
Sealing The Deal [3] (18+)

I sat in the living room and watched some TV with Ochiyo and Himeko. Today, even though I know it won't be, was as ordinary as your typical day. Everything was calm and collected. Everything was calm until me and Himeko noticed the last slice of pizza in the box.

"Oh? You want this pizza?" Himeko asked as she glared at me.

I smirked and my eyes shined. "Yeah I want this pizza. Who's gonna stop me from getting that last slice?"

Ochiyo looked at us and watched us.

"Oh you wanna try me? I'm taking that last slice. Make a move and we are throwing hands." Himeko said.

"Nah, you ain't getting that last slice." I said.

Himeko reached for the last slice then I summoned a void big enough for Himeko to fall in then summoned another void and Himeko fell out then grunted as she landed on the floor.

I took the last slice and sat back, enjoying every bite from the pizza.

She sat up quickly and pointed at me. "Hey! That's not fair! You used your powers!"

"All is fair in love and pizza." I said and chuckled.

Himeko groaned then stood up and walked back to the couch and quickly wrapped her arms around my neck, putting me in a choke. "You dirty little cheater!"

"Ack!" I groaned and began to pat Himeko's arm. "I yield! I yield!"

Ochiyo smiled and watched us. "You two act so much like siblings...it's hilarious to watch."

Himeko looked at Ochiyo. "Hmph! He should learn to not cheat and maybe he wouldn't get this treatment!"

"Too....tight...! Can't...breath..." I said slowly.

Himeko let me go and noticed I looked like my soul left my body. She smirked and crossed her arms. "I think you've learned your lesson."

"What is all of this noise out here?" Naora walked to the living room.

I looked back and noticed Naora was wearing a red robe and it was open. I could see her breast and black panties as clear as day. I blushed and turned around quickly. "It's nothing..! Just a little roughhousing between me and Himeko."

Ochiyo looked at Naora. 'Oh Naora...what in the fuck are you doing..?' Ochiyo thought to herself and closed her eyes.

Himeko looked at Naora and facepalmed a bit. "Naora...your robe. It's opened.."

Naora looked down and her face became completely red. She quickly closed and tied the lace of the robe. She cleared her throat and closed her eyes. "My apologies. I was...trying to sleep and threw something quick on when I heard a loud sound coming from out here. Please try to keep it down out here.." She walked back to her bedroom.

I couldn't stop my heart from racing and couldn't get the image of my mother's body out of my head. I covered my eyes with my hand.

'I can't tell if he's mentally scarred or just that surprised.' Ochiyo thought to herself.

"I'm going to go for a walk." I said then stood up.

"Alright." Himeko said then watched me walk to the front. "Ochiyo, you don't seem fazed by what you saw. What was that?"

"She did that on purpose, plus you know she can't sleep because of that curse. If you didn't know, Naora wants to be sexually active again. Since Yoshida is the only guy in the home, and she knows that he fucked Orimi, she is thinking that she could get a one night stand with him as well. The thing is, Orimi has Aphrodisiac Blood and she doesn't, so her feelings are just her own horny hormones." Ochiyo said.

"Seemed like my guy was scarred instead of turned on...I'm gonna go see what's up with Naora." Himeko stood up.

Ochiyo watched Himeko get up and head towards Naora's bedroom. Ochiyo sighed in relief and smiled as she pulled a second box of pizza from underneath the couch. She opened the fresh box of pizza then took a slice out and began to eat on it.

Himeko walked to Naora's bedroom door and before knocking on the door, she heard soft moaning coming from the room. Himeko knew what was happening in that room, but wanted to see. Himeko being the party animal and the wild card she is, slightly opened the door. She took a peek inside and noticed Naora masturbating on her bed with a blue dildo. Himeko silently closed the door and noticed she had a bit of a nosebleed. She wiped her nose and left the scene quickly.

The night fell and I just returned home. I was greeted with the sight of Naora in a long t-shirt. She crossed her arms and slightly frowned at me.

"Uhm...hey?" I said then closed the door.

"You didn't tell me you were leaving.." Naora said. "What if something happened to you?"

'She's becoming a lot more clingy than usual.' I thought to myself.

"Naora, I am about to be 20 in a few days plus me and Orimi saved our world from impending doom. I'm sure I can handle myself out there with a bunch of normal humans." I said then attempted to walk past her.

