
Epic Conquest

The Region of Genten is a place of powerful warlords. Within this region are 18 Kingdoms. Each Kingdom lived in Harmony until the Kingdom of Lem announced an Ancient Legend about the Mythical 19th Kingdom: The Kingdom of Ryū. This Kingdom is said to only appear when all 18 kingdoms are conquered by one Warlord. The Warlord who conquers all 18 Kingdoms will get the chance to venture into the Kingdom of Ryū. If that person manages to defeat the Dragon King, they will be able to obtain the legendary Dragon Blade. This blade is the key to the rest of the Dragon Region where you have the chance to take on the 4 Dragon Warlords to become one of them. 2 Years have passed and the competition has now turned into War. The first kingdom, The King of Auroria died in battle against the Flaming Kingdom, Ignis. A few months later a free spirited girl has appeared and claimed to be the new warlord of Auroria. Her plans isn’t to win this war but to unite all 18 Kingdoms again. ————————————————— “We are bounded by the chains of war. We can not change then inevitable future for all of humanity. But you...I know you can save us all..end the wars for good..please..Allow me to join your epic conquest for peace.” A samurai said. “Everyone is allowed to join my army. I don’t care about this legend, I just want everyone at peace again.” The girl said with a bright smile of determination.

YamixKawaii_Novels · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Travelling to Auroria 1

A girl ran from the Kingdom of Lem on the day Omu went to attack Spectum. Ranmaru went to get her but Omu told him to stay put.

"But Lord Omu..she's your sister. She will die going south of Genten." Ranmaru said.

"I can not force her to stay..This is her decision." Omu said.

Ranmaru looked worried and stepped aside, letting Omu walk out the throne room. He soon followed him out. He knew Omu wanted to stop her but he just left it alone for now.

The girl panted and wiped her tears. She ran and ran then tripped and fell, scrapping her arms and legs. She laid on the ground for awhile and quietly sobbed.

"Why..? When everything was so peaceful...? Why must a war start now..?" The girl said.

"Hey there, what's the matter?" a man walked to the girl and helped her up.

"W-Who are you..?" The girl sniffled and wiped her tears.

"I am a freelance Warlord, name's Kenji." He said.

"Oh, my name is Uchi..and I ran away from my kingdom.." Uchi said and looked down.

"Mmm? Why?" Kenji asked.

"Because..I hate conflict...Everything was so peaceful..." Uchi said.

"Mind telling what kingdom you belong to?" Kenji looked at her.

"I belong to the Kingdom of Lem.." Uchi said.

"Ahh I see, so you are allies of Lord Omu. He is a huge threat for the other 17 Kingdoms.." Kenji sighed.

"Lord Omu is my brother...I love him, but he is the cause of this war..." Uchi looked at Kenji.

Kenji folded his arms and closed his eyes. He thought for a moment and smiled.

"Alright. I shall take you to a Kingdom..A kingdom that's very peaceful." Kenji said.

"What kingdom is that?" Uchi asked.

"The Kingdom of Auroria. The people there are peaceful and completely neutral. It'll take a few months to get there by foot. We don't have any blimps avaliable at the moment . We shall stop and take a rest at the Kingdom of Terreria. Their Warlord is very lively. There is never a dull moment there." Kenji said.

"O-Okay.." Uchi said.

They walked to the Kingdom of Terreria. They occasionally stopped when merchants came by and Kenji bought food and other supplies. Uchi enjoyed Kenji's company and began to smile a lot more. Kenji was always a likabke guy. He is very carefree and willing to help anyone out. Uchi saw him as the Big Brother of Genten.

"Alright we are here! Welcome to the Kingdom of Terreria! Here the Warlord is the Master of the Earth Element." Kenji smiled.

"What's their name?" Uchi asked.

"His name is Shingen. You'll like him when you meet him." Kenji walked through the gates of the kingdom.

