
Epic Conquest

The Region of Genten is a place of powerful warlords. Within this region are 18 Kingdoms. Each Kingdom lived in Harmony until the Kingdom of Lem announced an Ancient Legend about the Mythical 19th Kingdom: The Kingdom of Ryū. This Kingdom is said to only appear when all 18 kingdoms are conquered by one Warlord. The Warlord who conquers all 18 Kingdoms will get the chance to venture into the Kingdom of Ryū. If that person manages to defeat the Dragon King, they will be able to obtain the legendary Dragon Blade. This blade is the key to the rest of the Dragon Region where you have the chance to take on the 4 Dragon Warlords to become one of them. 2 Years have passed and the competition has now turned into War. The first kingdom, The King of Auroria died in battle against the Flaming Kingdom, Ignis. A few months later a free spirited girl has appeared and claimed to be the new warlord of Auroria. Her plans isn’t to win this war but to unite all 18 Kingdoms again. ————————————————— “We are bounded by the chains of war. We can not change then inevitable future for all of humanity. But you...I know you can save us all..end the wars for good..please..Allow me to join your epic conquest for peace.” A samurai said. “Everyone is allowed to join my army. I don’t care about this legend, I just want everyone at peace again.” The girl said with a bright smile of determination.

YamixKawaii_Novels · Kỳ huyễn
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38 Chs

Travelling to Auroria 2

A few days had passed and Uchi was sitting with Kunoichi in her room. They were laughing and talking to each other, having a great time.

"D-Do it again! Again!" Uchi laughed.

"O-Okay!" Kunoichi laughed. She stood up and imitated Shingen. "'Young Yukimura, now is the ti-'" She stopped and fell on the floor laughing.

These two girls have already become the best of friends. They soon stopped laughing and sighed.

"So, do you have a crush on Yukimura?" Uchi smirked.

"MMM?!" Kunoichi nearly choked on her tea and swallowed then coughed. "W-W-What are you talking about?!"

"Your face says it all. What do you find so amazing about him?" Uchi asked.

"Mmm..Well aside from being very powerful, he has very high charisma and very kind to everyone around him..his loyalty is so admirable and he is just so handsome and-" She paused and blushed madly.

Uchi smiled innocently and listened. She was very interested in what she had to say about Yukimura.

"Know what never mind! Besides I don't have a chance with him anyway." Kunoichi said and laid her head on the table.

"Huh? Why?" Uchi asked.

"There's this girl named Kai..and she's so beautiful..She stopped by one day and swept Yukimura off his feet.." Kunoichi said.

"Don't give up just because she came by and attracted him! Maybe he just thought she was very pretty..!" Uchi said.

"Maybe..but I can't help but think he likes her more than me.." Kunoichi said. "Have you felt like this before?"

"No. I've never been in love since I have been trapped in my own kingdom for 18 years. I have no idea what love is.." Uchi said.

"You're kidding none of the men in your kingdom are attractive to you?" Kunoichi asked.

"Not really..well besides Ranmaru..He's pretty cute in my opinion." Uchi smiled.

"What is your ideal guy?" Kunoichi asked.

"Hm..I don't know honestly..maybe someone courageous and honest. No one stuck up or too focused on one topic." Uchi smiled.

"Pretty much described Kenji. But he doesn't typically fall for women easily since he's always on the move. Hell no one has seen him fight before. That's how mysterious he is." Kunoichi said.

"He has no history in battle?" Uchi tilted her head to the side a bit.

"None that people know of. No one knows his physical or elemental limits." Kunoichi said. "Besides me..but even then he is so powerful that he barely even has to try."

"You lost to him 280 times right? Out of those 280 times did he use an Ultimate Skill or his Warrior Ability?" Uchi asked.

"Nope. His Double Pike weapon, Izanagi, is powerful enough to just take an opponent out." Kunoichi said.

Uchi nodded and studied what Kunoichi said. They talked about Kenji and other Warlords all night before going asleep. They fell asleep at the table. The next day, Uchi yawned and woke up and noticed she was the only one in the room. She walked out the room and bumped into Kenji.

"Sorry.." She yawned.

"Whoa there sleeping beauty, are you even awake?" Kenji chuckled.

"Yeah..I am.." Uchi leaned her head against Kenji's chest.

"Don't look like it. If you want to sleep a bit longer, you can. There isn't any rush." Kenji said.

"No I'm fine.." She blinked slowly and felt sluggish.

"If you say so, we are all meeting in the feast room for breakfast, meet us there when you can alright?" Kenji said.

"Mhm.." She stepped aside and let Kenji walk by.

Uchi went to freshen up and fix her face. She looked in the mirror and saw her charm around her neck that Lord Omu bought for her. She held it in her hand and smiled. She walked out the bathroom to the feast room and saw Shingen and the others there.

"Ahh there she is!" Shingen smiled.

"Took your sweet time now didn't you Uchi? I want you to finally meet Yukimura!" Kunoichi smiled.

"Oh, hello..Yukimura!" Uchi smiled.

"It is a pleasure meeting you." Yukimura nodded.

They all sat down and talked for a bit.

"Uchi, do you know what retainers are?" Shingen asked.

"Mhm, Ranmaru is my brother's retainer actually. But things feel kinda weird." Uchi said.

"How so?" He asked.

"I'm used to him waking me up everyday, and telling me my breakfast is ready. Most of the time he does my chores and tells me to relax. Things are just really different right now, but I'll adjust." Uchi smiled.

"Ahh okay." Shingen nodded.

"I am actually quite surprised the battles have not reached this part of the region. My brother already commands 3 of the 18 Kingdoms and it all happened in a span of 3 months. He works really fast.." Uchi said.

"Well we have been in battles, but it's not in the same manner as Lord Omu. The nine kingdoms here are absolutely neutral until we have to result to battling." Shingen said.

"Mhm! We do not fight unless we absolutely have to fight!" Kunoichi smiled.

"The Kingdom of Terreria are titans in itself plus we have a different method of battle. Actually, 5 of the 18 Kingdoms have a capture the banner battle style. It tests not only strength but your agility and defensive ability." Yukimura said.

"Capture the banner?" Uchi asked.

"Ahh yes, a classic." Kenji chuckled.

"How does it work? Like is it like a game of capture the flag?" Uchi asked.

"Exactly. We would be glad to give you rundown on the challenge." Yukimura said.

"I'll be happy if you did!" Uchi smiled.

"Then that settles it. We will have a mock battle! Kenji and you against me, Yukimura, and Kunoichi." Shingen laughed.

Uchi nodded and smiled eagerly. She got to experience her first battle in her life. She was also a slight bit nervous after seeing how intense Yukimura and Shingen's mock battle was.

"Alright let's eat up then head to the real battlefield." Shingen said.

Everyone agreed and started to eat their first meal of the day.