
Encanto... but is that a monster?

Julio Acosta, a run of the mill guy, had what is probably the worst day in his life. Fired from his job in spite of being employee of the month for three years in a row, kicked out of his apartment by his ex and, to boot, stabbed by some random hobo as he tried to get something to drink at a 7-Eleven. Being an orphan and having to work thrice as hard to get something others had by "right" had been hard, but that day in particular topped everything else in his life. Luckily for him, fate had a different plan than simple death for him. A plan that would enchant the most common of men... But we all know there is no such thing as a free lunch.

SouthernPickyEater · Phim ảnh
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6 Chs

Speed x Monsters x Family

As will was waking up, he found himself in a dense forested area. Feeling something wet on his feet, he realized he was on the bed of the lake where Mirabel and Alma would share that touching moment, in which the Abuela showed how much she missed Bruno too.

'*sigh* That scene was really touching, I almost cried.' Julio thought as he stood up. Then, looking at his surroundings, he found the path leading to the town of Encanto. "Was the town called Encanto? Or was this entire place called Encanto?"

Julio couldn't remember, but he had other priorities right now. One of which was testing his new powers. He could feel the strange power coursing through his body, feeling his every cell. Lifting one hand up, he focused on it as he tried to make it vibrate. At first it looked funny and stupid, as if a person was trying to forcefuly shake their body. But as he focused more on the energy in his body, he managed to make his hand vibrate so fast he was able to go through the earth below his feet. He had managed to do one of the tricks that The Flash could do.

"Making myself intangible by vibrating so fast that my molecules can go through solids? Check." Julio said smugly as he thought of the next thing on his list. Running. "This should be easier... just focus Julio..."

Closing his to focus and breathing deeply, he tapped on the Speed Force he could feel in his body. It was a strange feeling, even more so when he opened his eyes and say that even the birds seemed to have stopped moving. He remembered the theory of relativity, which made it so that those moving at speeds like he was, would experience time in a different way than others. It is not that they had stopped moving. It was that he moved so fast it felt like the weren't moving. He was experiencing time at the speed of light, around 300 million meters per second. Focusing on slowing down, he began walking at a steady pace. In a matter of a single blink, he was outside the forest and he would easily see the village where the Madrigals lived. But something was wrong.

"Is that a... is that an Orc?!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. He was supposed to be in Encanto and, by the place he was in, he could tell he was. Yet there were Orcs, which should've been impossible unless... "Fucking Karma."

With a deadpan, Julio couldn't help but curse Karma out loud. Still, he was mostly surprised, rather than scared or worried. In some deep part of himself, he felt excited. After all, that would be a lot more entertaining than his previous life. It was a new sense of adventure and a rush of pure adrenaline.

'Was I always this crazy?' Julio questioned himself as he began upping the pace, from walking into a calm jog and from a jog to running, until he was running at his top speed. In just a second he reached the town and began analyzing the situation.

Orcs had entered the town due to it lacking defenses; there was no wall, barricade, or anything of the sort. That made Julio think that this was either the first time they were attacked or the Madrigals were stupid, and he leaned towards the former. After all, Alma was a smart woman. Civilians were hiding and running, while Luisa, Isabella and Pepa used their powers to hold as many Orcs back as they could. Alas, it was very difficult to use their powers however the wanted. Luisa had to be careful not to destroy anything, Pepa had to be careful not to hurt any civilians and Isabella lacked the imagination to use her powers as a weapon because of her trauma as a 'perfect' girl.

"Julieta!" Julio heard a wail of despair and immediately looked into the direction it came from. What he saw made him shocked for a microsecond before time began slowing down for him. A little child had tripped while running with her mother and was about to be attacked by an Orc. Julio ran at the speed of light and took the child, leaving her in her mother's arms and going back to kick the orc on his head. How he could do such a feat of physical might without training or experience? He blamed it on the Speed Force and the body he was in, which he had noticed was not his previous one. After all, how would this be his own body if he had memories which didn't belong to his previous life? He was still Julio Acosta, that much was true. But he was not the same as he used to.

"Hold on to her and don't let go... I'll take care of this situation." Julio said as he took off, once again running into the fray of the battle. He was surprisingly calm for such a situation, considering how Luisa and Isabella, who did their best to never loose composure, seemed to be panicking. Pepa on the other hand seemed way too focused on controling the weather properly and she had already burned many Orcs with a mean lightning. 'They can remain calm now though... this'll be quick.'

Even if he said it was going to be quick, there were at least one hundred orcs attacking the village. And punching, kicking or just ramming into them one by one was quite an uneffective method. Alas, he had no other option. He was as fast as the concept of speed itself, but he lacked AoE attacks. Even if he was able to generate lightning from his speed, like The Flash, it wouldn't reach the level were he could take care of hundreds of enemies in an instant. Well, not like he took long. In less than ten seconds all enemies had flown away to who-knows-where. What he was sure of was that they wouldn't live to tell the tale.

"What is going on?!" A clearly worried Luisa panickingly asked, only to have Julieta –who had bravely left the safety of Casita to see if she could help– try to calm her down. Whatever was happening, was helping them, and Julieta and Pepa could understand that. However, neither was ready for the jumpscare they would get.

"Hey! How is everyone doing? Anyone else needs help?" Julio asked as he stopped the Speed Force from running through his body and returned to normal human speeds. For the rest though, it was as if he appeared out of nowhere.

"We're fine thank you... I don't think so... and who are you?" Julieta answered and inquired cautiously. She was the smartest amongst the three siblings, probably, and it showed. Still, Julio just smirked at this, knowing exactly how he would answer that question. After all, his super-speed applied to his thoughts too, so he had all the time in the world to think of his answer.

"So you are going to say you don't recognize me, Tía Julieta?" Julio answered, shocking all of the Madrigal's present, one who wasn't, and half the town too, since they had left their homes when they heard everything calm down. Only one person whowed a different emotion mixed with the shock.

Julio was busy looking at the Madrigal's, so he didn't notice the person approaching him quickly and just felt a hug full of love. The kind of love he had missed so dearly in his past life.

"Lito?" The voice of a woman around her fifties asked, refusing to let him go. He didn't know her. Yet he did. His memories from his previous world and this one remained in a blurry line, were both Julio's personalities intertwined and created a new one. And it was that same phenomenon that made him unable to stop a single tear from leaving his eyes and fall on top of the woman's head.

"Yeah, I'm back mom." Julio said as he hugged his new yet old mother back, his eyes watering as he smiled warmly. The scene warmed everyone hearts, with Julieta and Pepa crying, realizing exactly who the boy was. How could they not, when he had played with their daughters and son many times? He had even been around for Antonio's birth, though that was one of the last times they had seen him.

"I'm back."