
Epic Conquest

The Region of Genten is a place of powerful warlords. Within this region are 18 Kingdoms. Each Kingdom lived in Harmony until the Kingdom of Lem announced an Ancient Legend about the Mythical 19th Kingdom: The Kingdom of Ryū. This Kingdom is said to only appear when all 18 kingdoms are conquered by one Warlord. The Warlord who conquers all 18 Kingdoms will get the chance to venture into the Kingdom of Ryū. If that person manages to defeat the Dragon King, they will be able to obtain the legendary Dragon Blade. This blade is the key to the rest of the Dragon Region where you have the chance to take on the 4 Dragon Warlords to become one of them. 2 Years have passed and the competition has now turned into War. The first kingdom, The King of Auroria died in battle against the Flaming Kingdom, Ignis. A few months later a free spirited girl has appeared and claimed to be the new warlord of Auroria. Her plans isn’t to win this war but to unite all 18 Kingdoms again. ————————————————— “We are bounded by the chains of war. We can not change then inevitable future for all of humanity. But you...I know you can save us all..end the wars for good..please..Allow me to join your epic conquest for peace.” A samurai said. “Everyone is allowed to join my army. I don’t care about this legend, I just want everyone at peace again.” The girl said with a bright smile of determination.

YamixKawaii_Novels · Kỳ huyễn
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38 Chs

The New Warlord 4

A few days passed and Phoenix screeched. Joshua and Sefia looked up then saw Phoenix land. Their eyes lit up as they saw Aria hop off Phoenix's back. Aria rested the blade of her lance on her shoulder. She looked at them and smiled.

"I am back from my mission for Lord Astros." Aria smiled.

Joshua and Sefia looked disheartened as they heard her say those words. Aria rose an eyebrow and looked at them confused. Phoenix, also, was very confused.

"Why are you two looking like that? Did something happen?" Aria asked.

Sefia nodded, unable to speak.

"Lord Astros...has been killed.." Joshua said.

"...Is this true..?" Aria asked.

Sefia nodded and tears streamed down her cheeks. She fell to her knees and sobbed loudly.

"I'm so sorry..! We couldn't save him..! We fought our hardest against Ignis..but he overpowered us and-"

"There's no need to apologize.." Aria's hair covered her eyes.

"Aria.." Joshua said.

"Everything will be okay. If I know Lord Astros, he gave it his all! He may have died but his pride lives in all of us!" Aria looked up and smiled.

'She's hurting so badly, but covers it with her signature smile..' Phoenix thought to herself.

"Aria.." Sefia sniffed and wiped her eyes. She stood up and nodded then got on one knee.

Joshua nodded and got on one knee as well and closed his eyes.

"Lady Aria, we are now in your command. You are now our Queen..and official Warlord of Auroria. We are your loyal knights!" Joshua and Sefia said.

"Stand up you two." Aria laughed softly.

"H-Huh?" Sefia was confused and stood up.

"There's no need to do that with me. After all we are all the same, ranking never once crossed my mind neither has ruling over a kingdom. I know I have to rule a kingdom now, but I will treat you both how I always have. My friends." Aria smiled.

"You never change do you Aria.." Joshua smiled.

"So who defeated Lord Astros?" Aria looked at them.

"Lord Hideyoshi." Sefia said.

"I see..Phoenix, you said you knew him right? Does he have any noticeable weakness? Physical or Elemental? Besides Water?" Aria asked.

"Not really. The only weakness he has is he's easily fatigued. The weapon he uses is called the Eruption Lance. It boosts his physical strength and gives him the ability to use fire magic. Magic isn't his forte so using it will tire him out easily." Phoenix said.

"That's all I need to know." Aria said, already devising a strategy in her head.

"You have a plan. I see it in your face." Joshua said.

"Yes..It will work..Alright guys, let's go take back Auroria!" Aria smiled, determined.

"Right!" Sefia and Joshua said.

"See you Phoenix!" Aria ran off.

Phoenix screeched and flew off. Aria's horse was still hidden where she placed him and she smiled then got on her horse. The horse galloped to Auroria, followed by Joshua and Sefia. It took them a few minutes to get to Auroria.

