floating in his surrounding

he was now thankfull to his orignal body for not throwing newly formed life randomly on planet instead he selected the best place with most nutrition for his development

one think to note, is that in this form he had no control over planet and, the orignal world will was still asleep he was the, alter ego of the planet ,

just the small part of orignal big conciessness.