
En Verse

En Verse is a tale of discovery, self-reflection, and the power of stories. It captures Rue's journey from a complacent observer to an active participant in his own life, driven by his love for the moon and the enchanting stories it represents. The story intertwines themes of belonging, community, and the pursuit of one's dreams, taking readers on a poetic and evocative adventure through the eyes of Rue.

RuOmino · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Origin Stories

Tib was a weathered farmer in the village of Aesop, known for his broad-brimmed hat and patched overalls that bore the stains of toil. His face wore the lines of experience, etched by years spent under the sun's relentless gaze. It was during one of those sweltering afternoons, while tilling the fields on the outskirts of the village, that Rue found himself engaged in his first debate with Tib.

As their hoes sliced through the earth, stirring up the scent of freshly turned soil, Tib's deep voice resonated across the field. "Rue, my boy, have you ever heard of the Lying Contest?"

Rue, intrigued by the prospect of this contest, looked up from his work, his eyes shining with curiosity. "The Lying Contest? Tell me more, Tib."

Tib chuckled, a sound that seemed to emerge from the very depths of the earth. "Ah, it's not as wicked as it sounds, Rue. You see, in our village, we have a tradition of engaging in debates, or as some like to call them, Lying Contests. It's where we craft stories, pitting them against each other, seeking to captivate our audience with our narratives. It's a way for us to share our experiences, our dreams, and our imaginations."

Rue's heart quickened with excitement. The notion of weaving stories and engaging in spirited exchanges ignited a flame within him. "So, the stories we create, they become a battleground of words?"

Tib nodded, a smile dancing upon his weathered face. "Indeed, young Rue. These contests not only entertain but also teach us the power of storytelling. We learn to shape narratives that touch the hearts and minds of others, and in doing so, we discover the essence of our own tales."

Rue's mind raced, visions of grand adventures and extraordinary quests taking shape before him. He realized that storytelling was not merely a pastime but a gateway to unexplored realms. It was a means to share one's dreams, inspire others, and forge connections that transcended the boundaries of time and space.

As the debate between Rue and Tib unfolded, their voices intertwined, the field itself becoming a stage for their words. Tib recounted the legends of old, tales of mythical creatures and forgotten civilizations, while Rue wove his stories with threads of imagination and the whispers of the wind. The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting an amber glow upon their faces, as the villagers paused their labors to listen to the lyrical sparring.

In that moment, Rue understood the profound impact of stories on the human spirit. The tales carried within them the power to heal, to inspire, and to transform. They connected people, providing glimpses into the fabric of their souls, fostering empathy and understanding.

But amidst the debate, a restlessness stirred within Rue. As he looked out beyond the familiar fields of Aesop, a yearning for something more, something beyond the routine of village life, tugged at his heart. The stories, though enchanting, were not enough. Rue craved his own adventure, his own narrative waiting to be written.

As the debate drew to a close, Rue bid Tib farewell, his mind brimming with possibilities. The moon, radiant and full, rose high in the night sky, illuminating his path home. Its gentle glow whispered of undiscovered lands and hidden treasures, beckoning Rue to venture beyond the confines of Aesop.

He knew that his destiny lay beyond the borders of the village, in the vast expanse of the Empire and the realms that lay beyond. With each step, he could feel the weight of tradition and the bonds of community gradually giving way to the exhilaration of the unknown.

In the quiet of his room, Rue gazed at the moon, the eternal observer of stories, and made a silent vow. He would forge his own tale, a tale of discovery and self-realization, fueled by his natural curiosity and love for storytelling. The village of Aesop would forever remain in his heart, but his feet would carry him towards the horizon, where adventure awaited.

And so, with the moon as his guiding light and the stories of Aesop imprinted upon his soul, Rue embarked on a journey that would take him far from home. The next chapter of his life would be written in the ink of his own experiences, as he sought to build his story and adventure through the lands of the Empire and beyond.

As the door closed behind him, Rue stepped into the night, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. With each stride, he left behind the village routine, embracing the unknown with open arms. The moon smiled down upon him, its glow promising that his tale, woven with the threads of courage and curiosity, would shine brightly amidst the constellation of stories in the vast tapestry of existence.