
Sky Blossom

Blue? what a strange color for a blossom tree, no way a tree like it would have existed before the incedent. Was that incedent realy such a bad thing, an lab explosion thats all that happened. The geneticly modifyed creatures that took over after the blast were beatiful, but were also violant, six billion lives is a small price to pay for this new world. Or atleast thats my view on it.

My name it Oka im a six-teen year old boy and i live in a small cluster of houses around a river in the Sky Blossom forest, i was one of only two hundred children born after the incident.

Due to the unnatural spike in hostile animals most humans who weren't killed by the initial blast of heat soon were eaten. My mother however survived long enough to have me. I wont mention what my father was becouse its not very plesent but lets just say im a half monster

Around three hours from my home a small

village resides round a river, the small log and

clay houses dotted the bank of the river. Every

person in this village is an orphan like me

despite this fact only a small group of us

within this already minute comunty are half


Those of us with monster blood and powers

are regarded as the protecters of the village,

personaly my job is as a Nar. Ceveral of the

monsters around the town are too powerful to

be killed with spears and swords, so we kill

them with our abilitys. As i sat on the cliffside

talking to myself i had no idea a Huve was

aproching from behind.

befor i had time to react the catlike creature

had thrown itself at me knocking me of the

cliff into the shallow waters below.

Scrambling to my feet i saw the small

predator for the first time, a 30cm tall Huve

stared back at me defiantly iritated i kicked it

and watched it run away. Turning to the village

i groaned as the pain of the fall finaly kicked

in, "This isnt a power, this is a curse" i moaned

Pain Delay thats the name of my power, al

pain and damage is dealt to my body exactly

30 seconds after its inflicted