
Entwined With You: Our Souls Are Tied

Nothing hurts more than a lost Love, one that has no hope of returning. Even if it does, it's a really slim possibility of it. Ezra, The head of the demacians and the prince of the dark vampires, was the strongest vampire being alive. He was like Absalom to them. He fought various deathly battles and each time came back with victory. He had no flaw and he hated even the sound of that. But unfortunately he fell in love with a maiden of Demacia. Her beauty got him so hard that he couldn't resist. First he thought it was just mere attraction, but he was so wrong when he realized the raise of his stone-still heart anytime he's around her. His rivals, the people of Ixtal Finally had an opportunity to bring him down, they striked. They came to know about this one little flaw he had—Love!!. They took advantage of this. Ezra did all he could to save the only light in his world, Excerpt: “I failed.” He whispered, his hands shaking as he held her corpse so close to him, with tear stained eyes and something else that spelt nothing but pure horror. “I failed.” He kept muttering incoherently, hugging her already lifeless body to himself. Suddenly he stopped, his eye color changed to a horrifying red. Nothing but vengance was all he wanted. “I will revenge you my love.” He said giving a kiss on her forehead before diving in for her neck. . . . Ten Thousand years later. Heavy storm blew everywhere rocking the entire universe. The sky had already changed color from it's usual blue to a hue of dark red. The clouds Moving dangerously but slowly. The whole world looked like it was soaked in blood. “It's time.” The man in the dark cloak mumbled with much conviction. “It's time.” Again he said. “Welcome back my Love.” A wicked and deadly smile made it's appearance on his face that was hidden behind the dark cloak. *. *. * This is my first fantasy novels, please show support if you like it. Disclaimer: Credits to the owner of the cover.

Author_Bright · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Dead On The Inside

The battle was intense. Blood spluttered everywhere making the scene a gory one to witness. Cries of women and children echoed around, while the sounds of swords clashing against each other resounded loudly, echoing! the war is not going to be over anytime soon.

The people from Ixtals were gaining the upper hand in the battle because their army were large and numerous in number. The outrageously outnumbered the demacian Army.

The demacians thought they had no hope and were surely going to loose this war. Their prince was nowhere to be found.

The method which the Ixtals found a way to penetrate into their Kingdom was still a mystery to them. Surely it will be from the means of a spy that was sent to them.

The bloody battle was still ongoing with the Ixtals having the upper hand. The demacian army could be seen slaughtered and embodied on the ground. They wondered on where their prince could be and who will save them in this deadly war that they are loosing badly.

They braced themselves to give a befitting fight, atleast even if they did die at the end, they gave their very best.

"Till Death!!!" The general raised up his sword in exclamation.

"Till Death!!!!" The few remaining armies who were still with him followed on his beckon.

With that they charged forward to fight and seal this war.

Not long in-between the war, a wave of massive air flew by in a lightening speed bringing down all that it came across to the ground. Debris filled the air blocking the view of what just happened, By the time it all cleared down, thousands of the Ixtals Armies were on the ground dead and unmoving.

And behold was their prince, with the tip of his sword buried in the ground while his arms held the hilt with his one knee on the ground.

The expression he had on was very terrifying. He looked more of a lifeless being, an emotionless and heartless creature. Someone who had no soul and was still as stone. That was the way he looked right now.

It was a thing for the people to worry about, but it couldn't beat the joy of seeing their savior at this moment, it brought thankful smiles on their faces.

The whole battle ground was silent after the swooshing attack.

Ezra made a stand pulling his sword off the ground. He was more angered by what he was seeing right now.

His people slaughtered and killed. But this time he is back! and he isn't going to accept defeat.

He knew he had become more ruthless than ever, ever since he buried the love of his life. He knew a part of him was buried and gone with her.

"I'm giving you one last chance to turn around with your Men and leave this kingdom immediately!." His grave voice echoed round the deserted battle ground, his sword stretched pointed at the leading general of the Ixtals.

"You lie! Prince Ezra. We are not here to play games with you, My aim is to destroy you and your entire Demacia kingdom!!." Their general, Lord Secrius Said.

Ezra gave a smirk to his reply, not just an ordinary smirk, a smirk that spelt evil and most importantly revenge!.

"Alright then, don't say I didn't warn you." He immediately striked towards lord Secrius with his speed that was incomparable to any other vampire alive.

A different war was going on between the two while the armies fought their own battle.

Lord Secrius and Ezra had no difference in strength. They were rivals right from time leaving the rivalry of both kingdoms aside. They had a different rivalry of their own.

They fought incentively, With their speed, Agility and power, it was a survival of the fittest because it was unsure of who would defeat the other.

Ezra fought wildly like an injured beast. They both made bruises on each other. When Lord Secrius saw that he was loosing the fight, he decided to go vocal. Poking the wounds of an injured beast.

"Looks like you have improved in your fighting skills huh? Or is it because of your little sleeping beauty?" He laughed out loud after his taunt.

"Oh! I forgot, she isn't sleeping..... She is no more.." He couldn't complete his remark when the sword Ezra held pierced through his left chest with blood splattering out.

That was the last straw of patience Ezra had left, and it instantly vanished the moment the gibberish Lord Secrius spoke left his cursed mouth.

"Hahahahaha..... hahahaha." Lord Secrius laughed, choking on the blood trickling down from his mouth.

He fell to the ground slowly with the sword still in his chest. "You....you...this is not the end...pri..Prince Ezra." He gave huge fits of coughs before he continued. "You will.... never be...be with her. She won't come back!... Haha, she will never come back as your El..."

"Don't you dare say her name with that dieing mouth of yours!." Ezra said twisting his sword deep into his chest and pulling it out.

Lord Secrius wasn't able to utter a word again. He forced a manacing laugh from his throat. "You ....will find her but...but not see her.....not....not....in this lif..." He couldn't complete his sentence when he started coughing up blood and not long, his body stilled and slumped. He was Gone.

The words he said kept ringing in Ezra's ear repeatedly, he was starting to be confused. 'Does he know something?' He wondered.

'I will find her but not see her? not in this... what?' He kept asking himself. He gave a look to the dead body, he then remembered what the prophetess told him. 'He is messing with me.' He stood and left to join the battle with his Men.