She held her arm out then stopped me. She looked at me then pointed at the couch with her thumb.

We went to go sit on the couch and she crossed her legs. She began to sit in more sexual ways and even sat closer to me than she normally would.

"I know you're about to be 20 in a few days, but even still...anything could have happened. I get you can defend yourself, but please have the decency to warn me before you leave." She said.

"But you were asleep by the time I decided to leave for a walk. I didn't want to disturb you." I said.

She looked at my face, trying her hardest to not look down at the bulge in my pants. "Okay...Just promise me you'll be more careful."

I nodded. "I promise."

She smiled then kissed my cheek. I blushed slightly then stood up and retreated off to my room. I walked into my room and closed the door to my room then walked to my bed and laid down. I placed my phone on the charger then got underneath the covers. I soon drifted off to sleep.

A few hours passed and Naora silently entered my room then closed the door softly behind her. She softly sat on the edge of my bed. She looked at me sleeping.

'What am I doing here..?' Naora thought to herself. 'Why must my lust overtake me and make me commit such acts that are unforgivable..?'

She watched me sleeping and blushed softly. She noticed how peaceful I looked. She bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes.

'I can't stop imagining his cock plowing through my pussy...I need it so badly, my mind is going everywhere. I just...want...' She slowly took the covers from my body slowly then noticed the bulge in my pajama pants. She gently rubbed the bulge and felt the bulge get harder and harder. 'I just...want to see it..'

She gulped then gently grabbed the waistband of my pajama pants then pulled down my pants with my boxers, seeing my hard cock rise up. She blushed, practically drooling over my cock.

'It's big...I'll give him that..' She said to her self. She took ahold of my dick then began to gently stroke it. She blushed more and more as lust slowly began to take over her in these exact moments. 'Just one taste..'

She lowered her head and slowly began to lick my cock then engulfed it. She moved her head slowly, giving me a blowjob.

"Mmm..." I quietly moaned.

She instantaneously stopped after hearing I made a sound. She quickly got up and left the room before I noticed when I woke up. I sat up and looked around. I looked down and noticed my cock was out. I didn't question it and just pulled my pants up then covered myself once more, going back to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up and did my usual routine of taking a shower, eat breakfast, brush my teeth and find out what to do for the day. I walked out of my room after brushing my teeth then walked to the living room, noticing Naora sitting on the couch, watching TV, and eating a small bowl of dry cereal. Cheerios to be exact. I decided to accompany her since I was in a good mood.

"Morning." I greeted then sat in a chair that was a bit away from the couch.

She looked at me and smiled a bit shyly. "Good morning. Did you sleep alright?"

"Yeah, I slept alright. Where are the girls?" I asked.

"Out on the beach, playing volleyball and such per usual." Naora answered and focused her attention back on the TV.

I looked at the TV and noticed she was watching a chick flick, and one of her favorites. I looked back at Naora and noticed her yawn a bit. "Hey Naora..I have a question for you."

"Mhm?" She said, not looking at me.

"What's with the bags under your eyes? I've always wondered why they never go away." I said and crossed my arms.

She paused the show she was watching then closed her eyes. She opened her eyes and looked at me. "Well...I haven't slept in over 20 years because of a curse I was put under for using Arjé Energy to fight your mother back when she was on Earth. I was a human trying to use Monster Aura and the most powerful at that. My body has slight Monster Aura that has cursed me instead of blessing me."

I listened to her then nodded. "I mean, I could drain that monster aura from your body albeit would require for us to kiss for that to happen."

"N-No that's fine." Naora blushed a bit from my offer.

"Come on, you haven't had a good sleep since you were 14 just about. Let me take away your curse." I said and smiled at her.

She blushed more then nodded. I got up slowly then walked to the couch and sat next to her. My eyes glowed and I leaned in to kiss her. She leaned in as well and pressed her lips against mine. As we kissed, I began to drain the Arje Energy from her body and add it to mine. Naora began to really get into the kiss, kissing me deeper.

"Yo Nao-" Ochiyo walked in the living room, seeing us kissing.

Naora heard Ochiyo's voice and quickly broke the kiss. Her face was as red as a tomato as she looked at Ochiyo.

"Uh...I should get going." I stood up and quickly left the house.

Ochiyo watched me leave then walked into the living room. "So you're finally letting yourself go."

"It's not...like that.." Naora looked down.

