
Empress Of The Netherlands

author_love_ · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

You did good ^

"Almost there milady. Just one more push!" the already exhausted mid-wife spoke. The pregnant woman she was attending to had given her the most difficult task of her life. She had been in labor now for almost three days!

The young woman laid on an extravagantly large bed, drenched in her own sweat from head-to-toe, as uncontrollable tears streamed down her face, alongside the mucus running down her nose. She had been crying for hours now, non-stop. She wanted to see her baby. She didn't want to die. She didn't want to believe what the witch had told them. She would give birth and nurture her baby till she would grow old but at this point, she was beginning to think otherwise.

She had this unshakeable feeling at the back of her mind that this was how she was going to leave this world and the man that she loved oh so dearly. She looked towards her husband for the last time, who was also sweating profusely, his eyes glistened with tears threatening to fall. No one needed to tell him what she was thinking.

She smiled weakly at him and mouthed the words 'I'm going to die'

Earl encased his wife's hand in his, trying to be strong for both of them. He kissed her hand and said "No, just one more push and I'll have both you and our child in my arms" as he blinked a million and one times, trying his utmost best to not shed a single tear.

"PUSH!" the mid-wife yelled, as she was slowly losing her temper.

Aubrielle smiled at her husband one last time with tears in her eyes as she whispered "I love you"

She took a deep breath, gathering all the energy left within her and gave it one last push and then, the room was filled with the cries of a baby. Earl was happy and relieved at the same time.

"Congratulations my grace, milady has blessed us with a girl!" the mid-wife beamed as she handed the little bundle of joy to the new mother.

Aubrielle carried her baby with care but, she didn't look like someone who was happy to be a mother instead, she had a smile of death on her face. She felt bad that she was going to leave her beautiful daughter all alone in this world, without a mother. She stared at the little girl's vibrant green eyes that reminded her of no one other than he loving husband. She brought the crying baby towards her chest and said through her own sobs "Morrigan... Name my daughter Morrigan"

With that, Aubrielle closed her eyes, ignoring her baby cries and that was it. That was the end...

Earl looked at the body that once held his wife's soul. All the tears that once filled his eyes vanished without a trace as realization of his wife's death hit him hard.

Without saying a word to anyone in the room, he got up and took his child from his wife's arms. The little baby girl had now stopped crying while she looked at the man in front her with her green eyes fascinatedly.

He smiled sadly as he could almost hear his wife's voice say "She took them from you"

The thought of his wife now, made tears stream down his face and he sobbed loudly, like the baby he held in his arms.

Not knowing what to do, the other people who were in the room, immediately exited to let the man mourn his wife in peace.

He stared at his wife's body and adored her beauty one more time. She was different from every other woman he had met. Not just because she wasn't from around here or because she had slightly darker skin color from the rest, she was just...his. His life, his love and his wife.

He leaned over with their child in his arms and gave his wife a kiss on her forehead. With a broken heart, he said "You did good"