
Endless Stars Collision: The Journey of A Warrior

On that day, humanity realized they were not alone in the vast universe. The excitement of new discoveries and the fear of the unknown served as fuel for humanity to evolve and become stronger in order to face this calamity, but was their rate of evolution fast enough to keep up with those changes? Leo is a warrior who fought against the disaster that befell on Earth, until he sacrificed his life on the battlefield to save his friends, but as he was about to pass away, he was saved and sent to another world by Earth's planetary will in exchange for carrying out some quests for it. However, ever since he arrived on to the other world, he has been in an accidents, one after the other. So, how will his journey to the other world unfold? and What challenges will he face on this journey? --------------------------------------------- Please bear with the occasional grammar mishaps. English is not my native tongue.

Rhongomyniad · Kỳ huyễn
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42 Chs

the first day in another world

in the underground of the colosseum,There is a medical service waiting room, which is the room where injured fighters wait for medical treatment after their fights at the Colosseum.

has a benches chandelier on the walls and a large metal door in the middle that leads to the medical examination room.

The medical examination room is a typical room with a bed and some medical instruments inside. It a strange conversation is currently taking place between a patient and a doctor.

"just let me go, I want to eat" (Leo) said as he was trying to eat

"Let me do the treatment for your wounds first, then you can go eat whatever you want, let me do my job, also

please sit down."(doom)

a middle-aged doctor said as he looked at Leo, who was eating from a plate in front of him while standing.

"just leave me alone, I don't need treatment, I just need to fill my hungry stomach more than that, and it's not like you don't know that treating my wounds would be a waste of time when the bastard you call the mayor would open them later" (leo).

"shh shut up don't raise your voice someone will hear you" (doom)

"let them hear it's not like my life would be any harder than it is now"(leo)

"just let me do my job, or you know what, eat and I'll try to treat you like that."(doom)

"yeah, thanks, you sure look like an admirable doctor there trying to do your job even if it's pointless"(doom)

"Actually, you are incorrect; although I usually do my best to treat patients, but there was a time in my life when I could have saved a patient who came to me, but I let him die simply because I wanted to, so I can't truly be called a good doctor, as you said."

Leo was taken aback, but his face quickly returned to normal as he asked, "What kind of person was that patient?"

"You realised it, as expected."(doom)

The doctor gave Leo a brief glance before saying, "That man's name was...."

As the doctor began to tell Leo his story, leo couldn't help but remember the first time he came to this unknown star.


few days ago

after passing out from the fight with the lion o was taken away somewhere.

when I awoke, I was in an unfamiliar room; standing up from the bed I was laying down on a second ago, a man approached me and introduced himself as a servant of the mayor of this city; he said that after eating the meal that was placed on the table beside me, he would take me to meet him.

after thanking him, I went to eat the meal in haste as I was very hungry;so even after eating everything on the table, I wasn't even 20% full.

while suppressing my appetite, I thanked the man in front of me for the meal he provided.

"So, are you ready to meet the mayor sir, or do you need something else before that?"

"no, thank you very much if possible, i would like to meet him now to express my graduate for having saved me back then and providing me with a meal to eat just now" (leo).

"then please follow me "

As I got up and walked with him out of the room,I found that i was in a grand castle type of building.

as i was looking around ,We went through several doors until we arrived at a grand door .

He knocked on the door, and a voice came from inside said, "who is there?"

"its me master, I brought the guest with me "

" coming in then "

As he opened the door, the interior of the room came into view. The room has a high-class vibe to it, with a table in the centre and eight chairs surrounding it.

At the top of the table sat an overweight man, with a butler standing beside him.

I didn't know why I had a hunch something bad was about to happen to me later as I looked at due of the master and his butler.

As the oversized man asked me to sit at the table, I went and did as he said.

After greeting, he began to ask me some questions about my identity, and I only gave him my name and age. As for others things, I explained to him that I have memory loss, and I don't remember most things about myself, except the above , and me being a spearman.

