Living life in Encanto with the combined Ice Powers of Elsa (Frozen), Kuzan (One Piece), Gray (Fairy Tail) and Esdeath (Akame Ga Kill).
Within the Casita, two women can be seen sitting at a table in the courtyard, observing as two toddlers around a year old and two three, almost four now, year old girls played with each other and with the playful house.
Both women looked on lovingly with soft smiles on there faces, not having spoken to each other aside from their initial greetings earlier, content with watching their children having fun. Well, the boy does seem quite fondly exasperated and looks to be just done with everything in all honesty, much to their amusement.
That still didn't stop him from giving into their enthusiastic demands to see the 'pretty ice figures' and desire to play in snow, albeit somehow being cool to the touch instead of freezing, (to prevent the kids from getting sick), Julieta knows, she checked.
Eventually however, the curly black haired woman wearing blue colored clothing, Julieta, finally turned to her friend Abigail and spoke.
"So, Abigail, have you and Diego thought over mother's offer?"
Abigail POV
I frowned upon hearing this question, I knew it was coming, but I still hoped it wouldn't come up during this visit. I could only sigh since I knew this would be a serious talk, I dislike being serious, even if I know I need to be for this.
"We have, but we still haven't agreed on what to do yet. Diego is all for agreeing to the arranged betrothal between Luisa and Andres but I feel it's too early for a decision like this. I also want them to find and fall in love without any expectations or pressure, like Diego and I."
I can see Julieta nod and smile slightly in agreement to what I said.
"In all honesty Abigail, Agustin and I feel the same way as you do, but it is hard to say no to mama wants she has set her mind, more so when we ourselves are very fond of Andres ourselves."
"Please don't take this the wrong way Abby, mama is not forcing or pressuring you. She is just trying to get the best possible match for her nietas. And Andres is a sweet boy with a lot of power that would be able to protect himself and his family without needing to self sacrifice. But if you give her a straight answer, she will back off."
'I respect Alma, I really do, but I do not think she will let Andres go for that very reason.'
I think privately to myself, doing my best to not let this thought show on my face, but if the slight frown I see on Julieta's is any indication, my doubt must have shown anyways.
With a sigh and after stalling a bit by drinking more of my delicious tea with honey and eating one of the cookies on a plate Julie set aside for us earlier, before speaking again.
"Julie, I just want my son to live life free and happy. Yes, he is powerful and talented beyond belief, most likely due to his Magic, but that doesn't change anything. If anything that only enhances my belief and desire."
"If it is meant to be, then it will happen naturally. Although I wouldn't be adverse to more play dates like this to increase that chance. Nothing more."
I had to get Julieta to accept this, to join my side in this matter and help convince Alma. If I don't, it will be so much harder to reign Alma in. Sigh, this is why I hate being serious, that's Diego's thing… unless it comes to me or my little Ice Man, then he is just a big ol' softy.
After hearing what I had to say and looking into my eyes for a bit, Julieta smiles in relief? Huh?
"I am glad, Abby."
'Glad about what? Hey! Don't just say something so open ended and not explain!'
My pout and confused face earned a laugh from Julie, drawing the attention of the kids for a moment to see what was funny, Andres longer than the girls… and seemingly looking at me with pity and an understanding grimace? How can he do that as a baby?
"Don't worry about mama, I will talk to her and get her to lighten up and stop talks of engagement for now."
I could only sigh in relief hearing this, before perking up with a joyful smile after what she said next.
"So, has the little Ice Man done anything new recently?
"Yep! Just before we came here he made life realistic moving replicas of myself and Sadie on our patio relaxing in my reading chair, I really thought they were alive! His attention to detail is getting even better everyday, the ice Sadie's fur and my ice mini-me's hair and clothing were moving as if caressed by wind and reacted exactly like they would for real!"
This definitely impressed Julieta, and why wouldn't it?! My son is amazing!
"Sounds beautiful, I admit to being a little jealous of his abilities, I know Bruno and Pepa most certainly are haha. Just the other day, Bruno and Pepa were trying to create and mold things using their sand and snow respectively but just made a big mess with the kids to play with instead. You should have seen their faces when mama came home early! They looked like kids caught trying to sneak cookies from the cookie jar hahaha."
This mental image caused me to burst out in gleeful laughter, that must have been hilarious!
Like that, the two women started laughing and talking about anything that came to mind, just having fun, enjoying each other's company and de-stressing from their stressful week.
All under the observing eyes and slight smile of a little boy… before said boy was used as a teddy bear… again. Sigh.