

Do not get hurt. Do not do anything dangerous. And always be careful. Like a mantra, these words were always repeated in her head. She didn't have a choice but to remember those words. To avoid danger she trends on the right path. To avoid accidents she does things carefully. Though tired of these things she has no choice but to accept her fate. " Avoid danger" was always a warning from her family. But what happens when she catches the eyes of danger unknowingly. "Will you be my boyfriend?" She asked, her expression giving nothing away and leaving the men shocked. "Miss. How can you ask that to someone you just met?" One of the men asked in disbelief. "Why? What is wrong with my question? I asked him to be my boyfriend is there anything wrong with it." She tilted her head to look at the man who asked the question. Meanwhile, the big man with eyes as hard as steel continued to stare at her with a gaze his surbodinate has never seen before. Was that a look of amusement and interest in his eyes?

Midter_summer · Thành thị
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37 Chs

Chapter 35

Ezekiel who was a child didn't notice how chilly the atmosphere had become when he made his last statement.

Jake and Timothy noticed how the air shifted from jealousy to murderous. Why is his mood swing this bad?

"Ezekiel, come here." Dominique called out his nephew who happily ran his side.

"Was uncle Kyle with auntie Snow White when you met her?" Dominique asked after he carried his nephew his arm.

"Yes, he even came back with us but didn't come down cause auntie Snow White told him not to." Ezekiel gave him whatever information he could give.

Dominique nodded.

Timothy and Jake knew that beneath those harmless questions were murder plans. They could just pray for Kyle D'Amelio's life.

"Do you perhaps remember anything from their conversation in the car? That is, if they had any?" Dominique asked

Cecilia frowned at her son's scheming nature. "Why are you asking so much questions Dominique?"

"Mother, do you want a daughter in-law or not?"

Cecilia ears perked up at the words daughter in-law and excused herself from the living room allowing Dominique to continue his interrogation.

Jake and Timothy shook their head. Their brother was indeed a cunning fox and didn't even bother to spare a child.

"What do I get in return uncle? I know you are interested in auntie Snow White." Ezekiel said surprising Jake and Timothy.

Jake watched his son with a complicated look. He felt like he didn't know this little boy at all despite being together seventy percent of the time.

Dominique smirked at his nephew's intelligence. He was indeed a true Stone.

"How about we strike a deal? You will be my  spy and I'll be your benefactor. Deal?" Dominique stretched forth his hand

"Deal. But make sure you don't hurt her or else I'll make her my mother instead of auntie." Ezekiel said shaking Dominique's big hand.

"I won't." Dominque now had a full smile on his face, the kind that shows he had just gained himself a huge deal with no worries.

Timothy spared a glance at Jake who looked like an ice statue. He didn't know his nephew was this devious, portraying the facade of a harmless rabbit to everyone. He was just like their father. He really had the Stone blood running through his veins.

Jake on the other hand felt used. His son used him as a threat to get Dominique from hurting that woman in anyway? Ready to make her his mother even when he didn't agree? That little boy is devious.

"Are you ready to tell me what they discussed about?" Dominique asked

"They didn't say much only that their flight to France was around the corner." Ezekiel shrugged not putting much importance to it.

Dominique frowned. They were travelling to France? Together?! On the same plane?! His calm face displayed curiosity. He really needs to know what kind of relationship the two of them have.

"Is that all?"

"Um... Yes, uncle Kyle also begged auntie Snow White to massage his back when they get back. Auntie Snow White didn't agree at first but later agreed after he told her he loves her."

God!! Can't this little boy shut his mouth and know when to stop talking? Timothy scolded Ezekiel in his heart. He glanced at Jake who seemed to have recovered from his previous situation lean on the wall for support.

The calm look on Dominique's face cracked and an ugly expression appeared. He replayed the words Ezekiel had said and let out a creepy smile and then faced his siblings who flinched in return. No one knew what was going through his mind at the moment.

Replacing the devilish grin with a cold expression he dismissed Ezekiel who ran to his room not bothering to look at his father and uncle.

"I think you've just gotten yourself a new assignment. Find out everything about Kyle D'Amelio and how he is related to Esmeralda." He ordered

Timothy nodded his head on behalf of him and his brother who was slowly recovering from his shock earlier on.

Dominique walked back to the kitchen to see that his mother had already finished preparing lunch. They have cooks and helpers but his mother insisted on cooking for her family and that the kitchen was her territory. Their father didn't bother arguing with their mother cause he knew he wouldn't win. No matter how ruthless their father was, he was a calm saint when their mother was around. A man that would do anything for his wife.

"why didn't you tell me that she was the one, D?" His mother asked using his nickname

"I wanted you to find out for yourself." Dominique said as his large body sat on the stool close to the counter watching his mother move around, putting things in place.

"You should have at least given me a clue. Anyways, she's a beauty and I like her already." Cecilia said with a smile on her face. She couldn't wait for the day she would plan Dominique's wedding.

"I know you do." Dominique smiled hearing his mother's approval. These days he has been smiling like a fool whenever her name was mentioned. He felt pride and joy.

"What you said was true. She doesn't show emotions that easily and doesn't look interested in you, yet." Cecilia pointed out. All through their conversation that woman didn't smile or get shy, her face was expressionless only giving occassional nods when necessary.

"What's her name?"


Cecilia heard the rushed answer and smiled. Her son was whipped, hard.

"She's Spanish?" Cecilia asked.

"Spanish and Italian." Dominique answered. He had known her origin the other day from their dinner date.

"That's nice. Any siblings?"

"She didn't mention, I'm guessing none." Dominique answered. He had asked her this question but she just brushed it aside and changed the topic.

"Okay. What about her parents?" Cecilia enquired. She needed to know something about them in case they meet each other in the future.

"Didn't say either." Dominique answered he grabbed an apple from the fruit basket ready to eat but was snatched away by his mother who glared at him before bringing it to the sink.

She gave him the already washed apple and wiped her hand with a clean cloth.

Dominique thanked his mother and bit into the apple.

"Give her some time D, to get comfortable with you. Though it may take some time considering the type of person she is from what you told me, just be patient with her. Okay?" Cecilia stared straight into her son's eyes that looks exactly like his father's.