I didn't know why he started laughing when he heard my words, but as i was about to asked him about that, he asked me a question himself .

"When we found you, we saw a lion beside you; were you the one who killed it?"

i did answer affirmatively at his question by saying "yes i did it"

He suddenly threw a bottle at my side; I took it and asked, "What is this?" "That's an antidote," he said,

"why are you giving it to me?" sensing that the conversation was heading in the wrong direction.

"That's because the food you ate before coming here is poisoned, and if you don't drink that antidote once every three days, you will die," he said,

Hearing his words, I finally understand why I was always getting the impression that something was wrong with the man in front of me.

'a scum type lord, nothing new there, but what he doesn't know is that I have a genetic ability that allows me to control my body so that even if I didn't notice it, it would have already been cleaned from my body through breathing normally, that's what I made my body do. i did that since I have gotten better control over my ability, it's not that poison can't do anything to me, it's just that as long as the poison can't kill me in a moment, no matter how strong the poison is, it will be cleared over time, but even so, I'll go with the words of this scumbag.of a noble as long as they were not overbearing I don't know anything about this world right now, so I'd rather stay low for a while.'

After inspecting the antidote in front of me, I asked him calmly, "so what do you want from me?"

"Oh, what a surprise, you've been poisoned, won't you feel afraid." (keith)

"Would that cure me or help me get out of this situation?" (leo)

"hahahaha so you know your position now that's good, first you'll become a slave then fight in the king of the colosseum candidate sjnce the last king died last months so I need you to fill in his place"(keith)

"I am going to fight monsters?"(leo)

"Not only will you fight the monsters but also gladiators, and criminals in the underground prison before we finish our conversation I'd like you to put these cuffes on your legs; those cuffes will be exposed the moment you step outside the range of the Colosseum."(keith)

"why go that far when I am already poisoned?" (leo)

"so you don't run into some doctor who has the skill enough to cure you , so now I will tell you everything you have to do..."(keith)

As he was telling me what I needed to do, I agreed with most of what he said until I refused him completely in one thing, at which he was enraged and even said

"do you think I'm not going to kill you just because I needed you now?"

"then do it, what are you waiting for if I had to do such a thing to live I'd rather die ."

After raging for a while, he took me to a room for as he began torturing me since that day, everyday until now.

However, because of my experience, such pain was nothing, and even when it reached a high level, I would simply use my ability to lessen pain, but even so, I do not use it mush instead i took his his torture as a training for my spirit, will, and body's natural pain resistance.

getting back from my thought when the doctor finished his story i realised that he was looking at me with anger in his eyes

"What's the deal with you looking so angry right now?"(leo)

"it's because someone isn't listening to me when I was saying talking "(doom)

"who said I wasn't listening to you, I heard everything you said"(leo)

"then tell me what I was talking about"(doom)

"weren"t you talking about a man who came to you and you let him die when you could have saved him because you saw that man raped a woman before, but he wasn't sent to prison because he has a relationship with the mayor, no?"(leo)

"ahh you really heard me"(doom)

"and why are you even talking about this kind of scum if I was in your position I would have poisoned him even if he wasn't in a very bad situation you, on the other hand, just choose not to cure him and you're making a big deal out of it"

"although I understand what you mean, I as all other doctors have the ideal of helping everyone who can be helped, criminal or whatever."

"I know that and I actually admire it, and I won't say you should change it even though I don't like it, but a doctor is also a human; you can't go to a doctor and ask him to cure someone who murdered his mother just because he can; would he do it? no! even if he was one of the noblest doctor in the existence so don't pressure yourself about that"(leo)

as I was talking to him I heard a knock on the door, and I knew that it was my time to get up."ahh it seems my time to go back has come i will see you later then "

"later leo,came in one piece at least okay"(doom) said as he saw me walking out of the room.

"are trying to curse me right now doom ?"(leo) said as he turned his head to look at doom

"hhaha, i was just joking with you ,the wish you good luck in what you do"(doom)

"then thanks mr.doom"(leo)

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