"My Lord, you have a visitor in the front gates of the kingdom!" A knight said.

"I see. Tell them I shall be there." Hideyoshi said.

"Sir!" The knight walked off.

"Who could be here at this time..?" Hideyoshi stood up from his throne and walked out the throne room.

Outside the gates of the kingdom, the knight walked to Aria.

"Lord Hideyoshi said he will be with you in a mo-" The knight was knocked out.

"Too easy.." Aria said and her illusion vanished. She walked in the kingdom.

"Isn't that..Aria..?" A woman said.

"It is! Aria has returned!" A man said.

A swarm of people came out and ran to Aria. They were extremely happy to see her. They all missed her very much. Hideyoshi pushed the people aside and walked to Aria.

"Who are you..?" Hideyoshi asked.

"I am Aria..I am the new Warlord for Auroria!" Aria said.

"Ha. Do not make me laugh girl. I am the king of Auroria and Ignis now..I suggest you-"

"I am taking my kingdom back from your scummy hands..then in the name of the previous Warlord I shall take your kingdom!" She pointed the blade of her lance at Hideyoshi.

The people murmured and looked at them. Sefia and Joshua stood behind her.

"Fool." Hideyoshi laughed. "You honestly think you have the slightest chance against me?!"

"I have a dream in this life. The Unification of Genten! I won't let one scumbag like you ruin it! Because of this legend, this region is in war!" Aria said.

"Scumbag..?" Hideyoshi was annoyed.

"What's the matter big guy? Your ego can't handle the thought of being beaten by a girl? Especially one of my age?" Aria smirked.

"She's getting a bit arrogant now.." Joshua nervously smiled.

"Yeah..I can feel the arrogant energy from here.." Sefia nervously laughed.

"Tch. Fine you wish to be in the same Realm as Astros..I will send you to the afterlife! Meet me in the battlefield tomorrow at dawn..If you win, Auroria is back in your hands. If you lose, execution!" Hideyoshi said.

"Fine by me. Get ready to pack your bags..because I am not losing!" Aria's green eyes glowed in determination then walked past Hideyoshi to an inn. Joshua and Sefia followed her.

A few hours later, Aria was setting up to go to bed. Sefia was sitting on a chair and looked at her.

"Aria..Hideyoshi is very powerful..especially when he gets angry..it's like the lance feeds on his desire and responds accordingly." Sefia said.

"Mhm." Aria kept setting up.

"Aria this is serious and important..! If your plan fails..." Sefia said.

"It won't fail Sefia. 'Every element has a weakness and a counter besides the obvious counter, it's up to you to find it'. Phoenix told me that. I know his elemental weakness and counter is water, but in battle it's more than elemental advantages. Everything has a limitation. Infinite Power can never exist because it requires too much Physical Energy and Elemental Energy, if you push past those limits it equals death. Hideyoshi may seem powerful because you haven't seen his limit." Aria said and sat on the bed.

"What is your plan anyway..?" Sefia asked.

"When he activates his elemental powers, I make him waste a lot of energy since he is easily fatigued and to pull that off, it requires specifically timed parries and dodges. If he's too tired to fight, that's a default win because his lance won't respond since he's out of juice." Aria said.

"So you plan to make this battle into the battle of stamina and endurance." Sefia said.

"Exactly. I know all battles can't be won like that but this particular one can be won in this battle..I have the feeling that's what Lord Astros was going for, but because of Hideyoshi's brute force, he was killed." Aria said.

"I see...I hope you win tomorrow..I don't want you to die at all.." Sefia stood up and walked to the door.

"Thanks..and I will win..tomorrow is the day we take back our home." Aria smiled.

"Yeah..Goodnight.." Sefia smiled back and walked out the room, turning off the lights.

Aria got into bed and fell asleep. She woke up a few hours later at dawn and got prepared for her battle. She freshened up and grabbed her lance and katana then walked out the door to the battlefield. She looked and saw Hideyoshi standing there. People watched the battle from the outposts and their homes. Sefia and Joshua watched from a tower. A man leaned against a tree and watched with a smile.