"Seemed like it, you tried to engulf his body with that kind of kissing." Ochiyo said then smirked, crossing her arms.

"He was just..." Naora blinked slowly. "Just..."

She slowly laid down and drifted off to sleep for the first time in 20 years.

"Eh? Naora?" Ochiyo walked to her and waved her hand in front of her eyes. She snapped her fingers. "Damn she's out cold. I can't believe she's actually asleep."

Seven hours passed and I finally arrive back home. Everyone was hanging out in the living room, playing uno. Everyone...except Naora who was missing from the bunch. I closed the door behind me and walked to the living room.

"Hey, everyone. Has anyone seen Naora?" I asked.

Orimi looked back and smiled at me. "Mama should be in her room. She said she wasn't feeling too well and just headed straight to her room."

'Wasn't feeling too well..?' I thought to myself then remembered I drained the monster aura from her body especially when her body was so accustomed to it. Of course she wouldn't feel too well when a piece of her bodily function goes missing.

"I'm gonna go check on her." I said then walked off to Naora's room.

"'Kay! Oh yeah and dinner is waiting for you in the microwave!" Orimi called out to me.

"Got it!" I responded back.

I made my way to Naora's room then knocked on the door. "Naora, it's me."

I waited for a bit and heard her door unlock then she opened the door for me to enter her room. She closed the door behind her then locked it. I looked around and noticed a bit of sexual items in her room such as a dildo on the nightstand, a laptop with porn playing, and a black diary.

"Did I interrupt anything?" I asked.

She walked to me and sat on the bed. "Not really, I was just finishing up anyways."

I sat beside her and noticed her loosely tied robe. I noticed her also taking glances down at my bulge. She looked back up at my eyes and she began to blush. Something in the back of my head told me to go make a move on her, but other half was against it. "I uh..heard you weren't doing too well so...I came to check up on you.."

"How nice of you.." She said then got closer.

I nodded her robe fall off her shoulders then looked down at her cleavage. I blushed a bit as I looked at her perfectly round and large breasts. She noticed me ogling at her breast then uncovered her right tit. I stared at her dark areola and her hard nipple. I covered my face with my hand. "We can't.."

"We can't what, dear?" She asked.

"Do...this..." I said. "You're my mother even if we aren't flesh and blood."

Her face showed some visible disappointment. I looked at her then noticed her looks. I looked at her breast again and my Aphrodisiac Blood began to get the better of me. I couldn't lie, my mom had a perfect body. From the moment I saw her half naked yesterday, I couldn't stop thinking about her. I decided to take initiative.

I pulled her on the bed and took off her robe. She had a face of pure excitement as she was happy to be bred. I held her breasts in my hands and began to suck on her left one. She quietly moaned, making sure to not raise her voice so the others wouldn't hear us. I began to unbuckle my belt, unbutton my pants then unzipped them. I pulled down my pants and boxers. She looked at me with pure lust and excitement as her fantasies began to come true.

"Come on, baby...give it to me.." She said quietly.

I slid my cock inside her wet and slippery pussy. I gave a soft shaky moan and she moaned in the exact same way. She wrapped one arm around my neck and buried her head between my neck and shoulder. I began to thrust my cock inside of her and she began moaning quietly. I moaned quietly with her as my sexual pleasure from fucking her increased.

"Oh baby...that feels so good.." She moaned in my ear.

"You're getting so tight.." I panted softly.

"Oh fuck..." Naora moaned and threw her head back on the pillow.

"You like that..?" I asked and kept thrusting my cock inside of her.

"Haah..Mmph..I love it so much sweetie..." She moaned softly.

I began to thrust a little harder and she covered her mouth to keep herself from moaning too loudly. I grunted softly and gripped the bedsheets. She wrapped her legs around my waist, still covering her mouth.

"Oh baby...Don't do it so hard...I don't want to moan too loudly.." Naora panted softly.

I weakened my thrusts a bit and her moans quieted down. I held her hips and panted softly then pulled out. I stroked my cock quickly then came on her stomach. I sighed softly and she looked down.

"Why didn't you cum inside?" She asked.

"I didn't take my pill. It's easier getting humans pregnant than it is to get a monster pregnant." I said.

"Oh.." She looked up at my face.

I looked at her then kissed her lips and got off her. I pulled my pants up then zipped, buttoned, and fastened my belt. "I really enjoyed it while it lasted."

