
Chapter 34

" mum, we're leaving with the driver" Casey said as she walked out of her room.

" Hey, wait for me" Ariana said walking out of the room as well.

" And where do you think you're going" Mrs Lambert asked.

" High school" Ariana replied.

" Ha ha ha ha" they all laughed.

" What's funny about me going to high school?" Ariana asked.

" You've not recovered fully and besides we're both gonna be going shopping now for your clothes" Mrs Lambert said.

" But......"

" No buts Ariana. What are you going to do on a Friday?" Mrs Lambert asked.

" Not stay at home?" Ariana replied 

" Don't be like that Ariana. Look at you, you still have red scars and your lips haven't returned to their original size" Mrs Lambert told her.

" Can I go on Monday?" Ariana asked eagerly.

" No" Mrs Lambert said

" Please, pretty please......" Ariana pleaded.

" Fine. But only of I see improvements alright?" 

" Alright" Ariana agreed.

" Bye mum" Casey, Mariana and Santiago said as they left.

" Ariana, can I talk to you?" Mrs Lambert asked.

" Sure Mrs Lambert. What's up?" Ariana asked.

" Do you think you can look up to me as a guardian?" Mrs Lambert asked.

" No" Ariana replied.

" No?" Mrs Lambert was confused.

" I don't look up to you as a guardian. I look up to you as a mum and with your permission, I'll like to call you aunt" Ariana said with an innocent smile on her lips.

" Really? You really wanna call me aunt?"

" Yes. I do" Ariana replied. " Can I call you aunt?" She asked again.

" Yes you can but I'll prefer you call me mom" Mrs Lambert said with tears in her eyes.

" Mom" Ariana repeated and embraced her in a tight hug.

" Come on sweetie, let's go shopping" Mrs Lambert said.

" Okay mum " Ariana said.

" I'll go freshen up" Mrs Lambert said and left for her room.

Ariana decided to go have some bananas in the kitchen. She turned to get some milk and then she heard a familiar voice at the door.

" Ariana? Are you here" a familiar masculine voice called

" I wonder who's there" Ariana thought to herself as she threw the banana peel into the dustbin and went to check.

" You" she was furious. " What are you doing here" she asked angrily.

" I'm sorry" Raymond said presenting her some flowers.

" I don't want your flowers" she said and made to throw them away but Mrs Styles walked in.

" Please don't" she said

" And who are you?" Ariana asked confused.

" I'm Samantha styles. Raymond's mum" she introduced.

" So I can call you SS for short as In Samantha styles" Ariana explained.

" Sure" Mrs Styles agreed.

" Mmm mmm" Raymond cleared his throat.

" Oh. Uhm can I talk to you?" She asked nicely.

" I'm willing to talk to you but of it's about your son, I'm sorry but I'll have to decline" Ariana said. " Besides, I'm going shopping with my mum and we're due to leave" Ariana said.

" Wait, your mum's back? I thought she wasn't gonna return till next week" Raymond asked.

" Well, she hasn't returned. Can't someone have two mums" Ariana asked standing akimbo.

" No you can't. You only have one mum because it's only one mum who gave birth to you" Raymond replied.

" Well, I don't think so. You can have as many mums as you want you've just gotta be a good kid" Ariana said.

" Ha! So you finally agree to being a kid right?" Raymond smirked.

" I'm not a kid. I'm almost eighteen" Ariana challenged.

" But you know until you clock eighteen you're still a kid right?" 

" Well, I'll be eighteen by the 25th of August and oops, that's three weeks from now. So that literally makes me an adult" Ariana said.

" In your dreams. I'm already eighteen and soon, your mom is gonna need me to babysit you" Raymond said and laughed.

" Hey" Ariana yelled as she threw the flower at him.

" Did you just throw something at me?" He asked.

" Of course. Since you're a babysitter, you should know this is really common among kids right?" She asked mockingly.

" Yeah but you know what, when a kid misbehaves, I usually spank them in the butt so that's what I'm going to do" he said and ran after her.

" Hey, leave me alone" she said throwing pillows at him.

" Nope" he said chasing after her.

They continued running about for sometime. Mrs Lambert walked in but they were too busy chasing and running to notice her. When Mrs Styles noticed Mrs Lambert, she quickly signalled her to keep quiet and they both enjoyed the show.

" Just leave me alone, you're not even a babysitter" Ariana mocked.

" Then hold your ears and say sorry." Raymond said. He too had gotten tired bit he wouldn't give up so easily.

" Fine, I'm sorry" Ariana said holding her ears.

" Good girl" Raymond said and chuckled.

" Awwwn" the two mums chorused.

" What's so awwwwwn? I almost got spanked" Ariana said

" Well, I came to talk to you so Raymond can apologize but I see you have already resolved your issues with Raymond but I guess it's already sorted" Mrs Styles said and Mrs Lambert chuckled.

" I guess all it took was just a simple and normal conversation" Mrs Lambert said.

" We should give them some time to talk" Mrs Styles suggested and both women ran out.

" Now this is awkward" Ariana thought to herself.

" Hi" Raymond said breaking the silence.

" Hi" Ariana replied and there was awkward silence once again.

" I'm sorry" Raymond apologized.

" For what exactly?" Ariana asked.

" For you know, feeding you apples" he said running his fingers through his hair.

" I just wanna ask one question Raymond" Ariana said.

" What is it? I'm listening"

" Do you promise to tell me the truth?" Ariana asked.

" I promise to tell you the truth and nothing but the truth" Raymond swore.

" Who asked you to feed me apples?" Ariana asked crossing her fingers and hoping it wouldn't be Beatrice.

" Beatrice....." Raymond said and Ariana fell to the ground.