
enemy of the universe

God has a problem with his omniscience and resolves to put an end to it and takes Fred out of this universe.

robson_barbosa · TV
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8 Chs


Fred is a guy who works hard, but he's not very lucky, and everything that tries to go wrong, he didn't have a girlfriend until today, he didn't get a decent job, he lives in informal work, his life sucks,his family is poor and humble, they are always in the hospital, they often go with broken arms and legs due to various types of accidents they suffer,the most serious and her older sister, the most serious and his older sister, she has been in a coma for 2 years.

now he is in a beautiful place, as in a dream, as in the drawing of Hercules, clouds of golden mist, a gate that seems to be made of precious stones, but the entrance to this place already looks like a work of art, made with precious things

Fred looked around, saw many guards armed with beautiful armor, and a strange thing to notice, and that they had wings, three wings on each shoulder.

(Fred) what is this place?

(God) you are in heaven.

Fred looked in the direction of the sound, but what surprised him was that the voice came from a humanoid of light, it really sounded like the sun, blinding anyone who looked at him like the sun,he was surrounded by winged men, from right to left.

(Fred) who are you?

(God) I am your God, as well as your parents, the alpha and the omega and the true God of this universe.

(Fred) but how? I do not remember have died, am I dreaming or going mad, and as my mother said,i'm crazy in the head, i just watch web novel and forget about life, now i'm here.

(God) no you didn't die, that's why you didn't enter heaven, you are now at the entrance gate, but if you stay a long time here you won't be far from dying, I brought you here to take you out of this universe, I can't let your existence go on.

(Fred) but what did i do wrong? I lived a correct, humble, even humiliating life, and will you even take that away from me too? , what kind of God and you ?

(God) its existence is affecting the universe, I am not sure why, but because of it the world is out of order, its existence is putting the world in the direction of the apocalypse and there is no way to change that.

(God) you've already caused thousands of deaths and you don't even understand, you don't realize that everyone in your family is suffering a lot, your blood and like a lightning rod that leads to the disgrace of everyone around you,you are bringing what was almost a curse to his family, and this also why his father died last year.

(Fred) plus the doctors said it was a complication of surgery, that there was nothing to be done.

(God) doctors, children who insist on trying to be like me, but not, the older you get the more you affect the universe, your father died because the universe doesn't accept you in him, the more he can't destroy you directly what he send it to you and distributed to everyone in your family, this makes it not too serious since your family is big, it manages to distribute this plague evenly, but with that, your mother broke her leg,and her stepfather the arm,her sister lives in the hospital,but it doesn't end there, her curse so to speak, she is starting to leave her family and go to others,if this continues the world will end, and as the apocalypse advances and millions will die.

Fred fell and knelt on the floor and started to cry, his tears were like a waterfall, and he couldn't stop crying, even if he tried.

(Fred) is it my fault now? how many times I prayed for you to do a miracle in my life, and not you done anything, and now this?

(God) I never heard you praying to me once in my life, so it seems that not only do you affect the universe but also my glory,so I am not hearing many prayers, only if it is with great despair.

(Fred) more and now, you who throw me out, what will happen to me ?.

(God) I will send you to any world you want, say it and it will be your new life from now on, you choose.

(Fred) since I have no choice, send me to the naruto world, since I'm not going to see God in my life anymore, at least there are several hot girls, it's ridiculous to say that but maybe I'm excited or maybe I'm going to commit suicide.

(God) very well

God reached out his right hand and opened a portal that looked like a black hole on his side. The hole was sucking everything around him. like a pool drain

(God) you can enter now, and in the world of your choice.

Fred looked at the hole and went ahead, but he felt a huge danger that he had never felt before, and stopped his step, he knew what that was, that feeling saved him several times in his life, and it was like the spider sensor, all time he felt it was that his life was at risk of death, as God said the universe was trying to kill him, and that feeling was trying to save him, he looked in the direction of god and realized, he was not sending him for the other world,he was trying to get rid of him, although he didn't know why.

without knowing why his heart raced, making him run in the direction of god,and somehow managed to hold him, even though he couldn't look directly at him,he managed to hold on with his hands, in his god clothes,which was also too bright he was about to go blind with that glow.

(Fred) more because you want to kill me? please don't do that God.

(God)it looks like you understand what I wanted to do, sorry Fred, but I can't give you what you want, I don't know where you're going, but I can't let you do the same thing you did here,i can't risk you destroying another world, that's asking too much.

(Fred) but it's not my fault, i deserve a happy life, like everyone else, in this world.

(God)who knows in his next life,I'm sorry, you are like a cancer, and the body and this universe, or maybe all universes, I can't take any chances.

Fred unknowingly hold God's hand too hard,and he felt a strange thing,a wonderful sensation was entering his body as if coming out of a dive that drowned him for a long time,it was a divine feeling.

(God) what's going on in my glory? is leaving my body and is going to this brat, I understand this boy and as a disease of this universe more for me too, I have to get rid of him right now.

god caught Fred by the throat and threw him into the black hole, saw the hole in space slowly closes.

(god) sorry Fred I had no choice in my obligation and defends this world.