
Chapter 35

" are you alright?" Raymond asked helping her up.

" I'm fine. Just can't believe the person I considered my best friend would try to kill me" Ariana said.

" I also didn't believe it. She'd told me it was just a prank that'll make you throw up and then everyone will laugh at you" Raymond said.

" Hmmm" Ariana said.

" So, friends?" Raymond asked extending his hand for a handshake.

" Friends" Ariana said and shook his hands.

" No longer enemies?" Raymond asked with a genuine smile on his face.

" No longer enemies" Ariana said and they smiled.

" Woohoo" Mrs Styles and Mrs Lambert cheered along with Mariana, Santiago and Cassandra.

" Wait, I thought you'd left for high school" Ariana asked.

" Well, we planned this. We're sick of you two being enemies. It's like they say, a blessing in disguise. Who knew it would only take an apple to stop the enmity you've both held against each other for years." Cassandra said and everyone laughed.

" Awwwn Casey" Ariana said and embraced Cassandra.

" Too emotional" Mariana muttered under a fake cough.

" Oops" that was Ariana as she withdrew from the hug with Cassandra.

" Won't you go to school?" Ariana asked.

" We have a break today, remember?" 

" Oh yes. Totally forgot about that" Ariana said. 

" So it's a free day!!!"



" So many jumpsuits" that was Mariana.

" You should say that to your sister. She's literally filled the closet with jumpsuits" Ariana said.

" Yeah, no kidding" Mariana said.

" Hey, I didn't select only jumpsuits. Look at this ball gown I got you" Casey said holding up a royal blue ball gown.

" Yeah. I'm totally gonna wear it to school." Ariana said and Santiago couldn't help but laugh.

" Ha. She got you there sis" he said.

" What do you know about fashion Santiago? You're just a 16 year old boy" Casey said.

" Ha. She got you there Santiago" Mariana said laughing.

" Hey. You're just 14 so don't interfere"

" Look who's talking" Mariana teased.

" Dinner's ready" Mrs Lambert called me from the kitchen. " Freshen up and come downstairs quickly" 

" I'll go freshen up" Mariana said and left.

" Me too. See you at dinner" Santiago said and left.

" I'll shower first" Ariana and Cassandra chorused.

" No I'll shower first" they chorused again.

" I propose a game of rock, paper, scissors" they chorused again.

" Hey, biscuits, oranges," they observe a brief pause. " America" they both say and burst into laughter.

" You go shower first" Cassandra told Ariana.

" Okay" Ariana said and left to freshen up.

" I'll watch pitch perfect in the meantime" Casey said before switching on the tv.

" I'm done" Ariana said as she came out of the bathroom towel drying her hair.

" Oh, you're done" Casey said not taking her gaze off the TV.

" Is that pitch perfect 1" Ariana asked sitting beside her. " I love this movie"

" Girls aren't you ready?" Mrs Lambert called.

" Mum!!" Casey said rushing into the bathroom.

" Gives me time to enjoy the movie" Ariana said as she lay on the bed.


" Oh no she did it"

" Who did what? Cassandra asked tying her bathrobe.

" It's Becca. She told Jesse she didn't need him anymore" Ariana said

" Oooooooh. I'm eager to know what happens" Casey said.

" How long does it take to freshen up?" Mrs Lambert walked in.

" Mum!!" Both girls chorus.

" You're watching a movie while we wait for you at dinner?"

" We're sorry" they chorused.

" Now come have dinner" she told them and they went down stairs.


" So, since it's a free day tomorrow, I propose we go to the movies" Mrs Lambert said.

" Shall we watch pitch perfect 1" Casey asked.

" Isn't that an old movie" Mariana asked.

" Well,...... But it's a very interesting movie" Ariana chipped in.

" I propose we watch Lucifer. It's an awesome movie" Santiago said.

" But you can all watch these movies at home" Mrs Lambert said.

" Yeah" they all chorused.

" Well then, I guess we should all watch our individual movies separately. Good night 😴" she said and left for her room.

" Good night mum" they chorused.