
Chapter 24

" doctor, can I go see her?" Cassandra asked eagerly.

You can't blame her, someone who has had to live with the fact that her best friend has been in a coma for days without her being able to help. She must be happy!!!

" Well, not yet. Maybe tomorrow. She's still under close observation. She still has rashes and her lips are still swollen so I suggest you wait till tomorrow" the doctor told them.

" Please doctor, I beg you......" Cassandra begged.

" Casey, will you relax? He said Ari's fine so relax" Mrs Lambert told her eager daughter.

" I must say Mrs Lambert, you and Mr Styles have done a lot. If not for you two, I don't think she'd have made it and......" He was interrupted by Raymond.

" Please doctor...... don't say it." He walked to the door. " Now that she's fine, I'm now free of the guilt. I'm now ready to go to jail" Raymond said and left.

" Raymond,....." Cassandra went after him.


" Raymond wait....." That was Cassandra.

" What?" Ray asked putting his right hand into the pocket of his trousers.

" Listen,.... How about we both talk about this over tea?" Cassandra asked.

" Sure. " Raymond said as they headed to a nearby tea shop.


" So, what did you wanna talk about?" Raymond asked sipping his tea.

" Listen, I'll like to offer you a deal." 

" I'm listening" Raymond said.

" Why don't you stop your enemity with Ariana. She's a nice girl and you two could be great friends" Cassandra said.

" I'm not interested. Besides, that friend of yours is lame. The highest I can do is work with her on the case of the lunch thief. That's it. Moreover, I'll be going to jail soon so what's the point?" Raymond said standing.

" Are you leaving already?" Cassandra asked.

" Yes. I don't know why I even decided to talk to you. Here you go" Raymond said and dropped some money on the table. " This should do for the tea. Keep the change" Raymond said and left.

" Well that didn't work out well" Casey thought to herself.


" doctor can I see her now?" Cassandra asked the doctor.

" Sure, she has been moved out of the intensive care unit" the doctor said.

" Why? Is her condition still critical?" Mrs Lambert asked.

" It's not that critical. We just have to keep her under close observation for a maximum of two days." The doctor said. " But not to worry, you can go see her. Just go to room 39" the doctor said.

" Ok. We'll leave" Mrs Lambert said and léft with her daughter and Raymond.

" So much love for her friend. I commend such a friendship. I wish Nicolas Maduro had such great friends" the doctor thought aloud.

" And what type of friend did you wish I have?" A boy about Raymond's age, tall, fair, well built and handsome walked in.

" Nicolas, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be in high school" the doctor reprimanded the boy who seemed to be Nicolas Maduro, his nephew.

" My classes finished early today so I thought I'd come see my uncle at the hospital" Nicolas said sitting and crossing his legs.

" Well, I'm quite busy but you can stay" the doctor said arranging his table.

" Well, I wanna talk to you. Are you chanced?" Nicolas asked.

" Sure. I'm all ears." 

" I'm in love uncle" Nicolas said.