
Endless Stars Collision: The Journey of A Warrior

On that day, humanity realized they were not alone in the vast universe. The excitement of new discoveries and the fear of the unknown served as fuel for humanity to evolve and become stronger in order to face this calamity, but was their rate of evolution fast enough to keep up with those changes? Leo is a warrior who fought against the disaster that befell on Earth, until he sacrificed his life on the battlefield to save his friends, but as he was about to pass away, he was saved and sent to another world by Earth's planetary will in exchange for carrying out some quests for it. However, ever since he arrived on to the other world, he has been in an accidents, one after the other. So, how will his journey to the other world unfold? and What challenges will he face on this journey? --------------------------------------------- Please bear with the occasional grammar mishaps. English is not my native tongue.

Rhongomyniad · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

Dalziel the gladiator

Combat Preparation Room

Is a gladiator-specific preparation room in the Colosseum.

Leo sat on a bench in the room, waiting for the call to the colosseum stage.

As he did so, he heard the announcer's voice.

"ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your patience, and our second event today will begin in a few moments, our second event today is (fight against the king) where one will stand to fight other fighter until he loses, runs out of stamina, or completes 50 wins with only 1 minute between fights to rest, so without further ado, let go and called our king today as you may have already realised the king today is the same warrior slave who fought the wolf before so lets cheer up for the one arm spearman 'leo' "

When Leo heard that, he stood up and went to the stage while looking at the audience.

When he arrived, the same staff who had taken off his cuffs before took them off again then he walked down from the stage.

"And then we are calling the first challenger the great gladiator Dalziel," a strong 2+ metre looking man appeared on the opposite side of the stage with a longsword.

he came to a halt a few metres away from Leon, then he lowered his face slightly as a sign of respect. Leon, who was taken aback by the gesture, asked the man in front of him, "Why are you showing respect to a slave?"

"respect can be given to anyone as long as they have what can be respected for it doesn't matter if you were a slave commoner or even a monster"

"so you are saying you see something in me that can be respected could it be strength?"

"although you are strong without a doubt ,where I don't even see a chance of winning against you, if it comes down to strength, even if you were several times stronger than what you showed before, I know people who can one shot you easily and they themselves wouldn't dare call themselves strong, strength Sometimes it can be respected, but most of the time people use it in inappropriate and in disrespectful ways, and I wouldn't know what you wield your strength for before coming here, so I won't judge you on that basis."

"If it wasn't strength, then what is it?"

"You have the same air that I saw on soldiers who fought on the front lines for years to protect humanity from the disaster."

'disasters kuh, there are disasters in this world as well as expected i know little about this world ,he also said that there were people who were miles stronger than me while i don't brag about my strength usually. my strength was in the top three in humanity as a whole before i was transferred and the second and first weren't much stronger than me does that means this world is more stronger than my world at least in individual strength of its people , as i thought i should stay low and gather information first before doing anything' as leo was thinking he heard Dalziel talking again

"As one of those cowards who ran away from the frontlines, I still need to show respect to people like you who are risking their lives for us here, so could you please tell me which army were you in before coming here, the imperial army, the blue,crimison? and why are you here right now, and as a slave of all things?"

'While he's not wrong about me being in the army, it's just not this world army,' as leo thought he said.

"I am sorry mister Dalziel, although I had some small memories about being in the front lines, but due to an accident, I lost most of my memories, so although I'd like to live up to your praise, but I can't as I don't remember much, and these memories only come when you talk about the army."

"Is that so, sir, I wish you regain your memory quickly so you can get out of your current situation, then without further ado, sir, let's get ready to fight."

then the announcer said in loud voice

"so everyone are you ready our event ,then lets start in 3.2.1 start"

the fight that followed was even more anticlimactic for Leo than he had expected.

