
Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Rudy was optimistic, handsome, and blessed with knowledge. He topped every exam with minimal effort and got into his first choice university. Growing up in a low-class family, he had to do what it took to be a successful person. So he focused on his studies instead of enjoying his life, and aced the university. However, he got into an accident on the day of his graduation. He was left crippled at the age of 23. One night, a mysterious man visited him and said he was from an organization that was working on the ‘gene experiment.’ The man offered Rudy a chance to live his life again if the experiment succeeded. However, after months of experiments, nothing happened and he died. “If I knew this would happen to me, I would have lived a better life.” But when he opened his eyes again, he found himself in his high school. He later learned that he had become an esper with all the psychic abilities. "Life gets pretty boring when you can do anything you want." - Rudy. === Disclaimer - The cover belongs to me. **** Discord Server Link- https://discord.gg/NFPcvcUS2W

NoWoRRyMaN · Urban
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1063 Chs

Shadows of Past

Angelica continued watching the video with a curious look on her face. She tapped on the screen to see the video length, but it had no timer.


Soon, a girl wearing a half-face mask and pure white hair appeared in the scene and sat on the couch. Her hair was so white that it almost seemed translucent. Even Jane's hair wasn't that white— it had a silver shade.

She was wearing a white gown with golden linings and embroidery. She seemed to be in her late teenage years judging by her voice, but Angelica wasn't sure as her face was covered with a white mask.

She moved her hand forward and beckoned someone behind the scene.

[Come on! Come here already. Stop being so childish!] she said to someone.

A second later, a boy wearing a white mask and a white suit walked into the scene and sat on the couch beside the girl. He also had white hair, just like the girl.

[I am nine years old, so I am technically a child, and it makes perfect sense if I act like one,] the kid said.