"I did too...we should do it again.." Naora smiled.

I nodded then exited her room to go eat dinner.

After eating dinner and hanging out with Himeko and Namiyo until midnight, we headed to our rooms and went to bed.

An hour passed while I was asleep and Naora came creeping in my room again the closed the door behind her. She took the covers off my body then got on top of me. I woke up feeling her on top of me.

"Ahh!" I yelled a bit then calmed down. "N-Naora? What the heck are you doing?"

"I'm...horny. I want to do it with you one last time before the post nut clarity hits me." Naora said.

"Naora...that's..." I stopped myself and shook my head. "Alright...one last time then we go back to being our normal selves."

"Promise." She smiled and held up her pinky.

I wrapped my picky around hers then she got off me so I could take off my clothes. I took my pill bottle out of the drawer and opened it, taking one out and placing it in my mouth. I got the water from my nightstand and washed the pill down with the water then I placed the water back on the nightstand. Naora took off her robe and revealed her naked body to me. I laid her on the bed and got on top of her. She looked at me with the same excitement as she did earlier.

I kissed her lips and rubbed the tip of my cock along the slit of her pussy. She moaned within the kiss and wrapped her arms around my neck. I shoved my cock into her wet pussy and she moaned.

"Mmmph!~ So rough..!" Naora moaned.

I held her thighs then began to thrust my cock inside her with force. She moaned loudly and didnt have to worry as we were the only two downstairs.

"Oh god!~ Fuck me, just like that!~" Naora moaned and groaned lustfully.

I let out moans as well. Her moans turned me on more and more, causing my Aphrodisiac Blood to activate. I pinned her down by her hips and began fucking her faster.

"Uhhn!~ Uhhn!~ Uhhaah!~" Naora groaned and moaned with each thrust. She gripped my pillow tightly and tossed her head to the right, panting heavily. "Don't stop baby!~ Dont stop!~"

I panted and held her shoulders, thrusting harder and deeper inside her. "You're driving me wild!" I groaned.

"Yeah?~ Ahhaah!~" She moaned.

I began to fuck her even faster and she cried out in pleasure. I stopped and panted quickly. Naora panted heavily and her chest moved up and down as she panted. I took my cock out of her then turned her over, making her lay on her stomach. I raised her hips and smacked her ass.

"Fuck!~" Naora moaned and looked back at me.

I held her ass and shoved my cock back inside her wet cunt. She moaned and I began to thrust hard and fast. She gripped the bedsheets and tightly, becoming a moaning mess.

"You like that?" I asked as I began to fuck her a bit rougher.

"Yes!~ Yes!~ Yes!~ Ughhh I love it so much!~" She moaned and cried.

I held her hips, plowing my cock inside of her. She placed her hands on the headboard of my bed and panted even harder.

"I'm cumming..!~ I'm cumming baby!~" She moaned loudly and her juices began to erupted all over my cock.

She whined as she reached a state of ecstasy. I kept fucking her mercilessly and she kept moaning and sobbing in pleasure.

"Yoshida!~ Yoshida!~" She moaned my name loudly and panted heavily.

"I'm so close, I'm about to cum..!" I groaned loudly.

"Yes! Give it to me baby!~" Naora begged. "Fill me up!~"

I pressed my weight against and groaned and moaned loudly as I began to shoot my hot load inside of her.

"Ahhhh!~" She screamed and tightened her grip on my headboard.

I took my cock out of her and collapsed on my beg. She panted heavily, feeling my cum ooze out of her pussy. I covered my eyes with my arm.

"That was the best sex I've had in eight years. I'm satisfied and can let these fantasies go.." Naora smiled and looked at me.

"Glad you enjoyed yourself. As for me, I'm taking a break from all this sex business." I said.

She laid beside me and on my bed, giggling. "I can only imagine why. You do need it."

"Probably gonna go out and explore a bit tomorrow." I said then looked at her.

"Well if you do, be safe as always." She smiled.

"I will. No need to keep reminding me." I chuckled lightly.

She smiled then closed her eyes. "Time for sleep now.."


We both drifted to sleep after our night of sex. Our relationship had returned back to normal, similar to me and Orimi, except Orimi still wants her kisses from time to time. I was glad things were going back to normal and getting better. I felt as if...things were going to get ordinary once more.