
Chapter 8: The Serpent Man

In the boundless void outside the divine domain, a tall figure enveloped by arcane golden light was standing outside the divine domain crystal wall secretly observing the divine domain.

"How come this kid has so many high-quality believers when?"

Class teacher Wu Hai was quite surprised as he surveyed Lin Xiao's divine domain, his gaze swept over the more than six hundred gray mist fishermen and landed on the incarnation of Lin Xiao who was arming himself to mobilize faith, nodded and said.

"It seems that this period of time there is effort, that is the case, let's arrange this card for you!"

Stretched out his hand food middle finger clip a card a throw, the card quickly collapsed into a diffuse golden mist, in the divine restraint into a golden rainbow bridge fly into the divine domain.

Lin Xiao, who had been staying within the divine domain, immediately sensed a foreign object entering the divine domain, while a light screen popped open in front of him, and a system alert sounded.

"An invader is building a portal, the first batch of invaders will be coming in fifteen minutes, please prepare the players!"

His heart fluttered, and the incarnation within the Fishman tribe had a bright light in its eyes, raising the newly built bone knife in its hand and roaring loudly.

"Children, the invaders have arrived, the Lord of Grey Mist is watching us, it's time to show our force and courage."

The fish people who had already received mobilization waved their weapons and shouted, although chaotic, but the morale was high.

Long accustomed to the style of fish people Lin Xiao is quite satisfied with this, a horse first out of the tribe, a large group of fish people followed the surge out.

This time, he did not bring out all the fish, only about three-quarters of the tribe, that is, almost all the true believers devotees plus fanatics, all learn the skill of salted fish stab.

The hundred or so pan-devotees who remained in the tribe did not learn the salted fish stab, limited combat power, so they did not bring out to die.

Although the bottom of the exam is not as dangerous as the final exam, but also not simple, if the operation is not good that loss can make people die of heartache.

Although they are students, but after all is already a divine creature, placed in the human federation of this super fantasy deity civilization may be equivalent to the newborn baby, but placed in the Chaos Void Sea crystal wall system in some small realm has been considered to be able to call the wind and rain strong people.

The way strong people are trained, since they can not stay in school every day like ordinary students, they have to face all kinds of danger to refine.

Each big class, each test, is a test, a little carelessness will make the family loss.

Many students are not careful to cause a great injury to their vitality, and thus a sinking, until they graduate from high school can only be an ordinary divine creature, can never become a demigod.

As always, the invasion portal is established in the upper left corner of the divine domain.

The topography of his divine domain is such that there is only a coastline on the left edge, the tribe is in the lower left corner, and as long as it is not an aquatic invading creature, it can only appear in the upper left corner.

A diameter of three meters, the surface of the spectral light like waves swirling pitch-black light door like a black hole hanging in the air a meter from the beach, a wisp of black spectral light around the circular light door slowly rotating, with a light sound, the spectral light arch floating out of a human-shaped creature, a sharp thing pierced through the spectral light, revealing a blood-stained spear.

"Hiss, Gras is on top!"

A height of about two meters, the upper half of the body is humanoid, the lower half of the body is a snake tail adds up to more than three meters of snake man from the portal, the hand blood-stained spear to the sand a smash out a small pit, open mouth to reveal the forked pointed tongue to probe the smell of the air, slowly said.

"I smell the sea, and a lot of fresh little fish people."

At this time the second equally strong snake man came out of the portal, forked snake letter constantly retracted, a bone staff in his hand to the beach, narrow eyes shining: "I smell heretics.

"I smell heresy!"

Reaching out to grip a skull embedded with precious stones at the top of the bone staff, he said in a hoarse voice.

"The great Gras told me to kill all the fishmen in these waters."

The first snake man to come out lifted his thick spear and turned around, raising it high in his hand, and hissed loudly.

"Warriors of Glas, come forth!"

The portal's ghostly light quickly bulged up, and a slightly smaller serpentine burrowed out of it, followed by a second, a third, and soon a total of twenty fishmen burrowed out.

"This test difficulty is a bit over the limit!"

Lin Xiao's true body, who has been paying attention to the divine realm, frowned, this batch of snake people although only twenty-two, but the strength is a bit strong, at least put half a month ago he had to spell out his old life, plus must have lost a certain dependents in battle to be able to defeat.

The gray mist fish people belong to the lower race, belong to the race can not be lower, the average battle power and gnomes half and half.

Well, in the water will be a little stronger.

The snake people belong to the middle race, even if the most basic have not been promoted, its racial talent is also to make it have crushed the gray mist fish people's combat power.

Especially the two chiefs, certainly not inferior to the second-class soldiers, and even occupation may also be said.

This configuration is a little difficult for the top ranked students in the class, and it is super difficult for the bottom ranked students.

If not for the Golden Finger opening,UU Readers www.uukanshu.com多年积累转化为实力, if it is still according to the previous one hundred out of fish people, it is estimated to lose at least a third of fish people to pass this test.

But the world is not if, this time is different from the past, now the strength has increased, Lin Xiao confidence is also sufficient up.

The fish leader incarnation with more than 500 gray mist fish from the tribe rushed out in a messy formation swarmed towards the snake squad that had just left the portal.

There is no tactics to speak of, the fish can not command, anyway, the number of people have an absolute advantage, mouse a circle directly a wave of the past on the line.

More than five hundred fishermen gathered, the number is still quite a lot, anyway, in the narrow beach side of the black pressed a piece.

And the opposite snake people at first saw so many gray mist fish people did startled, but soon revealed a hideous smile, twenty snake people lined up, the snake leader raised the blood-stained spear hissed: "Great Gras is watching.

"The great Glas is watching us, kill all the little fishmen and Glas will grant us greater power!"

Another serpent leader with a bone staff did not say anything, but silently raised the bone staff in his hand, the staff end of a skull with a gemstone eyes lit up, a ray of blood light gushed out into a blood mist flying towards all the serpents, where all the serpents pupils flushed red, while their spears also dyed with a layer of blood.

Serpent Divine Art: Boiling Blood Art.

Boosts battle spirit and sharpness of weapons.

After being enchanted with this divine art, the serpentine's battle spirit rises, while possessing a certain effect of alleviating pain and fear.

The snake people who already have absolute single combat strength advantage and then enchanted with divine magic, combat power is even stronger, sharper spear is estimated to be able to stab a fisherman with one shot.

The two sides quickly approach, the snakes in the leader's leadership body leaned forward, a charging posture.