
End of an Ordinary Life

Yoshida Asato is a normal academy student until he encounters a monster on his way home. After his first meeting with the monster, his normal life is suddenly over as he must take care of the monster and all who followed her.

AisuruOfficial · Fantasy
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33 Chs

The Elemental Sisters

"So you say Yoshida has defeated you huh? Surely it was a fluke win right dear?" A man said as he watched Apeiron pace back and forth angrily.

"Ridiculous! My sister must've gotten a hold of him! Fucking bitch! We can't let them find out about Theora nor Cosmia. Not only are they blatant copies of me, but they also hold the same powers as me but with different properties! Not only will Yoshida become the Ultimate Being, but he is also to be the new King of the Mystical Beasts because of his Mystical Abilities. I keep mentioning him before he's more of a threat to me. The Mystic Form is possibly more powerful than any form. This Light Form, Dark Form, and Pure Form isn't shit compared to that Mystic Form." Apeiron began to rant.

"My love...Tell me what's so special about this Mystic Form." The man asked.

Apeiron looked at her boyfriend. "Alright Xoagi, time for your history lesson."

Xoagi watched as Apeiron sat down beside him on the couch. She looked at the roof.

"There are two sets of Gods and Goddesses in this universe or in our Monster Realm. The Originals and The Other Side. The Originals include Me at the top, also known as The Source, Theora in second, Cosmia in third, Iris in fourth, and Zeir as the last. The Other Side, also known as the Inverse or Alternates are as follows, my brother, Thalamel and Lilith. As you see, Theora and Cosmia have no inverse or alternate. Why? Their power has no darker side unlike me. Plus while you're in the Mystic Form, your conscious can't be altered meaning, Theora has a zero possiblity of having an alternate while Cosmia could have an Alternate." Apeiron explained.

"So what does the Mystic Form...do?" Xoagi asked.

She turned on the TV and pressed a button then Theora's model appeared on the screen. "Theora. As known as the Escoteric Goddess, also known as the Mystic One. Her power rivals mine and few monsters have begun to worship her. They have achieved a Mystic Form for their undying loyalty to her. A few of the Mystic Form's abilities include, All Mystic Powers of course, the ability to Ascend, Conceptual Magic, Attack Powers, Defense Powers, Support Powers, etcetera."

"Attack, Defense, and Support powers?" Xoagi asked.

"They have all forms of Attack, Defense, and Supporting Abilities. The drawback of this however is the users of the Mystic Form must be devoted to Theora. If they aren't then they lose their Mystic Form. Faith is a huge part of being a Mystic. That's why I plan to keep Yoshida and Orimi away from Theora and Cosmia. With my new monsters, Yoshida and Orimi won't be able to win as easily." Apeiron said. "In fact, they are already on Earth..."

I travelled around Yahoma and looked around for something to do. As I looked around, I got a slight vision then stopped walking. I grit my teeth and ran off. "There are four of them...How can I fend off all four of them..?!"

I stopped and sensed an attack from above. I grunted then dodged the strike then noticed earth spikes emerging from the ground towards me. I dodged them and my eyes shined then my monster aura appeared around my body. I created a void and the void turned red then I released a large energy beam at my opponent. An explosion happened and the person emerged from the smoke. I landed on the ground then bellowed then powerful winds began to blow around my body. The person grunted then was hit with the cutting winds then blown to the ground.

I sensed an attack behind me then my hair turned white and my eyes shined red. I bellowed and fused my tornado with dark energy. I looked surprised when a rock spike emerged from underneath then struck my stomach and exploded then my tornado vanished. I groaned then was hit with a powerful lightning bolt. I crashed to the ground and one of the four people stepped on my back. I turned normal and panted.

"Alright girls, he's done." The person smirked and looked at me. "Tie him up and bring him to our hideout."

"Right." The other three girls said.

At the academy, Orimi was training with her friends she made at the academy. She enjoyed learning to use her battlesuit that was made for her as her friends taught her.

"President Yan Mei! President Yan Mei!" A girl rushed into the dojo.

The others stopped practicing and looked at the girl. Yan Mei looked at the girl and her battlesuit disappeared off her body.

"What is it?" Yan Mei asked.

"Yoshida! He's been kidnapped! Namiyo nor Ochiyo couldn't find him in the city and there was obvious signs of struggle in the forest!" The girl said as she panicked.

