
enemy of the universe

God has a problem with his omniscience and resolves to put an end to it and takes Fred out of this universe.

robson_barbosa · Ti vi
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8 Chs


Fred was floating in space, it seemed that this darkness had no end, but it was not entirely black it was also a little gray and as far as the eyes could see, infinitely vast, an isolated and lonely place that was frightening.

(Fred) what is this place? damn how he managed to do this to me, they say that everyone is a son of god, it seems that this is not true with me, I didn't think he was going to be so sneaky, but I think that even the smartest could fall for it, in the Bible says that he is justice and love, so it was not without reason that I trusted him.

Fred was starting to despair, he didn't know what to do, he wasn't on earth anymore, he didn't even have anything else to live for, what would become of him now, it seemed that he would die in this place, literally abandoned by God.

(Fred's mind) Damn I wish I had the ability to go to another world, this is not like the web novels where a pagan god sends you wherever you want to go, that rascal.

(Fred) I remember a romance,I don't remember exactly the name,but the MC could enter his own world whenever he wanted,he had a world integrated into him, he could control zombies and animals,and everything that entered his world would be gradually or completely controlled by him,I wanted to have this, I wanted a world like that for me.

so Fred's words out of his mouth, a majestic power came out in a flash,and entered her mind, and started to create a world out of nothing, based on Fred's request,a world was created totally new, fred held her head like she was running away from him so much pain she felt.

(Fred) haaaaaaaa what's going on haaaaa, what's in my mind.

He struggled a little bit, more when the pain stopped after a while, he looked at what was on his mind, it was a planet, was in space floating, tried to see more closely and ended up being pulled by gravity and falling on the planet,when he opened his eyes again he found himself on a prairie, green and beautiful with some trees and lakes a paradise, it was huge and endless.

(Fred) what is this place? Did God bring me back home?,There is something wrong.

Fred took the first step and started walking, without a specific direction, walking and looking at the beautiful view after 4 hours he didn't even know where he had come from looking at the place so aimlessly, he realized that this was not the planet earth, there was no way, no animals, no insect or any living thing where he passed. Only him.

(Fred) but how did I come here ?, it's not normal, and too weird if it were like that I would prefer to stay where I was.

12as soon as his words will come out of his mouth his vision was blurred and he was back in limbo of eternal darkness.

(Fred) damn how I came here, not again, take me to the prairie

as soon as his words will end his vision became blurred he went back to the prairie

(Fred) how did I do that? every time I say something it happens, I'm going to prairie or limbo, when I want is amazing, but there's something strange.

(Fred) I don't feel as good as before and as if what I got from God was diminished, what is happening to me? , someone tell me what happened,

a woman came out of nowhere from a strong Luís who made him close his eyes, and stood in front of him, the girl looked a lot like the actress megan fox from the movie transformers

(Fred) who are you?

(fake megan fox) i'm nobody, but you called me here.

(Fred) you went crazy girl, I have never seen you fatter in my life, anyway, although you are not, you understand what I mean, I do not know you.

(fake megan fox) as soon as you asked someone to come and help you, you created me right away.

(Fred) I raised you, more because you look like Megan fox.

(fake megan fox) within your subconscious you think this look is perfect,and with the gift of the word of God, you gave me life,that's why i was born this way, now changing the subject, i'll let you know that you're spending a lot of the glory of god on these requests,if you're not careful, you can stay here forever, think better of what i asked for from now on, and with your future you're kidding.

(Fred) it turns out that God said I couldn't make any wish, why is that now? he changed his mind and left me wishes the novels kind on the web?

(fake megan fox)stop thinking about this nonsense, it's true that you couldn't do it before, but when you stole the power of god, it became another story,with each order you make you spend some of that power,example You can place 200 small orders, but the more difficult your order, the more glory is spent, that is, if you asked for a request that goes beyond the glory of God that you have, you may not even fulfill the request that you would like.

(fake megan fox) think carefully about your order, it will shape your future now.

(Fred) so basically i can do whatever i want.

(fake megan fox) you can do what you want, just keep the glory of god enough to get you out of here, when the glory ends, you won't be able to place orders.

(Fred) by the way, I'll do what I always dreamed, I want the sharingan Naruto uchiha, I know this is kind of silly but I have to be careful with large orders.

as soon as he wished it, his ordinary eyes makes sharingan.

(Fred) and i feel the power drain from me again this time. what hear?

(fake megan fox) be careful you're spending too much glory on it.

(Fred) but I just asked for a sharingan.

(fake megan fox)and you think the sharingan is not a mystical thing ?, it doesn't exist here in this place, you basically took it out of nowhere, spent a lot on it, and you better ask to leave this place, or you'll be stuck here forever.

(Fred was thinking): place and? what place am i going the naruto world, dxd, dragonboll.

(Fred) there was a time when i read a web novel, when a guy asked to live in the game of thrones, for a pagan god, the guy was crazy to live where the king of the night is...

(Fred) where am i?

(fake megan fox) is in the game of thrones world.

(Fred) what else do I ....

(fake megan fox) you asked to come to this place did not notice?

(Fred) no, this world sucks and like living in the dark ages there is no tv, internet or decent bathroom, nothing.

(fake megan fox) you should pay attention to what you say, and as they say, mouth closed does not get mosquitoes.