The man named Dalziel's sword style was nothing but flashy; he may have been used to fighting in the Colosseum, whereas Leo's fighting style was to kill in the fewest blows possible; leo as he was fighting with him tried to lower his strength as hard as he could.

but even so, their weapons clashed less than ten times before Dalziel lost; it wasn't just a matter of strength; rather, his skill was lacking greatly.

'with that kind of crappy fighting style, of course he wouldn't stay on the battlefield unless he wanted to die, this style can only be used to entertain the audience in places like the colosseum'

as leo was about to end the fight, he took a step back to his original place, which made the audience who were watching taken aback

Dalziel, seeing that he was about to lose but his opponent stopped at the last second, couldn't help but ask angrily, "why did you stand back, are you looking down on me?"

"I'd like to say no, but I can't; at the very least, your swordsmanship is something I despise."

"what did you said ??"

"Stop, I'm not making fun of you, calm down, and let me say a few words first."

"If you don't have a specific reason for looking down on my style, I'd like you to apologise to me."

"OK, don't worry, can you tell me where you learned this style?"

"I learned it from my master who used to play in the colosulem before his death,"

"do you know where he learned this style of his?"

"no, I didn't ask, but he himself was one of those who lived all their life in the colosseum he always been one of the best 8 or 16 all his career when there is some tournament before he died "

"is that so i finally understand "

"what did you understand "

"Please, Mr. Dalziel, calm down and listen to me."

"Just say what you want to say, you're making me nervous rather than calming me down."

"ah sorry, what I'd like to say is that your current style was your downfall and one of the reasons you couldn't stay in the military, this style is specifically designed for entertainment, not for war."

"How is that possible? If that were true, then how did my master and I defeat all of our opponents, some of whom were actually quite strong?"

"When I said it was a crappy style, I didn't mean it couldn't beat anyone; even the worst style at the right time can kill; even a kid holding a knife for the first time can kill; so why did I say that about your style? First, let me analyse your style for you ; it is a style that combined of 90% faints and 10% skill; this is where its strength comes and its weakness as well. Let's start with strength. Being flashy and using faints is the reason why, even though the style was weak as hell, you were able to win against a lot of opponents, also because of your brute force, if not you wouldn't have been able to gain victory over all those who you won against in the past. This also shows your talent in physical strength. Its weakness is the same thing: being flashy and using a lot of faints. This style may work against a lot of people, but you will definitely lose against those who have a lot of combat experience. And this style works even less against monsters than it does against humans, which is why you quit from the military. The reason you and your master reached the first 8 or 16 in tournaments was because those who fight in the colosseum usually don't have that kind of rich combat experience ,combat experience inside the colosseum doesn't count.


"so are you trying to say that my master tricked me?"

"I wouldn't go as far as that, I would even say that your master had been training you the best he could. but he himself as you said lived in the colosseum his whole life so he might not have known what style is best for the military and he might also never knew what style he himself was using he may have been taught this style just like how you learned it, by someone who lived in the colosseum like him no?"

"In short, are you saying that if I had learned another style, I might still be in the army now?"

"Well, that's correct, but why do you ask as if your life was coming to an end when you can still learn how old you are this year?"


"Are you sick, do you have some kind of deadly illness?"

"no,I don't have such a thing, I can even live to be 250"

"then you can still learn and you still have a long time why are you all down but what confuses me the most is when you went to the army why non of the soliders said anything about your style or even tried to teach you" as Leo said that he noticed Dalziel's face turning red

"Actually, after giving it some thought, I believe I was the one who shut the door for myself at that time, if I hadn't been stubborn, I wouldn't be here now..."

As leo was about to ask him what he did, the announcer and audience voice came from the surroundings, "dear fighters, although your conversation was somewhat entertaining, I would like you to end your fight as we don't have time"

"yes ,yes "

"We came to see the fight, not to hear conversations."

"Then, Mr Dalziel, let's have a conversation later."

"OK, Mr. Leo," Dalziel said, raising his right hand to the sky and say

"I give up."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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