
Enslaved for Revenge

"All my life I've been waiting for this moment. I've been craving to have sole dominion over the Lycan blood pack, I wanted to inflict so much pain on them and make them experience what it feels like to be slaves but unfortunately, your father seems to be hard-headed. But not to worry.." he paused again. His corner slips curved into a smirk. Making him look more deadly. "I can still achieve my revenge through you. Rather than killing you, I've got other plans. I'm gonna make you pay for the atrocities of your father and you are gonna take all the afflictions for your pack, from now on, you are my slave." He said with much venom in his voice.

IamDora · Thành thị
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27 Chs

Chapter 26.

Lowell POV.

I walked gracefully to the dungeon and when I got there my guards rushed forward to open the gates. When I walked in, I was surprised to see her- Daciana lying unconscious on the floor.

The sight got me confused at first.

Why will Rachel have to tell me she escaped, I mean if she did there's no way she would have been here and Wallace never even told me they found her in the forest. Yeah, I know how sick and naggy Rachel can get but does she have to raise a force alarm? That's so fatuous of her.

I advanced and learned the level of the girl. Her body was so pale, her hair covering her face. I gently placed my hand on her forehead and started scraping strands of hair from her face, filing them into her coffee brown hair. While doing that, I found myself staring at her sleepy face.

I would have loved to stare at those shiny blue eyes but right now I can hardly decipher which is more beautiful. Those eyes or her sleepy face.

I hate to admit this but she looks really pretty with her eyes closed, and I could stare at her for a whole day. But I've got other things to attend to so I removed my hand from her and stood up. The moment I turned to live I felt pulled back by my garment.

"Wallace..." came a tiny, weak voice and I knew it was her. I twirled around and was met with her tiny pale hand clutching to the string of my garment.

Her long lashes were blinking rapidly and I could tell she was trying to open her eyes.

"Thank you so much for finding me but please save me...save me from your alpha." Her voice squeaked as tears were running down her cheeks. "I don't want to be here anymore. I want to go back to my pack, I want to go back to my family, help me and I swear I'll repay you in the future."

Her tears held the magic of making me emotional as guilt washed over me and I hated this feeling.

Guilt transformed into a rage—I was angry at the fact that she was mistaking me for Wallace. She's just my slave and I hated her so much but I still can't help being jealous that she's craving comfort from Wallace instead of me.

Shortly after, Wallace arrived just when she went unconscious again which made her hand divorced from me. I asked Wallace to take her to the hospital for treatment while I left the dungeon with different thoughts running in my head. I wanted to continue with what I was doing but right now I needed to clear my head first. Why was she thanking Wallace for finding her? Could it be that she escaped but how could that be possible? I remember I gagged her and for sure she was so weak to have freed herself.

Except someone helped her out.

Anyways I'm gonna talk to Wallace about all that later.

For now, I walked into my usual comfort zone- the forest. There, I transformed into my wolf form and started prowling around.