
Entwined With You: Our Souls Are Tied

Nothing hurts more than a lost Love, one that has no hope of returning. Even if it does, it's a really slim possibility of it. Ezra, The head of the demacians and the prince of the dark vampires, was the strongest vampire being alive. He was like Absalom to them. He fought various deathly battles and each time came back with victory. He had no flaw and he hated even the sound of that. But unfortunately he fell in love with a maiden of Demacia. Her beauty got him so hard that he couldn't resist. First he thought it was just mere attraction, but he was so wrong when he realized the raise of his stone-still heart anytime he's around her. His rivals, the people of Ixtal Finally had an opportunity to bring him down, they striked. They came to know about this one little flaw he had—Love!!. They took advantage of this. Ezra did all he could to save the only light in his world, Excerpt: “I failed.” He whispered, his hands shaking as he held her corpse so close to him, with tear stained eyes and something else that spelt nothing but pure horror. “I failed.” He kept muttering incoherently, hugging her already lifeless body to himself. Suddenly he stopped, his eye color changed to a horrifying red. Nothing but vengance was all he wanted. “I will revenge you my love.” He said giving a kiss on her forehead before diving in for her neck. . . . Ten Thousand years later. Heavy storm blew everywhere rocking the entire universe. The sky had already changed color from it's usual blue to a hue of dark red. The clouds Moving dangerously but slowly. The whole world looked like it was soaked in blood. “It's time.” The man in the dark cloak mumbled with much conviction. “It's time.” Again he said. “Welcome back my Love.” A wicked and deadly smile made it's appearance on his face that was hidden behind the dark cloak. *. *. * This is my first fantasy novels, please show support if you like it. Disclaimer: Credits to the owner of the cover.

Author_Bright · Huyền huyễn
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30 Chs

The Beginning

In absolutely no time, All the Men from Ixtal were slaughtered to the ground leaving few of the demacians. Ezra stood tall, the victory all over his face that was still as frost as ice, with blood spluttered all over him as a sign of the great battle he had just conquer. They demacians kept shouting his name in glory.

Finally the war was over, but the Long life Search hadn't even started.

* * *

Ten Thousand years later.

Heavy storm blew everywhere rocking the entire universe. The sky had already changed color from it's usual blue to a hue of dark red. The clouds Moving dangerously but slowly. The whole world looked like it was soaked in blood.

"It's time." The man in the dark cloak mumbled with much conviction.

"It's time." Again he said.

"Welcome back my Love." A wicked and deadly smile made it's appearance on his face that was hidden behind the dark cloak.

* * *

In an array alley,

A young girl paced impatiently, and it looked like she was in a hurry. She repeatedly tapped her foot against the rocky floor while her arms were folded. She was waiting for someone.

They annoyance she was having while waiting was translucent on her beautiful face. Her long thick brows where slightly scrunched and her plumpy red cherry like lips were twitched to a side. She had her hair in a ponytail and was just in a plain outfit, A jean and causal T-shirt, paired with some white sneakers.

"Hey! I'm done we can leave now." The awaited voice she was waiting to hear from finally arrived.

"What have you been doing since you left?."

She yelled somehow incentively.

"Well I was..."

With no time left to waste, she expeditiously grabbed her by the hand, thereby interrupting her sentence. "We need to go now!"

"Alvira? is something wrong?" Kayla who was being dragged out of the alley by Alvira without knowing the reason why, asked straight away.

"I will explain later, we need to get out from here." Alvira mumbled in a haste, rushing out with Kayla.

"But what happened, at least a hint?"


Before Alvira could reply a gun shot was heard loud and clear, making the girls to scream in fright. Kayla quickly held on tight to Alvira hands and Alvira did Same by tightening her hold on Kayla's hand. They were both scared and terrified.

"What's happening?"

"Shhhhh." Alvira had no reply so she shushed her so they wouldn't get noticed and then get into some sort of trouble.

"I don't know either." Alvira whispered to Kayla.

The was silence after that first gun shot, everywhere became quiet as if it was muted. One second, Two seconds, Three seconds but nothing happened neither did both of them move a muscle. When everywhere retain it's silence, Kayla gestured to Alvira. "Maybe we should leave now?" She whispered.

"I think so too." Alvira nodded.

Just when they went along with their plan, they haven't even made a single step of a foot yet. This time the shots were fire rapidly leaving no space or pause in between.

"You're sure we shouldn't run?" Kayla shouted to Alvira's hearing because of the loud gunshots fired about.

"I think we should Kay, hurry let's run." Without further delay, they both made for a run holding each other's hand tight.

The worst part was that, the way out of this confusing alley was too much of a maze for one who hadn't been here often, now they will need to calculate on which part to take so they could make it out on time.

"What made him call you here? couldn't it be somewhere else?"

"I Don't know." Kayla screamed, scared for her life.

On the spot, They heard series of footsteps approaching right behind them. They both looked at each other terrified. They ran their wits out, until they came to a bricked wall space, for sure it was obvious that, that was the end of that path. Breathing was difficult to undertake. They sounds kept drawing nearer and nearer.

"Are you sure they are coming for us, is that why you wanted us to leave as soon as possible?" Kayla asked breathlessly.

"I don't think so Kay, and yes this the reason I wanted us to leave as soon as possible. They are dangerous people."


"We don't have much time Kay, they are getting close, look the is a pathway over there we should run that way." Alvira's eyes shone when she saw a way out for them.

"And there is one over there two, how do we know the safest one to follow?" Kayla pointed at the other pathway at the right side.

"I...I don't know Kay they approaching us hurry!!"

"How about we split?" Kayla proposed.

"Are you sure?" Alvira asked panting.

"I mean.... it will be better don't you think?" She said in-between pants.

"I think you are right, Okay." Alvira forthrightly agreed. With one last nod the both separated, entering the two different corners leading to different directions with different fates.