"Big brother is missing?! You didn't help him?!" Orimi yelled, showing signs of visible anger.

"I-I didn't know he was missing until I went to scout for him! I-I'm sorry!" The girl said scared of what Orimi would do to her.

Yan Mei placed her hand on Orimi's shoulder and walked forward. "Calm your nerves. You mustn't lose your composure. I will retrieve your brother and defeat the adversaries."

Orimi watched Yan Mei walk out of the dojo. Mae walked to Orimi and crossed her arms.

"You shouldn't worry. Yan Mei is a strong believer of the Mystic One. Her heart is devoted to the Escoteric Goddess. Because of her devotion and faith to the goddess, she's the first human to achieve slight Mysticism and became the first to obtain the art of Mystic Martial Arts. She should be fine as the holder of the five elements." Mae said.

"But she's a human, using a monster's power! She shouldn't be able to do that! She will get hurt!" Orimi said.

"Actually the Mystic One doesn't hurt you for using her aura and power. It is only Apeiron that brings upon a curse." Mae said.

"I see...who is this Mystic One?" Orimi asked and looked at Mae.

"All I can say is she's one of your biological mother's sisters. Your aunt." Mae said.

Orimi looked at Mae and tilted her head, still a bit confused since she's never been aware of Apeiron having any family other than her dead husband.

"You'll soon find out sooner or later. Come let's get back to practicing." Mae said.

I opened my eyes as the blindfolds were taken off my eyes. I looked around, noticing four women around me. One with red hair, another with blue hair, one with green hair, and one with yellow hair. "Alright. I know my mother sent you here to capture me. What do you all want..?"

"Well aren't you a smart one. Yeah, Mistress Apeiron sent us here to capture you. We succeeded and now we must take you to the Monster Realm so she can take away your Monster Aura. You will be drained of your power and sent back on Earth as a human. You will lose all your connections with the monsters here and finally, our squad of Primordial Monster Hunters will kill your beloved monster girls and everyone you love." The red haired woman said.

I glared and looked at her. "And what's preventing me from breaking out and kicking all your asses. I was simply holding back earlier because I didn't know if it was a prank or not. Now I know it's serious."

"We've placed you inside Aura Negation Chains. Our new ANC units prevents Monsters from even being able to use their powers completely. You have been a threat for long enough. It's time for you to know your place in the hierarchy." The blue haired woman said.

"Heh...I see. I would be upset about being kidnapped, but I'm in the presence of incredibly beautiful women. Surely we can work something out?" I said and smirked.

They all blushed and the red haired woman turned around and balled her fist.

"Don't try to seduce us, you fool! It's not gonna work on us!" The red haired woman said.

"Hey you. The blue hair. What is your name?" I asked, using a smooth tone.

"A-Ahh..My name is Neptuna." She answered and blushed even more.

"Don't answer him you idiot!" The red haired woman pointed at Neptuna.

"What about you?" I asked the green haired woman.

"M-Mmph...I'm Thera." She answered.

"Since we are just exposing ourselves, I'll just say my name. I'm Astra." The woman with the yellow hair said.

"Tch..." The red haired girl turned around and glared at me. "Blyze. There you happy? Knowing our names won't help you escape this situation. If anything goes wrong, we will be forced to kill you until you comply. Then again because of our Aura Negation Chains, you'll die immediately because of the lack of monster aura around your heart."

I chuckled then closed my eyes. "Kill me...It wouldn't make a difference. The moment these chains come off, I'm coming back to life. I always come back."

"I'll wipe that smirk off your face!" Blyze yelled and summoned her flaming sword.

"You do realize Apeiron is a witch correct? Why would you want to follow her guidance.." I opened my eyes and looked at each other them, seeing their surprised faces. "Judging by your faces...being called a witch is the same as calling someone on Earth a bitch. Heh...glad we got some silence."

"What makes you say that Mistress Apeiron is a witch? You do realize when you call someone a witch that you are associating them with that bastard known as Lilith correct?" Astra said.

"And who the hell is Lilith?" I asked. "Remember I spent my life on Earth."

"Lilith is known as the Deceiver. The Whisperer of Lies. The Manipulator. The Succubus and the Queen of Demons. She is the Primordial Human soon to become the Primordial Mage by the hands of her lover Thalamel. She is known for manipulating the monsters of the realm and even manipulated Apeiron. She was tricked into giving the Second Generation of monsters, Aphrodisiac Blood making every monster into a sexual creature in which Lilith can control to try to take down Apeiron and become the Primordial Being." Astra said.