Uchi hastily followed and stuck close to Kenji. She was in awe of the scenery. The towers in the kingdom were the tallest in the entire Genten region. Everything in the kingdom looked so sturdy, a full power magic attack wouldn't be able to take anything down.

"Ha! Stop there!" A girl said and got in a stance. "I challenge you to a battle!"

"Geez Kunoichi, you'd think you'd learn. What's the score now? 300-0?" Kenji smiled.

"I only lost 280 times! Don't boost your score up cheater!" Kunoichi puffed her cheeks.

"Who's she?" Uchi asked.

"Mmm? Eh?! Kenji you have a girlfriend?! Oh my poor heart.." Kunoichi dramatically said.

"No no." Kenji laughed. "This is Uchi. Uchi, this is Kunoichi."

"Ahh, nice to meet you Uchi! Hey! Let's go see Lord Shingen and Yukimura! They are in the middle of a mock battle!" Kunoichi ran off.

Kenji and Uchi looked at each other and smiled nervously. They followed Kunoichi and stood far from the battle. Kunoichi was excited for this moment.

Yukimura gripped his lance tightly and dashed to Shingen. Shingen stomped his foot down and an earth wall blocked Yukimura's attack then Shingen pushed the wall of earth at him. Yukimura jumped over the wall and twirled his lance as flames surrounded the lance.

"Burning Crash!" Yukimura bellowed.

"Heh.." Shingen dodged his attack then swung his fan horizontally and a sandstorm started.

Uchi was in awe of the mock battle. This was one of the best battles she's seen in her life.

"It's time to show you why I am called the Master of Earth!" Shingen bellowed and his body glowed red then he punched the ground.

Yukimura felt the ground shake. He looked around and tried to get his footing.

"Ultimate Arts: Dynamic Continental Crush!" Shingen bellowed and the ground started to break into little pieced and formed a huge ball of rock above Yukimura and came crashing down.

"The DCC!" Kunoichi said excitedly.

"Ultimate Arts: Royal Eruption!" Yukimura bellowed and stabbed the blade into the ground then a burst of flames shot at the ball of earth.

The clash of the two moves, caused a repulsive force of energy, generating a huge amount of wind. Uchi and Kunoichi held on to each other and looked bewildered. Kenji smiled and watched the clash. The ball of earth began to crack as the force of the flames kept pushing it back. The ball of earth exploded and Shingen smirked. He raised his hand up to the destroyed ball of earth and balled his fist.

"Fury Arts!" He bellowed and transformed into his Evolution Form. The energy coming from his body was red and his eyes glowed red "Earth Storm!"

The pieces of rock turned into spikes and came crashing down to Yukimura. He tried his best to dodge then lost his balance and one came at him then broke into pieces. He opened his eyes.

"Heh..You are evolving in skill Young Yukimura." Shingen said.

Kenji clapped and walked up. He smiled and looked at them. Shingen looked over and smiled.

"Well well! Kenji, the Warlord of the Free. What brings you here?" Shingen asked and laughed.

"Just stopping by, coming to ask if we could stay a few nights." Kenji said.

"You don't have to ask, you're free to come by anytime!" Shingen laughed.

"Is it over..?" Uchi asked and her body was shaking.

"Uh...I think so..." Kunoichi nodded.

Uchi and Kunoichi sighed and slowly fell to their knees. They looked at each other and giggled. Shingen and Kenji watched them and smiled.

"Who's the girl?" Shingen asked.

"That's Uchi, she ran away from the Kingdom of Lem. I'm taking her to Auroria." Kenji said.

"I see, Lord Omu has to be seeking her at this point." Shingen said.

"Yeah most likely. But we have been walking for a few weeks to here. She passed out in Avia Forest..luckily no one spotted her." Kenji said.

"Yeah the Kingdom of Avia is full of brutes who uses the wind to attack.." Shingen said. "She's safe here for a few days then you should be on your way."

"I owe you my gratitude Lord Shingen." Kenji smiled.

"Don't worry about it." Shingen laughed. "Just keep her safe."