
Mysterious Happening

The first photo Angelica opened was the most recent one he took when he returned from 1990. It was the picture he took when he was chasing the fairy orb and landed on the sea.

"So beautiful…"

Then, she swiped through the photos and saw a picture of Rudy with Elena.

"Hmm? Who is that? A new girl? No… he rarely takes photos with anyone. And this photo… the background feels… familiar. It's… a school hallway? There are little girls wearing the same clothes, which is most likely a uniform, so this has got to be a school.

And he is smiling happily, so this photo is not taken against his will. But when did he take this? I am always with him unless it's during the time when I am sleeping. Let me check the date… that would help me remember… maybe."

Angelica tapped on the 'i' icon and checked the details.