"She is also known as the Dark Mother, she's the ruler of the Alternates and the Mythical Beings that Thalamel creates. She has been shown to manipulate even the originals into doing her deeds." Neptuna said.

"And you don't believe Apeiron is a liar? A deceiver? A manipulator? She took care of me and Orimi for six years and abandoned us for being late bloomers. Now that she sees that I've shot up in power, she wants to take that away from me. You wish to follow the path of a witch? Well I hope you've come prepared. You've only got five seconds." I said.

"Five seconds for what?" Blyze asked.

"Four." I closed my eyes.

They looked at me and sensed powerful energy nearing.

"Three." I said. "Two...One.."

A yell was heard outside the hideout then a person palmed the door and blew the door off the hinges. A person with mystical aura was seen as the smoke cleared. I looked at the person and noticed it was a woman with long dark blue hair. She wore silk silver martial arts clothing and her gauntlets equipped. Her eyes shined a very light blue and her aura felt powerful.

"Who the hell is she..?" Blyze asked. "Thera, Neptuna, Astra! Take her down!"

Thera dashed to Yan Mei and her earth gauntlets appeared around her hands. She went for a flurry of attacks, but Yan Mei easily blocked her attacks then palmed her chest, blowing Thera away. Yan Mei looked to her left and right then blocked both attacks from Neptuna and Astra. She grabbed a hold on their hands then closed her eyes then stomped her foot down, taking a deep breath. She pulled them to her then palmed their stomachs, releasing a pulse-like wave, blowing them away with a single blow.

"What the hell..?" Blyze grit her teeth then looked at me. "Tch.."

She dashed to Yan Mei. Blyze slashed with her sword. Yan Mei hit Blyze's shoulder with her knuckle, hitting a pressure point in her shoulder. Blyze groaned and stopped mid slash. Yan Mei grabbed her arm then flipped Blyze over her shoulder then karate chopped her wrist, making her drop her sword.

"Earth Wrecker!" Thera bellowed and slammed her fist against the ground, causing earth spikes to emerge from the ground.

Yan Mei picked Blyze up then palmed her back, sending Blyze into the earth pillar. Blyze groaned then the earth pillar exploded. Yan Mei flawlessly dodged Neptuna's attacks from her trident. She grabbed the trident then kicked it out of her hand. She twirled then trident around her body then threw the trident at me. The trident hit the chain then broke it in one quick motion then the trident stuck into the wall. I unfolded my arms then my monster aura returned to my body. I looked at Yan Mei, watching her fight off the four Elemental Sisters. She did it so effortlessly and it seems like she's moving without thinking at all.

"Let's attack her together!" Blyze yelled.

They all yelled, going for an attack all at once. Yan Mei took a deep breath and moved her arms in a half circle motion. She exhaled then her hair turned white and her eyes shined silver. Her aura surged powerfully and pushed the four women away. Her aura pressure caused them to fall to their knees.

"What is that..?" I asked myself as I stood up.

"This...is what the Mystic Form is. The Form of Mushin or as known in my country, Wuxin Form." Yan Mei said then her aura vanished.

The sisters panted and sighed in relief as the aura pressure was released. Blyze stood up and looked behind her then noticed me. She yelled and looked surprised as her movements were constrained by my darkness.

I glared at her then looked at Yan Mei. Yan Mei looked at me then closed her eyes. I looked back at Blyze and released her. I crouched down then held her chin. I looked at her shoulder then noticed her hold her shoulder. I stood up and snapped my fingers and a light shines, healing all of their injuries.

"What..? You're sparing us? Why?" Blyze asked.

"I don't know. As the other six monsters that are here." I said then walked away with Yan Mei following close behind me.

Blyze and the other three looked at me and Yan Mei, watching us walk away from the forest. Blyze let go of her shoulder and it felt perfectly fine.

"That chick was hella strong. We couldn't land a single hit on her.." Thera said. "Plus she's a human at that, we were supposed to have the upper hand!"

"She had Mystic Aura...no human would achieve that power unless they have undying loyalty to the Mystic One." Neptuna said then stood up.

"He didn't even take our power for himself. What is he plotting..?" Astra asked herself as she stood up.

"This game of catch just got a little more interesting." Blyze smirked.