"I started to think you wouldn't make it." Hideyoshi said. "You have a lot of determination, I give you that."

"Save the small talk. Today is the day I get my kingdom back!" Aria said and got in a stance.

"Big talk for a small person.." Hideyoshi chuckled and got in his stance.

Hideyoshi dashed to Aria and went for a barrage of attacks. Aria took a deep breath and exhaled as Hideyoshi got closer and dodged his strikes. She watched the blade of his lance and moved accordingly. Hideyoshi bellowed and slashed horizontally. Aria ducked and felt a force of wind behind the slash.

"She's fast.." The man against the tree said.

"So you're gonna keep dodging?! To win you have to attack!" He went for a stab attack.

Aria dodged and backflipped then looked surprised then Hideyoshi shoulder bumped her. Aria was sent in the air. She withdrew her katana and used her feet to spin the blade then kicked the sword at Hideyoshi. Hideyoshi blocked the sword and deflected it to the side then dodged the lance and grunted. Aria landed on her feet and her Warrior Ability activated.

"Warrior Skill: Shining Boost!" Aria bellowed and dashed to her weapons.

"So fast..!" Hideyoshi said.

Aria grabbed her katana and lance and went of the offensive. Hideyoshi blocked and dodged the attacks but Aria's speed was greater than anything he's experienced. Aria twirled her lance around her arm as she slashed with her katana.

"This fighting style is..so unique.." Sefia said.

"What is this style..? Is it something she created on her own..? It's so elegant yet savagery.." Joshua said.

Aria slashed with her lance and tossed her katana high in the sky. Hideyoshi growled and kept blocking and dodging. Aria jumped back turn her lance to the point where the blade was flat then swung, as the sword fell back down. Her eye sparked as the blade appeared perfectly horizontal. The blade hit the handle of the katana.

"Sword Technique: Shining Bullet!" Aria bellowed.

The katana blitzed towards Hideyoshi. He bellowed and flames surrounded his lance. He twirled his lance as he spun then slashed.

"Ultimate Skill: Phoenix Flame Twister!" Hideyoshi bellowed.

A huge flaming tornado was released from the lance and rushed to Aria. The sword blitzed through the flaming tornado then came directly to Hideyoshi. The flaming tornado came right for Aria.

"Aria!" Sefia yelled.

Hideyoshi deflected the blade, but lost his balance. Aria bellowed and the lance responded to her determination and the blade glowed brightly.

"Ultimate Skill: Light Judgement Slash!" Aria bellowed and slashed down, releasing a blade beam of light.

The blade beam cut through the flaming tornado and caused it to disappear then the blade beam came at Hideyoshi. He blocked the beam and was pushed back then finally dispersed it and fell on one knee. The flames on his lance vanished slowly. He slowly stood up and dashed to Aria and his body gave out. He fell on one knee and panted.

"It's over Hideyoshi." Aria said. "You lose."

"How..? How can this be..it's like you saw right through me.." Hideyoshi said.

"Your fighting style is very predictable and repetitive. I could have struck you many times during that fight..but tiring you out was the easiest outcome. Now your body is too tired to fight..you can no longer fight meaning I win by endurance." Aria said and smiled.

"I won't forget this day.." Hideyoshi growled.

Aria placed down a Talamat Feather. This feather can replenish energy.

"Use it to pack your things and leave this kingdom.." she walked past him. "Keep your word as a Warlord and a warrior."

Hideyoshi used the feather and went to pack up his things and left the kingdom. The people cheered for Aria and were happy she won the battle. The man chuckled and walked off.

"Lady Aria! We are grateful you came and took back Auroria!" A knight said.

"To commemorate this victory, we shall feast!" Aria said.

The entire kingdom cheered in excitement. Aria's win was a big one and her first victory as a Warlord.

Meanwhile in the neighboring kingdom called Kingdom of Mizu, a woman walked to her Warlord to deliver the news.

"So...their kingdom has a new powerful warlord huh..? I feel a huge tide approaching..A black wave..Her battles will only become harder from here.." The Warlord said and smirked.