
Chapter 7: Mapping Test Begins

Wu Hai's expressionless face announced the news, then his hand flipped, a stack of cards emitting a faint golden light flew out from his palm and spread out in front of him, saying.

"This time the difficulty of the bottom test will be higher compared to the past, but basically within your response range, taking into account that some students now do have a gap in strength, in the test if you feel unable to pass, you can contact the teacher to give up, but if you give up, it means that the test is aborted, I will be scored with the results before you give up."

After a pause, he again took out a slightly thinner stack of cards from his pocket and spread them out, continuing.

"This time the touch test because of the additional difficulty, so the reward will be additional to the previous basis, the class ranking between the eleventh and twentieth reward a designated one-star card, the top ten reward a designated two-star card, the third place on top of the two-star card additional reward a three-star card, the second place on top of the two-star card additional reward a four-star card. "

Speaking of this he paused for a moment, his gaze in the eyes of many students surprised plus expectant, said.

"The first place in this touch test will be awarded a five-star card of the specified type, which will greatly enhance your strength, so please work hard, students!"

Lin Xiao noticed that the teacher's gaze was falling on the few top students in the class who used to be ranked in the top five, and those who were ranked below the middle of the class like him directly skipped it with a glance.

It's true that poor students are not valued!

Although long used to it, but so ignored still feel good gas.

This makes Lin Xiao even more determined to do well in this test, whether the teacher is concerned or not is one thing, the main thing is the five-star card that can specify the type.

To know like they just opened the divine domain even demigods are not divine beings, can use the highest level of card is five-star card, five stars from six stars all the way to ten-star card can only be used by demigods and above, also known as demigod card, as for the true gods are generally used by more than ten-star god card.

Each student has a limited number of cards to use at the high school level, which must be using advanced cards to maximize their strength.

At this point the class teacher's voice rang out again.

"The rules of this touch test are no different from the past, you can now go back and prepare."

Before leaving the hall, he vaguely saw that there were a few students who did not leave the same way as him, and Wu Hai and Zheng Wen Zhuo also remained in the hall.

"Teacher is so biased!"

He vaguely heard the complaint of a certain student.

He shrugged his shoulders and did not respond.

According to past testing habits, the teacher would start putting in tests the day after the announcement of the enemy invasion of the divine domain, so the students could enter the divine domain immediately to prepare or go back the next day, but basically, the students entered the divine domain immediately to prepare early.

Lin Xiao also thought so, immediately entered the divine domain login and began to connect to the divine domain.

Once again within the divine realm, this a little while added a dozen newborn fishermen, but the old fishermen also died a dozen, the overall even, but his followers are a few less.

The good thing is that with the birth of a new generation of fish people, from childhood to accept the tribal faith education, the first born fish people as soon as adults have the least shallow believers in the faith, nearly a third have true faith to become true believers.

And all this as they grow older, all true believers can get pre-loaded salted fish burst skills and strength soared, which greatly stimulated the shallow believers, a significant portion of shallow believers thus the faith surged to become true believers.

By now the tribe has a total of 654 fish people, of which there are 19 fanatics, 68 devotees, 116 shallow believers, leaving a total of 451 fish people are all true believers.

This rate has been quite good, after all, the fish life expectancy is too short, life is just more than ten years less than twenty years, there is no opportunity to slowly strengthen the faith, generally reached the true believer level to the top.

A standard human shallow believer can provide 01 points of faith value per day, while the weak race of fish people can provide only one-fifth of the faith value of humans.

So, a fishman shallow believer can provide 002 points of faith per day, which can almost be said to be useless.

True believers can provide 02 points, although still very little, but at least the number of fish people is quite large and reproduce quickly, now 451 true believers, a day can accumulate 902 points of faith value for Lin Xiao.

A devout believer can provide 1 point of faith value a day, now there are 68 devout believers in the fisherman tribe, which can provide 68 points of faith value a day.

And fanatical faith can provide 10 points of faith a day, he now has 19 fanatical believers, which can provide 190 points of faith value a day, providing the most faith value with the least amount, so it is said that high-quality believers are the most valuable wealth of a deity.

Combined, Lin Xiao relies on this group of fish people that

Every day, he could harvest about 350 points of faith value.

But this is the most ideal state, in fact, he is now harvesting a stable daily faith value of about two hundred and seventy to eighty points.

The main believers to provide the faith value, UU look at the book www.uukanshu.com必须要按照教会规定的仪式认真祈祷才会效果最大化, and the race of fish people nature how everyone knows, let them follow the prescribed ritual serious prayer that is more difficult than the sky, this is the nature, how can not change, so Lin Xiao now daily harvest of faith value can only be in theoretical 60 to 70 percent Between.

But even so, he accumulated two hundred and seventy or eighty points a day, plus the previous, his total accumulated faith value has exceeded half a million.

It looks like a lot, right, but it's not at all useful.

Not to mention the trade between players in the divine realm except for bartering is to use the faith value to trade, and not to mention the upgrade of family members and other expenses, etc., but the 500,000 faith value, in fact, is not much, just to use to convert into divine power is not enough.

According to the ratio of faith value into divine power, one million points of faith value can only be converted into one point of divine power, this 500,000 points can not be converted into one point.

But although it is not enough for a little divine power, but at least half a million faith value, which is not bad in their newborn divine beings who have just opened the divine domain for less than a year.

Sure enough, once the golden fingers are opened, they are going to take off.

Before more than a hundred years to accumulate a little divine power, now only seven or eight years to accumulate half a point, the speed to know how many times faster, and this speed will be with his divine domain development and faster and faster, in another two years to the upcoming high school examination to reach a year a little divine power is not impossible.

After a little lament, Lin Xiao picked up his spirit and first consumed 654 units of faith value to release a divine metaphor, equivalent to one believer needs to consume one point.

Now the consumption is not big, later on the believers more consumption will be big, if there are hundreds of thousands of millions of believers, a divine metaphor is hundreds of millions of faith value.

So at that time there are generally any divine metaphors directly to the elect to convey.