
Chapter 158



I sobbed as I dragged myself off the bed. The excruciating pain from my lower abdomen making things worse.

I put on my clothes and limped out of the club.

After twenty eight whole years of keeping my virginity, I finally lost it to Raymond and I didn't even have a single memory of it.

Tears streamed down my eyes as I drove home and I couldn't tell why I felt pain.

I walked into my house and I couldn't see anyone at home. They'd probably gone for the morning mass.

I sluggishly walked to my room and showered before retiring to sleep.


" Mummy, mummy" the excited calls of Trish and Liv forced me to wake up and I got up.

" Morning sweethearts" I greeted as I pecked them on their foreheads.

" Morning? It's past three already" Liv said and I got up.

" Are you serious?" I asked.

 " Yes mummy. Daddy said not to disturb you so we left you to sleep but you've been asleep for far too long" Trish said and I chuckled.

" Have my two little angels eaten?" I asked

" Yes mummy." They chorused and I patted their hair.

" Where's daddy?" I asked

" He's in the boxing room" Liv said 

" Alright, you can go. Mummy needs to change" I said and got up.

" Okay mummy" they chorused and left the room.

I quickly freshened up and changed before leaving the room to the boxing room. What could have upset Leonard so much that he had to resort to boxing? The Leonard I knew never boxed unless he was very upset and his anger scared me.

I walked into the boxing room and saw Leonard boxing angrily at the punching bag.

I gulped, this wasn't gonna end well 

" Where were you all through the night? " He asked without even looking my way and I gulped in fear. Even though I knew he wasn't gonna  raise his hand to me, I was still scared.

" I asked you a question Becks. Where were you all through the night? " He asked again and I knew I had to come clean.

" I.... I was with Raymond" I said and he stopped punching to stare at me.


Leonard stopped punching and stared at Becks, trying to make sure he heard right.

" What were you doing with Raymond?" He asked

" I wasn't actually with him but something happened" she said with shame and regret.

" And what exactly happened?" He asked her.

" We got intimate" she said and he dropped his gloves in shock.


Raymond packed his bags as he left the office. He was tired and since it was a Sunday, not many employees came so he headed back home and decided to rest.

He laid on his bed but couldn't get his mind of Ariana so he decided to clear things up with her.

He stared at his wristwatch, it was already past six but he decided to still call her but he didn't have her contact.

" Trish" he muttered to himself. He grabbed his phone and dialed Trish's number.

" Hey Trish" he greeted.

" Hey Raymond, happy Sunday" she said with a smile.

" Alright. I need a favor from you" he said

" Alright, I'm listening" she said and he explained everything to her.

" Alright, it's a deal" she said and scurried out of her room to Becks' room

" Mum" she called and Becks turned.

" Yes darling, what is it?" Becks asked.

" Someone's here for you" she said and gave the phone to Becks.

" Hello, Becks M here" she greeted.

" Ariana?" Raymond spoke calmly " I was thinking we could meet up at diamond cafe and talk things out" 

" I was also thinking the same thing" she said.

" Alright then, so we'll meet for lunch tomorrow?" He asked.

" Of course" she said and they hung up.

Becks smiled to herself, she didn't even have to do anything. It was like Leonard said, everything would be fixed.

" Thanks Leonard" she muttered to herself.


The next day, Becks sat in the cafe waiting for Raymond.

She heaved a sigh of relief when Raymond walked in.

" I thought you wouldn't make it" she scoffed and took a sip of her juice.

" I'm sorry. I was caught up in traffic" he apologized before taking a good look at her.

Her hair was tied up in a bun and her make up was lightly done. The purple off shoulder top she wore revealed her wonderfully created skin.

" You look beautiful today" he complimented.

" Thanks" she said. 

" What would you like to have ?" The waitress that stopped at their table asked

" Fries and ice cream" they chorused before looking at their selves and chuckling.

" Alright then" the waitress said and left.

" You still haven't changed" Raymond said.

" Neither have you" she said.

" Here you go" the waitress said and left.

" I'm sorry for leaving ten years ago" Raymond apologized.

" Yeah, about that. For ten years, I couldn't get a good night's sleep thinking of why you left me. My mind wants to believe you left me because I was in my final days but my heart wants to believe otherwise so tell me..... Why did you leave? " She asked.

 " I left to save a life Ari" 

" A life? I don't get"

" Let me explain" he said.


Raymond sat on his bed playing video games when he received an incoming call.

" Raymond Styles, how may I help? " He asked, not diverting his attention from the video game.

" Raymond? " The voice from the phone called out and Raymond immediately recognized who it was.

" Dad" he muttered excitedly " how are you dad? " He asked.

" I'm fine but I'm afraid your mum is not" his dad said

" Mum? What's wrong with her? " Raymond asked, fear and worry getting the best of him.

" Did she ever tell you she only had one kidney left? " Mr Styles asked.

" What? Tell me, what's wrong? "

" Well.... That kidney is diseased and she needs an urgent kidney transplant and your kidney matches" Mr Styles spoke.

" Please book me a flight, I'll be in Spain in a few days" he said and rushed to his wardrobe to pack his bags.

" I already did that for you. The courier service will be sending it to you tomorrow. Your flight's tomorrow and your mum doesn't have much time son" Mr Styles said and distress could be heard from his voice.

" Yes dad, I'll be there" Raymond said as he threw the clothes into the suitcase, not even bothering to arrange them.

" Promise me one thing".,

" What is that,?"

" You won't back out of this. She only has one more week so please don't back out"

" I'd never back out" he said and threw his phone to the bed.

Throughout that night, Raymond couldn't get any sleep. His mind was on saving his mum.

As agreed, his tickets arrived and he immediately got into the car and headed straight for the airport.

While in the car, he saw Ariana walk into the house but he fought the urge to call her. The doctor had advised not to stress her and he knew that telling her would only stress her.

He arrived at the airport and just as he was about to board his flight, Ariana called out to him. He wanted to meet her and explain things to her but considering her health status, he decided otherwise and flew out of the country without saying goodbye.


" Is this true?" Becks asked in tears.

" Yes and considering your health status at that time, I decided not to tell you and it cost me a lot" he said and wiped the tear that wanted to fall down his eye.

" Were you able to save your mum? " She asked.

" Yes I was and when I returned some weeks later, I met with an accident and was in the hospital for months. When I eventually went back to Arizona, I was informed you were dead" he said.

" But now you know I'm not" she said regretfully.

" Which is why I wanna ask, how and why did you fake your death? " He asked